How important are promo codes and or prize pools?

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by WickedAwesome, Nov 11, 2010.

  1. WickedAwesome

    WickedAwesome Active Member

    May 8, 2010
    Concept Wizard
    Melbourne, Australia
    Hey Guys,
    Just wanted to ask, to end users, how important is it getting promo codes for games? Also, do you pay just that little more attention to games that have prize pools during their launch?

    Just something I was a little interested in and being new I thought I'd ask the experts!

    Cheers everyone,

  2. ImNoSuperMan

    ImNoSuperMan Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2009
    I havent really seen increased interest in games which giveaway promo codes or cash prizes here. But if the contest is done well enough (something creative instead of something like Retweeting to enter), it might create a lil buzz. But that too only if the game is actually different enough to make it stand out from the rest of the crowd. Unfortunately, most games arent. People (including myself) tend to forget about the game as soon as the contest is over.

    For an example of an interesting contest, look at 'Time Geeks' contest here on TA. I thought that was done well enough. I was interested in the game already but there wasnt an iPad version so I never really cared much. The contest made me try out the lite. Now I'm pretty sure I'll be picking it up once the iPad version as soon as its out.
  3. WickedAwesome

    WickedAwesome Active Member

    May 8, 2010
    Concept Wizard
    Melbourne, Australia
    Good point.
    Agree that the Time Geeks contest seemed to create a good amount of interaction but I honestly didnt get involved in it because maybe it was slightly more involved?? Dunno. I do like gift cards and free downloads but I do feel like a social whore have to spruik about games simply because of it. Is there a fine line there? Cash for comments?

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