Love this game. The balance is near perfect. Love to see some more quests and types of enemies. Or new obstacles blocking shots and/or jumps. Anyway, great stuff.
This game is destroying my life right now ( -_)\ have not stopped playing it for days on end. How can something so simple and repetitive keep me coming back session after session? I don't get it!!!!! P.s. Has anyone got even close to doing the fleece in 150moves acchievement?! Next question. How the hell!? Lol
I haven't got anywhere remotely close! I can only assume you need to prioritse perks that boost Leap and Energy. There's certainly going to be a lot of leaving floors without killing anything and also judging whether a temple is worth the few extra moves. I love that the game can be changed up so much just by an achievement. If anything were to be added, I'd definitely choose more of them!
If you like this, check out TEN It's a twist on Tic Tac toe, but requires strategy, planning ahead, smart maneuvering...all aspects a fan of Hoplite would appreciate
Can someone explain attacking enemies?? Sometimes while playing my guy doesn't seem to attack when he should. Is there a specific side that you can't attack opponents from? I can't seem to figure it out. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
It's super simple dude but took me a while to get used to as well!!! Basically you kill with your knife or your lance. You use your lance if you move directly towards someone (one step forward or jumping directly at them, or by throwing it at them. If you have thrown your lance you cannot use the direct attack until you have retrieved the lance. The knife works only when someone is on a tile directly adjacent to you. (Once an enemy tile is touching you) when you make your next move, as long as your move is to a side of their hex then they will be killed (you can jump over them or you can move to their side etc.) The knife kill can be combined with the lance. Eg, if an enemy moves to touch your tile (readying to attack you) and there is an enemy In lance range behind them, you jump over the adjacent enemies head and directly face on to another enemy and you LANce that mo fo and knife the other dude in the back at the same time! BOOM. Basically it takes a little getting used to but there is nothing wrong with the game. The kill mechanic is tweaked to perfection!
Thank you so much! I think I understand now thanks to your in depth explanation! I also realized after replaying the tutorial is that if you hold a title next to an enemy and you are in range to attack it will turn red to let you know your attack will hit him. So that's very helpful as well Thanks again! Now back to hoplite! =]
This deceptively simple looking game is surprisingly deep. What a great example of "less is more." Appreciate everything about it.
Hey guys, what is the significance of the "Penetrating Lunge" (or something to that effect) skill? Does this mean, if lined up properly I can take out multiple foes in a line?
It means you can stab thru 2 lined up guys. It doesn't mean you can throw your spear thru em tho. At least this is what I experienced if I remember correctly. I'm still pretty new to it and figuring it out as I go
Yeah, that's correct. It's a pretty nice skill but doesn't always come up with opportunity very often though it is very satisfying taking out three or more with one move! Just to reiterate - if you move directly towards and enemy that has a second positioned directly behind him then you'll defeat them both in one move
Downloading... Download size: 13.7MB Installed size: 16.5MB Really hate that archer. He is the one who gets my spartan every time...
For me it's the shamans with the wolf outfit - that extra attack range catches me off guard all the time. Then again they all have their own ways to wind me up, especially the demolitionists that I have to chase round the map at the end of each floor until I can chuck my spear at them
Very nice game however it is really lacking online leaderboards and Game Center support. The game in essence is a high score race - beating the game by reaching depth 16 and taking the fleece isn't incredibly difficult, I've done it in my 4th attempt. From there, the only reason to keep on playing is to go deeper into the dungeon, seeking a higher score. Not having a competitive leaderboard where one can compare himself to his friends, is a glaring omission in an otherwise very solid game. Any chance we see these added in an update?
Nice, more reviews from 148App, JayIsGames, and a fantastic and well-written one from Pocket Tactics ( If you're trying to convince someone to get this, link them the PT review
Congrats on the amazing reviews and so glad they've done one here. Totally deserved and still one of my favourite games of last year. I'm almost jealous if the people getting to try it for the first time!