I'm curious to see which age group is most represented on T.A. The Mods probably have access to this information for all users, but let's do an anonymous poll...
I am 118. I'm trying to contact the Guinness Book of Records but they don't want to talk to me since the time I tried to contact them to tell them that I should be listed as world's most athletic old man.
well, I'm just a couple months away from another age group... I'm going to vote there since I honestly believe that my maturity (on TA of course: not real life ) is about there. It shouldn't really screw with the results too much, right?
Rofl at Phattey's post. 18 here. Most people's ages are listed if you click their name, and click view public profile. The majority of the people here will have their birthdays listed there. Guess should be interesting though.
I'm in the same situation as Fatty, only a few weeks until my birthday so I'll vote myself into the new group.
That's not even that old...I have over 20 years on you if not a day. My local news did a story on me. I requested they not overexpose the story. They wanted me to be checked out by all these physicians but I told them, "not going to the doctors is why I'm still around, damn quacks"
Age doesn't matter. Maturity doesn't matter. Being able to type out a coherent paragraph and take part in a conversation does
Good call. Perhaps I should change my stance to "being able to type more than ten words at a time when your name is Random_Guy". Or even "being able to resist signing posts with your name when you're Harpgliss". And you call that a lawn? I'm standing in a mud puddle!
Sounds like you're standing in my back lawn. You mind doing some weeding while you're back there? The hot tub is off limits. Don't even think about it! It's for Drelbs' and Mrs. Drelbs' personal use only, and besides it's locked to keep the whipper snappers (and the frogs) out.