I really need to check the main site more and not just stick to the forums. Hadn't even seen the review yet. Totally deserves that 5 star score (Well I did name-drop Hoplite when I tweeted Musgrave on Monday. Seems to be the guy for the under the radar reviews on TA)
I got moderated off disqus for trying to hint for a review for Hoplite on here haha. May have got a bit over-excited and professed my love for the man but he has been fantastic for reviewing the lesser known games! This, Overlive, Oasis and Fiz - he's definitely the reviewer of the people. It's been a long time since I felt so unashamedly in love with a game. Reminds we why I'm so passionate about my hobby!
Hmm so he's the guy to talk to. How can I contact him? I would like to suggest a review to Super Splatform
Congrats guys! This gem of a game deserves every one of the 5 stars given! Though an update with gamecentre leaderboards would be greatly appreciated! Awesome review TA.
So pumped to see this one get five stars!!! It's everything a mobile game should be, simple and very deep... Lots of tense moments when you're on a good run! I would love to see game center, but I have no problem with a local only score board. It has been on my front screen... Put that on the back of the box!
Awesome, awesome game!! $2 for a no IAP title as well made as this is what i love about ios gaming, and i wish more games were set up like this. Leaderboards would be much appreciated! A few more different enemies would have been great too, but nothing wrong with the game as it is. My favorite ability from my first initial successful playthrough was surge, i was able to get pretty ruthless with leap-lunges and spear throwing, knowing if i had 3 consecutive hits i would get it all back . Tons more abilities i have yet to come across though, looking forward to trying different builds!
FINALLY completed the Demon Partisan acchievement!! What a ball ache! The wizard beam is an absolute beast to use tho! My new fav load out!
Have a couple questions that aren't very easy to replicate without possibly ruining a good run so figured i'd ask here. - Can you lunge OVER enemies to kill them? With a normal 2 tile leap this doesnt apply, as to leap over an enemy you must already be adjacent. But i recently did a run with winged leap and was wondering what would happen if i jumped over an enemy i was not adjacent too. - Will the wizards fire if a teammate is in the way? I have never risked finding out. The wording says they will "avoid" other enemies but i am unsure if that means they attack and the enemy just doesnt die, or if they wont attack (like the archers) - Lastly can someone explain how energy is normally refilled (without any perks). I think this was in the tutorial somewhere, but i cant find it now.
Hi Doug! Thank you for creating this, I feel I will spend an amazing time with it, and I'll force my friends to buy it. Yes, force! I came to this thread to see if you (or someone) could explain the "walk past an enemy, rather than walk toward it - to attack" thing. I sometimes walk up to an enemy expecting my guy (any chance of a female avatar?) to attack him. I can't quite make out when I'll attack or not. In the stabbing tutorial: I can't stab the second enemy by walking up to it. Or the last two, by standing between them. Yet in the Lunging tutorial, walking up to an enemy attacks it straight away. I'm confused! Please advise, many thanks!
Apologies for answering instead of Doug but his site does suggest he's quite busy with Android beta testing etc. 1. Leaping over enemies does kill them, as long as you are in a straight line from them, no matter how far away - skill permitting. Leaping over an enemy you are directly next to kills them as well as you mentioned but doesn't require the spear so it's true that it's not technically the Leap skill. If you have the spear then you can also make a kill from the landing point on an enemy directly in front of you. I'm sure you knew that already, but it's very handy stuff. 2. The Wolf Shamans 100% do not fire through teammates - I just fired up a test game to see as I wasn't brave enough to try either. Very useful to be aware of! 3. Energy is obviously refilled every floor but you can also refill it partially by moving into a hex adjacent to an enemy. Not necessarily one that will get you attacked, just one in close proximity of a foe It's a pretty confusing mechanic, especially early on. You can attack any enemy you walk head first into but only as long as you are holding your spear. This is the Lunge move. The basic attack can only be performed if you are already in a hex adjacent to an enemy and then move into a different hex that is still adjacent to them. It's hard to word simply but try just holding your finger on a hex you're considering moving to, it will highlight all of the enemies you will kill. Using this, it can make it much easier to get experience even if you're still not sure how it works. Hope that helps somewhat
Thanks! that sorts it Following these rules, though, I don't understand why I kill three when I hop over one, and land sideways next to two others... (I now know I will kill in that case, I just don't understand according to which mechanics)
Appreciate the reply! Clears alot up for me and definitely helps with the harder achievements. One more tip i recently found out is that the alter acts as defense- meaning if the alter is between you or an archer/wizard they cannot shoot you. Ive been trying to get the no praying achievement (made it to depth 15 :/) and knowing that will help alot. Not sure about this one, i don't think you should be killing the two you landed next to sideways, unless you were somehow adjacent to them to begin with
Its a fun game but way too easy at the moment imo. I completed it on my fifth attempt and then won the next 3 games in a row immediately afterwards. And although there are some achievements I haven't got yet, there doesn't seem much point in playing more because I feel like I've seen everything the game has to offer, and the high score system is quite limited (compared to 868-HACK for instance). Its a shame, because the basic game mechanics are so good, and they really should be able to create a game which takes more than an hour to master and complete. Another major flaw is that 90% of the prayers/powerups are useless - imo the only one worth getting is the one that gives your spear extra range. Apart from that, the best strategy I think is just to always increase your max HP by 1 until you're maxxed out, and then just restore your HP to full at each altar afterwards. The fact that some prayers actually make you sacrifice your max HP makes them even more unattractive (I would personally remove all these 'sacrifice HP' penalties and just let players pick the prayers without any penalty) FInally while the ability to throw your spear and bash things with your shield should add variety, in practice you don't need to use either very often, and its rarely advantageous to do so (I don't think I used either power during any of my successful runs). The first 16 levels are so easy that you only need to use melee combat and the jump (which is invaluable). There is a really, really brilliant game in here, but I think it needs a bit more work to bring it out. The basic game mechanics are so perfect that it should really be a game that you can play for 20+ hours without getting bored (like 868-HACK), rather than just 1-2 hours at present. The most obvious thing that could be added is a leader board which scores people based on multiple consecutive successful runs (again, like 868-HACK) since thats the only real challenge. Its fun and definitely worth the money though, it just doesn't last as long as it should.
And yeah I realise you can continue on past level 16 so that would be an extra challenge. However, in this case the first 16 levels are pointless because I will finish level 16 in the exact same state every time I play the game (HP maxxed out, with full health and my favorite prayers), and its boring having to play those levels over and over again every time I start a new game.. So one thing that would make the game a lot more fun/challenging would be an "Endless" mode where you just start the game with fully maxxed HP (8 or 9 hearts), but the ability to restore your health is no longer available at the alters (i.e. remove both "Divine Restoration" and "Regeneration" prayers in Endless mode). Under those conditions, it would be a fun challenge seeing how deep people could get with no HP restoration, and it would remove the need to grind through the first 16 levels over and over.