I was syncing my iPhone yesterday and noticed I had 800md of other on my iPhone. I tried a restore to get rid of it but it came back when my apps went back on so I guess it must be part of my applications but 1.6gb for all my apps seems a lot though.
Lol and that 2.2 GB is a consolidated number. I deleted 2.5 pages of apps to get there. I only have 6 pages right now of apps.
Wow, that really says something about the iTouch as a gaming platform: people buying an mp3 player and having nothing but apps???
Lol I apologize if this offends you. But first of all, it's a phone not a mp3 player. And second of all, I had a couple gigs of music on it, restored it, and then didn't want to wait an hour for it to all get re-synced back on. And since I didn't listen to the ipod part of it very much anyway I just haven't gotten back around to putting the music on there. And yes I use it for the games, texting, internet and email pretty much only.
I'm not a developer and I don't have music on my iPotch. None. Like zincous I restored to fix an error and it was late 24 was coming on, popcorn was ready, so I canceled the music.