Hi. I worry because my parents have gotten mad at me a lot lately playing games. I always say that I am not addicted, but now I worry because I have my future to think about.. I played a lot during the summer but my parents only let me play during weekends on school days. Could you guys answer the title question?
When I turn on my phone just to post on a forum about video games. Oh, you mean for you! Ask yourself this question: can you go 72 hours without playing a game? If you can't then you probably are. If it does bother you then go without the next day and see how you feel.
I think I spend more time talking about video games nowadays than I do playing them. Not the worst addiction to have really, as long as it doesn't interfere with your regular life,(work, family, spouse, school) then I wouldn't worry about it. Playing only on weekends during school days sounds far from being addicted, of course that's assuming it's not affecting your performance in school(like homework for instance). Playing a lot during summer seems like a common thing, though you might want to look into getting a part time job perhaps(depending on your age)? That might get your parents to see that you're not spending your entire summer just in front of the screen.
im 14. Im actually a good student but idk.. I'm getting into trouble a lot recently sometimes about games..
If you're only playing during weekends I think it's pretty safe to assume you're not addicted. If you were you'd be sneaking in gaming sessions throughout the week too. Signs to watch out for include missing meals, lack of sleep, missing appointments (work, school, etc) and a noticeable drop in social activities. Playing games with friends is fine, but if you ignore them all in favor of a day of gaming, you might be approaching that thin line. Equally as important as addiciton: don't let gaming stress you out. If you find you're constantly ragequitting or throwing controllers you might need to take up a more relaxing game or cut down on your time spent gaming.
When I was your age I also play a lot of computer games. My parent restricted me by setting up the password for the PC but sometimes I got the password right and I played whenever I have a chance. However it is very hard to say if you are addictive to game when you are still knowing that you are playing the game :lol:. Addicts often confuse their life and their game, you are still knowing what you are doing.
Hmmm... yeah, i'd agree with that. Pretty accurate description of how I was a few weeks ago while playing Diablo III. Thankfully, the game started to suck and I have no motivation left to play longer ^____^
hmm.. I would never ever skip a school day or an appointment. My parents would kill me. I haven't been eating much lately(i eat only lunch) but i don't think that's due to games..But my parents are asian.. so they yell at me whenever i play like 45 min..
There are benefits to playing games but as with anything you need to balance the positives with the negatives. I sometimes ask myself the same question, but now that I'm a developer it makes the question even harder to answer. Obviously I need to play games (research ) as part of my career. I'd say try and use your passion for games to help you in other ways. I started making games when I was about 13, and doing programming re-enforced my ability in math as it gave me a real world application and made me want to learn more to help my programming. If you're more creative you could do something as simple as creative writing (try and review the games you play). Alternatively if you're more musical then try learning game tunes on the Piano or making your own remixes. Artistic? Redraw your fav game characters and come up with some of your own.
You know you're addicted to gaming when you create a thread on a gaming forum asking whether or not you are addicted
Yea.. I am trying to make a game with my friend right now.. Not going as well as I thought it would.. And i am a musician and am creating some music *sigh*
Well, there is a phrase that I think applies here: Be Happy. Be Happy. Be Happy. If video games in whatever way are making your life harder to live, then do something else that you know will help you feel better. Thus, instead of agonizing over whether or not you're addicted, you are doing as much as you can to stay positive about your life, in a balanced and moderate way of course ^_^ It doesn't solve your specific problem, but it should help you feel motivated about your life instead of worrying that it's all going to slide down the garbage chute. Hopefully that helps ^_^ Sincerely, Mr. Album
Cool to hear, where can I check out your music? Making games is a labour of love. If you want a tip it's to try and iterate quickly and once you're happy you've got something good then work at improving it. Don't feel afraid to scrap everything and start again. If you make quick iterations then it'll be easier to let go and move onto the next prototype if it didn't turn out how you'd hoped.
ummm...lol my music sucks right now.. trying to create some more.. I can't get the hand of garageband for the macbook.. My friend and I have to know the language first.. Thanks for the tips though
another sign of addiction is that you are still playing while your iphone/itouch/ipad is charging... T_T
Thanks everyone. I'm very easily bored.. I hate boredom so much I would rather die.. Whenever I play games I do feel happy, but when I stop I still feel fine. I do think about games from time to time though.
As long as you get good grades and do well in school, you can do whatever the hell you want with your free time with absolutely zero guilt. And unless you're one of those guys who ends up on the news for starving to death while playing WoW, then you have nothing to worry about.