Are you going to re-offer the free discount you guys had going when Apple pulled this? (I highly think you should)
Okay toftt. There is a pass and play feature which is like single player since you could just play by yourself and control everyone. Haven't actually tried it out, have to do tutorial. Edit- Don't see and player vs. ai though.
Not sure how this flew under my radar - saw the icon and thought someone was ripping off Dungeons & Dice (and excellent Talisman clone.) Don't have the funds to pick this up at the moment, but if it plays anything like Dungeons & Dice, it'll be a nice multiplayer board game and should easily be worth the buck. I'll be back with more comments after I recover from the holidays...
We will offer HROOGAR for Free to celebrate Happy New Year and Version 1.1 release after Saturday Night, YES... This very day. Happy New Year Everyone.
This is a very charming little tabletop RPG. I look forward to the async update, so that I can get my Hroogar on with my pals.
If the crashing continues, please try these ways. 1) Reboot your device and run Hroogar again. 2) If 1) doesn't work, Please Log in your game center account IN THE GAME CENTER APPLICATION and run Hroogar again. Thank you.
I fixed this crashing issue and submitted new v1.1.1 version to Apple. Thank you everyone for posting this bug.
What the hell? I went to install it on my doesn't say install. When was the last version pulled? 2 apps, same name, same icon... Dublew Tee Eff?
I click on the link for the app on iTunes on my PC, and it links me to the same damn game but with the price showing instead of saying download. I am god damn sick of this app store bullhockey. I thought I had the "real" version. That's why I ignored the "freebie" thread about this game. I though it had been pulled a year ago or so. I just got the damn game. For the love of Christ, developers, change the damn name, icon, SOMETHING. I nearly had another Bad Robot experience. Screw it. I'll pay another damn 99 cents just so I can give your game a review that will hopefully discourage anyone else from buying a game from "HYLMES". Sick and tired of this bull.
The App Store on my iPad shows "install" when I search for "Hroogar with friends". Did you end up downloading something else? Version 1.1.1 Size 26.5MB