Universal Hoplite (by Douglas Cowley)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, Dec 21, 2013.

  1. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    This is probably a stupid question but....

    Does this support 4" screens?
  2. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013

  3. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    Ok thanks. I saw that they just added iOS 6 support and thought that for some reason it would have black bars on the sides (dumb I know).

    Thanks again.
  4. vii-Lucky

    vii-Lucky Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2013

    See the image so you won't ask again next time.

    Attached Files:

  5. Teh_Ninja

    Teh_Ninja Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2010
    Waiter at Chili's
    I wasn't close to my phone when I asked. I didn't even think to look at the description for the app. :rolleyes:
  6. CaseyRobinson

    CaseyRobinson Active Member

    Dec 8, 2008
    Picked this up last week, still hooked. Just finished the "Flawless" achievement after many tries and much cursing. I thought I was boned on level 16 in my successful run, but apparently wizards won't toast you if there is another demon (or just wizard?) behind you that would also be hit. Pure luck that I jumped into a spot that was safe because of that rule.
  7. EnGeneral

    EnGeneral Member

    Mar 24, 2013
    Possibly one of the greatest mobile games I've ever played. Incredibly simple premise with a nigh endless depth, wrapped in a neat presentation with impressive playablity. I was a bit deflated when it took me only three runs to reach the 16th floor, but then I began to pay attention to the achievements -- only half of which I've unlocked after a few days with the game (sporadic play, not continuous; I have things to do). I'll excavate all of those jewels before focusing on a high score. A true gem. Great work.
  8. Lazer Kat

    Lazer Kat Well-Known Member

    Sep 29, 2013
    I know I'm late to the show, but I'm so glad I finally arrived.
    I'm not sure why I was on the fence with this one.

    This game is spectacular.
  9. Bronxsta

    Bronxsta Well-Known Member

    Dec is working on a game for 7DRL. Here's the link to the pre-alpha version

    The key is to use your powers to knock enemies into hazards to kill them
  10. ISayPorter

    ISayPorter Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    Aha! Could be most useful. Thanks for that tip.
  11. ISayPorter

    ISayPorter Member

    Apr 10, 2012

    So, does anyone know whether sacrificing health at an altar counts as 'taking damage' for the purposes of the "save the fleece without taking damage" achievement?
  12. sapphire_neo

    sapphire_neo Well-Known Member

    Jan 20, 2011
    I don't think it does, but I could be wrong... sorry, it's been a while since I beat that challenge.
  13. Zunda

    Zunda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2014
    I've been trying to finish some achievements: The Depth, Speed run, Athiest, Demon Partisan and Pacifist, but none of them seem likely to beat for me. Any tips for them?
  14. ISayPorter

    ISayPorter Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    I found a combination of quick bash, rapid bash (sacrifice one heart) and protective bash (sacrifice two hearts) enabled me to hit level 27 easily with only three hearts. I didn't even bother with regeneration, preferring Agility.
  15. ISayPorter

    ISayPorter Member

    Apr 10, 2012
    The Depth is the only achievement you mention which I have actually got. I keep getting attacks of the stupid around level 15/16 whenever I try the others. Have only managed about eight at Demon Partisan.
  16. Zunda

    Zunda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2014
    #116 Zunda, Mar 26, 2014
    Last edited: Mar 26, 2014
    Then I can get invincible every second turn? I've never tried though come up with that idea once, so I'll go The Depth achievement first with the combination.
  17. Zunda

    Zunda Well-Known Member

    Mar 6, 2014
    Wow! I did it!

    Attached Files:

  18. ISayPorter

    ISayPorter Member

    Apr 10, 2012

    I got a new one too! Sacrificing hearts does NOT count as taking damage.

    Attached Files:

  19. Jeto

    Jeto New Member

    May 17, 2014
    This game is a gem

    Bumping this thread as I didn't see many forums mentioning Hoplite on the web.

    This is one of the greatest games I've ever played on mobile. Fun, easy to get into, but super deep as well especially if you wanna grab all the achievements (the one where you must not prey is probably the hardest, along with the speed run one).

    After getting all the achievements, I made several runs and my last one was depth 48! I decided to return the fleece at that point to get the highest possible score (278 iirc). Could've tried to reach 50 but the levels were running out of space to jump into so I wasn't feeling confident at all.

    For those interested, I used a combination of:
    - Greater Energy + Greater Energy II
    - Bloodlust I
    - Deep Lunge
    - Protection
    - Wizard Beam
    - Swift Leap
    - Regeneration

    The Swift Leap + Wizard Beam combination is absolutely fantastic. Protection is imba as ####, so is Deep Lunge. Energy + Bloodlust gives you ability to keep leaping almost infinitely as long as you're killing demons and Regeneration is really useful on later levels.

    Anyway, really hope this game will have a sequel or something (other classes please!)
  20. curi

    curi Active Member

    Mar 12, 2014
    #120 curi, Jun 5, 2014
    Last edited: Jun 5, 2014
    Game Impressions

    Hi, just got a great score and thought I'd share. Fun game. Would love to hear if anyone has done better.


    Prayer build (18 potential hearts max):
    2 slashing lunge
    2 regen
    3 winged leap
    4 bashing: invul, range
    2 spear: wiz beam, range
    2 protection
    3 hearts

    (the cost of talents is 1 more than the number of hearts they remove, because you're giving up a chance to add 1 heart)

    Next game, I plan to try getting 20 extra mana instead of bash range. i'm thinking this will let me use 3 jumps each level instead of 2, which will help more than the bash range.

    I feel most of these talent choices have very little room for change.

    I think winged leap + protection is the best thing in the game. you can finish a lot of levels in 2-3 moves. protection not only lets you jump anywhere and only take 1 damage max, it also gives you invulnerability on your next turn. it limits you to taking 1 heart of damage per 2 turns.

    the next important thing is the wizard beam with one range upgrade so it can go 4 squares. this lets you clear 4 squares in front of you, which is your max jump range. this helps a lot when the exit is blocked. you absolutely need the wizard beam range upgrade so if you jump 4 squares forward on your first move on a level, now your wizard beam can clear the exit square. (having 5 range would be nice and lower the chance of the exit getting blocked after you clear it, but that'd cost 2 more potential hearts, i think you'd have to give up shielding bash or lunge)

    NOTE: wizard beam range and spear range are the same talent. you can get spear range early on and then when you get wizard beam later, it will have 4 square range already!

    the basic way you do levels after level 17 is jump forward 4 squares, wizard beam forward to clear the exit, then jump on the exit. you take one damage and then heal it from beating the level. with this build, you will pass tons of levels in a few moves without having to think, it's really easy the majority of the time. you will finish most levels from 17-30 in just 2-3 easy moves, and once its gets more crowded most levels can still be finished within 5 moves. and once it starts getting really hard facing a huge amount of enemies, i feel like any other strategy would struggle even more (would love to be proven wrong though if someone gets further with a completely different strategy).

    when magma or enemies block the ideal path you have to adjust. thanks to regeneration, you can trigger protection twice without actually losing health. that gets you 4 moves with 2 hearts of damage, plus a 5th move for exiting the level which you can do without worrying about getting hit, as long as you kill 3 guys in a row in the process.

    shielding bash gives you an extra move you can spend on a level safely. 2 extra moves if you use it early so the cooldown has time to end. other than that, you'll have to actually find safe squares to stand on which can be very hard once the levels fill up. look at my screenshots below to see what i mean. that level 66 was actually easy, just jump forward, wizard beam, and exit. but 67 was tough. i tried to fight stuff over on the left a bit but i couldn't make it to the stairs and i actually almost died, but i did end up making it into the portal.

    bash range is a nice talent that makes knocking bombs at ranged enemies way more effective. it also makes it a lot easier to get a kill with your bash, which can be useful for safely triggering your regen ability. having your bash move things 2 squares is nice (btw i've tried 2 bash range and actually find it kinda annoying, sometiems it pushes stuff further than you want). next game i'm going to get 20 mana instead of bash range though, because getting off a third jump is more important.

    for the lunge talent, deep lunge is an amazing talent on the earlier levels and it's cheaper. i understand why it's popular. it works all the time instead of only with leaps. however it's not necessary when your main things are 4 square leaps, protection, and 4 square wizard beam, with the occasional invulerable bash. slashing lunge, however, is useful. without it, a lot of your jumps wont' kill anything. killing stuff when you jump has 2 purposes. first, it helps you get 3 kills in a row for regeneration. second, it helps clear enemies out of the way when you jump next the exit.

    some comments on other talents: spear throwing stuff seems pretty useless (i usually get one spear throwing range when i use Surge. the idea is you can throw your spear for the third kill and it returns instantly. that is a fun way to play, but i don't think it's as good). basically i think wizard beam is better than throwing your spear. having to recover your spear and losing lunge are both really bad. i think the teleport to your spear talent, and the recall your spear to you talent, are not good enough. i think their price should be reduced not to cost a heart, and i still wouldn't use them, but at least then they'd be more fun to mess around with. and throwing your spear just to stun enemies seems pretty awful. and the lunge that works when you don't have your spear is a terrible talent, it means giving up the other 2 useful ones and it even costs a heart (it should absolutely have that heart price removed since it's so bad). basically unless you're playing around with Surge, get wizard beam and maybe range, and forget the other spear stuff.

    the Patience talent which lets you stand still is bad, don't get it. it very rarely shows up. (Reaction and Plant Spear show up all the time, i wish they'd show up a little less. they aren't basic stuff like mana or range, so they shouldn't show up so often. Patience and Protection show up too rarely)

    for bashes, i don't think bashing in an arc is very good. knocking back enemies generally doesn't help much because later on there are tons of ranged enemies. bashing in a circle seems totally dumb. moving backwards when you bash doesn't seem very useful but maybe has a little potential because combined with shielding bash it would let you move a square while turning invulernable. any way to get in more movement safely is worth thinking about. the main point of bash is to knock bombs at enemies. to do this safely you need Shielding Bash so you turn invulnerable when you do it. the reason is ranged enemies will constantly be moving to aim at you, so if you don't move or turn invulnerable you'll generally get hit. one point in bash range is nice, two points in bash range can actually be bad in some situations.

    for regeneration/agility/surge, they're all a lot of fun. i think regeneration is the best long term one because it lets you trigger Protection twice per level safely. the other 2 are great fun when you aren't going past level 40.

    for leaps, i think the 4 range leap is the best when you use the ideal strategy with protection. if you aren't going past level 40, the leap that gives you a free action afterwards is a good talent that's fun.

    i feel that regeneration (one use per level max) and the winged 4 leap range are the best later on because you don't kill all the enemies, you rush the exit. but up to around level 40 it's a lot of fun to kill all the enemies. for killing the enemies, Surge and Agility are both good and fun, because you can use them over and over. deep lunge is good and fun too. and the leap that gives a free action is good and fun. (the other 2 leaps, the stun one and the jump on an enemy one with knockback, i don't think are very good. knockback isn't usually very help honestly once there's a ton of ranged enemies).

    for other talents, playing with 2 bash cooldown reduction and the shielding bash talent is a lot of fun. i've gotten to level 47 without Protection so far, i think i was using that for that game. it lets you be invulnerable every other turn. mana and mana regeneration are both useful but it's hard to find points to Prayers to spare for more than getting 20 mana for one Prayer. getting the second 20 mana, or the first 5mana per kill regen costs a prayer and a heart so it's tough, though you could certainly use that stuff a bit at and least still get to level 40.

    PS something important, i'm not sure if it's a bug, but agility/surge/regeneration all can build up to the 3 kills in a row between levels. if your movement onto the exit stairs kills something then you can start with them partially charged on the next level.

    In term of achievements, I forget what they all do, but I would focus on getting the ones that unlock important abilities like Protection and Shielding Bash. you might actually be better off leaving some bad prayers unavailable so you get the good ones on your altars more often, though just unlocking everything is fine too.

    ok and finally here are the pictures from the end of my best run:

    [​IMG] [​IMG]

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