Hot Springs Story: Tips & Strategies

Discussion in 'General Game Discussion and Questions' started by KiddToKmart, Feb 28, 2011.

  1. sacschumac

    sacschumac New Member

    Feb 25, 2011
    thanks a lot phazer89, all makes sense now:)
    I just love it when it goes 'its golden week, Japan's busiest holiday'!:)

    thanks again
  2. alexph

    alexph New Member

    May 11, 2011

    Thanx so very much for answering my question, phazer89:).
  3. Kairoplayer

    Kairoplayer New Member

    Jun 8, 2011
    Quick question.....

    If you use an effect, does it work for everything in that type or just that particular store / facility??
  4. MNoldAr

    MNoldAr Well-Known Member

    Apr 14, 2011
    When will they update the game? Why they didn't add GC achievements or leaderboard? Seems the game has been forgotten:confused:
  5. adriankhoo153

    adriankhoo153 Member

    Apr 20, 2011
    I am still a begginer on this HSS. Should i destroy my hot spring? I actualy have 6 hot springs and 3 restaurant, 4 pachinko machine and 9 rooms. I see many screenshot posted here only have 2 hot springs.
  6. dutru

    dutru New Member

    Dec 24, 2011
    #266 dutru, Dec 24, 2011
    Last edited: Dec 26, 2011
    Any one succeeds in getting more than 15M / year and 380 guests / year. It's the max I can get with max inn popularity and very high Room, Bath popularity.
    The full layout of my Inn is attached.

    The actual state of my Inn:
    - 5 baths for men, 5 baths for women, with different levels of compatibility. I will discuss the detail later.
    - 58 western rooms (pop.min = 416 pop.max = 486) and 1 vip room.
    - 51 Plum trees and 51 Maple trees.
    - Pop.min (all facility included) = 112

    Now, here is the answer of "why such a layout?":
    - Both large bath are on the left (zone X20Y03 / X14Y05) because they cant be rotated, and I want the entrance to be oriented toward house zone. Each of large bath has full heart (compatibility) so I don't need any bath effect around them. They are also placed close to the South so I can start using them as soon as Land deed 3. Each large bath has pop = 400+

    - The first level of normal bath has almost full heart. For men: 4Youth 5Adult 5Senior, 2 baths, zone X19Y19 / X14Y15 and zone X06Y10 / X02Y07. For women: 5Y 5A 5S, 2 baths, zone X05Y05 / X01Y01 and X06Y19 / X02Y14. Each first level bath has pop = 300+
    + I notice that price is only affected by Scenery and base price, not popularity (at least at my level of popularity). As a consequence, I try to get the most hearts with the least placements. The best combination for women bath is Silk*2 + Jaz*3; the best combination for men bath is Spring*2 + Jaz*2. Notice that I used female seed on normal female bath (2 hearts for Y A S), and fame seed on normal male bath (Jaz Spa Spring all +1).
    + A note concerning Fast friend effect: Large bath needs it to make Old couple, Young couple, Young family and Rich couple to USE them, while normal bath does not. However, the only real "group" that go to a bath is a mother and a child. All other groups will be separated into 2 persons, his/her satisfaction is then affected by his/her type (male, female, youth, adult, senior). It results that the Incrowd effect, which requires 5 placements for 1,5 heart (ratio 3.3, the lower is the better) is NOT interesting at all. If someone insists in making it, I recommend for normal female bath only (providing that your Large bath has all hearts already like mine).
    + The Incrowd effect is the worst in term of ratio placement/heart = 6. So I'm fine with my 4Y baths. The 6 placements are better used for scenery.
    + The Forever young effect requires a Pond, which you can have only 2. Besides, putting a Pond near a normal bath is kind of a waste due to limited placement and scenery bonus (check the detail about scenery given in an earlier post if you don't know what I'm talking about).
    + Spa effect isn't bad, ratio placement/heart = 4. However, I can get 5A without it, so I just leave it alone.

    - The second level of normal bath: they don't have special effect due to placement constraint, zone X20Y13 / X20Y06 and zone X06Y13 / X03Y12. I build them because I notice the guests often spend most time standing in the bath queue every morning, this limits their time to use other facility. Each of these bath has pop = 250+.

    - Concerning the guest behavior, rooms are in their own category since they are paid only once despite multiple uses / days. Baths are the most frequently used. After a bath, most guests (or ALL) want to hit a vending machine or a massage chair, so I try to put at least 1 of each near the bath entrance.

    - Concerning the house zone, notice the repeated layout: zone X12Y19 / X08Y01. The combo: restaurant + vending machine + massage chair provides each western room an acceptable heart level (YouthMale + 1 / YouthFemale +1 / AdultM + 1.5 / AF + 1.5 / SeniorM + 1.5 / SF + 1.5) with the minimal placement (3 placements for 12 rooms).
    + I ONLY use western room because of 2 reasons : restaurant does not work with tatami room; and using 2 kinds of room requires much more investment into item (the most costly is popularity seed, which is at 4mil each now for me).

    - You may also notice that I DO NOT use karaoke room, library, tea house, pingpong table, pachinko machine.... Well, I actually did at the beginning to raise some money, but not in "end game" because: I'm not interested in their respective bath effect; and I'm not willing to invest in items for them (the same reason applied to Tatami room); and finally, my guests do not have time to stand idly, so for example if i puts a karaoke room, my neighbor fortune teller room will be less used.

    Now, there are some points I would like to discuss, since I'm not sure about them and I'm interested in your opinion:

    - What kind of guest should I choose as target once my Inn pop. reaches 441 (the maximum)?
    + Voter type: My answer is NO, because I got 12k point for Nichelin guide without focusing on any types of main voter or bonus voter.
    + Advertising type: I notice absolutely no bonus in my average guest number per year (365-380), choosing 3 advertising types of guest compared to 3 different category types.
    + Stayers type: I also notice absolutely no bonus in my average income per year (15.1-15.5 Mil), choosing 3 stayers compared to other category.
    + Item type: they are may be the best during my "early end game". Since I use sooooo many Plum tree and Maple tree (1.6Mil each now), I'm very glad when the guest gives me a Plum tree for free. From my experience, they can find all kinds of item, with the exception of Popularity seed and Prize seed (Relaxation, Gourmet ...). The Business man finds Price seed the most often.
    * Concerning the Price seed, I always think it doesn't worth buying them. The price goes up very fast after 5 or so purchase. In my first play, I think I stop buying them when the price is around 200k each. When I use Price seed on my facility, most of the time I get less than 100 price bonus (the first on bath gives 700, the second 160 the third 50...). Now, supposing that I use a 100k seed on my western room (58 in my Inn) and I get a bonus of 50. It means my rooms need to be used 2000 times to make a real bonus. With less than 400 guests per year, I need at least 5 years to gain a real bonus on THAT seed. Does it sound interesting for you? For me, its absolutely NOT. So I often just let the business man take care of these price seeds for me, and enjoy the free price bonus.
    + Facility type: the best type in "end game", because they are the only way to raise your scenery once you use all the placement.
    + Money up type: they often tell you that they will bring more money next time. However, using my yearly income and yearly guest number, I find that each guest spends around 40k per stay. Problem is, there is only 1 type of guest that has less than 40k in their pocket. The max my guest can have is 400k. Besides, I also notice absolutely no difference when I pick 3 richest types or 3 poorest types in term of yearly income.
    + Based on observations above, right now I pick : Rich heir + noble women (for facility) and business men (the second richest type after rich heir and also can prove some item, though this part isnt important since all my room/facility are maxed out with all kind of item except popularity seed)

    - How many reception should I have, and where? I read earlier that putting one reception at the left most side is the best bet, I do agree with it to some extent. However I disagree when someone advices not putting any reception at the right wall because:
    + There are actually 3 entrance points: Left, right and bottom.
    + Though the Goldenweek guest are mostly coming from the left, the month of May may NOT be the best income month because the mass flow of guest will queue up a lot in front of reception, thus they reach room late at night. If they do not stay the next day, and nothing seems to guarantee that they will, you get just the room fee (10k each).
    + Some say that putting a reception far from the entrance is not good, because the guest will have to walk more. My argument is that they WILL have to walk any way. Let's say that there is no more free room near the reception, the only available rooms are deep inside zone X12Y19 / X08Y17 for example, the distance a guest (from the left entrance point) have to walk is the almost same wherever he uses my X20Y01 or my X07Y04 reception.
    + Besides, I would rather have many receptions to limit the time guest stay in the queue (they don't move) than direct them all into a single or 2 receptions.

    - Should I separate my Inn into zone for men, for women, for adults etc? Some guides suggest to do so but I disagree. It's simply because you CAN NOT decide where each type of guest go. There are some kinds of priority rules deciding which guest is assigned which room, but the type of guest is definitely NOT included in these rules. That's why I choose to make well-round room and well-round Inn, any guest can go anywhere and will still be satisfied.

    - How many room should I have at max Inn pop? The Goldenweek is the only occasion that may cause problem. I don't have enough with 60 + 1 room. 62 + 1 seems to be fine. However, when I check how frequently my rooms are used per year (you can do it at Inn info at the end of December), around 1 third of my rooms are used only once per year. It's not surprising since 380 / 12 = 31 guests per month. Right now, I try to figure out which is the better way between:
    + Less room but more entertainment. I'm not too convinced by this option, due to the fact my guests are already busy all the time. Besides, more item purchase is also a problem. Maybe more baths, but it's hard to find a place with acceptable scenery. Remember that all my current baths have scenery between 90 and 221.
    + Less room but more scenery. 1.6 mil per tree and the price keeps going up (T_T) I do have money (around 200 Mil to spare) but still I wonder if it does me any good.

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      122.6 KB
  7. 8 hands

    8 hands New Member

    Dec 30, 2016
    Chimpan z room selection

    It's worked each time...
    Pick a room the night before. As soon as it is reserved, hammer it down and change it to something else.
    When the chimp comes in he will pick his own room and pass!:D

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