Hey, qpawn, I just beat your Golden Bat score by 2 points with a less than perfect run. The clocks a ticking -- time for you to get to work... EDIT: Ha!!! Took him 50 minutes to beat my score of 8069 (his was 8067) with an 8126. And he still won't speak up, lame...
Update 4's scheduled for the end of the month. We moved the new challenge system to that update. We'll be working on alpha stuff for the next game for over a week before we resume work on update 4.
This game is so ridiculously addicting, i dont understand why. And the thing is, I've only been playing one level, battling it out on the leaderboards. I also love how it's not stupidly hard to get on them since they are weekly and it's not like doodle jump where it takes five years to even get that high.
I won a promo for this game and I totally agree, most addictive game ever, better than crack. Hell of a job dev. Absolutely flawless
Pfft, I wish. I know exactly how we'd do Hook Champ for XBLA, too. The controls changes we'd need to do, the extra details, more RPG elements. If any Xbox executive in charge of offering development deals with XBLA is reading this forum thread, feel free to contact me. While I'm at it, I'll also hope that a higher up for Totino's Pizza Rolls is reading this. For a small sum of money (and free pizza rolls for life), we would like to replace the Shopkeep with a talking bag of pizza rolls. I am deadly serious about this.
HEY KEPA, you should add an endless level in hookchamp, i know you can not, but intead of an endless level, just make 5 really really really really really really really long courses, so it is impossible to beat, so it still feels endless, then you can see how far you can make it. Leader boards would be cool to see...
The specific reason we can't do an endless level is that the engine the game is based on can only handle levels about 1600 tiles wide. This isn't that long. In fact, some of the levels are already this long. This is actually a big reason for us doing a sequel, among other things we can only do if we basically make an all-new engine. Before, we also couldn't do an outdoor level because it would obliterate framerates. We've actually figured a fix for this, which we used to make a fancy background for the Update 3 level set. Due to this, we actually could make an outdoor levelset in a future update for Hook Champ. Sadly, it would still be 1600 tiles long, max. There's no way around that limit.
Hey Kepa, I know you've probably answered this, but has the update been submitted? The current one will be update #3 right? Then #4 is towards the end of the month?
Update 3 was submitted like Saturday, but then resubmitted Monday, if I recall correctly. We caught a big bug with the new Challenge System, so had to both resubmit the update and shelve the new system for Update 4. The current, submitted one is update 3. Update 4 will be at the end of the month. Between that, we're doing work on the next game. Specifically, we're making the new engine for it.
Personally I replay the silver bull over and over. It's a pretty quick and straightforward stage, and you can earn 68 coins if you grab em all. (unless I'm missing any, but I don't think I am... ) The other level I do this on is gold skull, but it's longer and a bit more difficult and you only earn like 10 more coins, most of em at the end.
I dont like grinding for gold - it is boring... but, if you see any chance of getting better in the online leaderbord and hooking your way up, so this would be more motivation of repeating a level again and againg
I got a lot of gold purely by trying to get high scores. It's more interesting than just playing for gold. And I actually got to 3200 before I noticed I had enough for one of those hooks the first time.
That's a ridiculous score jump. If he is cheating though, what reward is he getting out of being #1 on every scoreboard? He must be sat there refreshing the boards every 10 minutes to be able to see our new scores and successfully beat them within such a short time.
Give Kepa a little bit time on the weekend to check him out. Perhaps you can sleep better after that. Btw: Did you accept my challange yesterday? (couldn't check it now)