Don't play it frequently any more but it's the only game to stay on my phone (and all subsequent phones) since I bought it. Along with this and XCOM receiving an iOS 11 update, I'm much closer to breaking my self imposed embargo.
This is only game that I've played for years. I'm on level 1,213 and still have a long way to go. My only request is that iCloud syncing be enabled. I've been playing this game on my older iPad Air 2, and I'd like to play it also on my more current iPhone.
Has anyone played the most recent update? They updated the graphics with more detail with the option to play with the “Legacy” graphics if you want to keep the retro vibe.
I played one game the other day. Not quite sure I like the size of the screen post update. I'm still using iPhone XR and everything seems a bit smaller than I remembered before update. Makes tapping the screen just slightly harder... Otherwise, can't really tell the difference after one game play.
I just tried it and yeah, the new graphics are way less readable and kind of annoyingly small on my 11 pro. Swapped back to legacy and it’s so much better.
My bad. Guess it had been a very long time since I played last. For clarification, the newest update added “Support for Apple Silicon Devices”, whatever that means.