You must be an idiot to think that is even remotely possible! (psst, PM Hodapp. Not Arn ) WHat? WHAT???? I never flamed anyone. A rude post or two maybe but dont think that accounts to flaming everyone. All I ever did here was create threads, post about sales, updates and kept bugging the mods to change the thread title every time I posted them until they got fed up by all the PMs, and begged arn to make me mod just to make sure they can browse TA for atleast 5 minutes without a PM bump in their face
ehhh, imnosupermna deserved to be a mod. he managed to give me an infraction 3 minutes (i timed) after i broke a rule. if that's not worthiness, i don't know what is. he's a good mod.
thats super uber- IMMA FIRE MAH' LAZOR! O o /¯__________________________________ | BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH! ! \_¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯¯ Anyway, ImYesSuperDude earned it.... XD But no Imnosuperwoman.... She didnt deserve it! Oh yeah, ImnoSuperman also earned it too XD
i totally know what you mean i was just about to also but then i'm like wait this is getting really stupid...
Yeah, I sort of realized as soon as I posted this thread that there would be a lot of spam that doesn't pertain to the original topic. Soooo...who likes chocolate?