GameClub Hook Champ (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Slapshot, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    #1221 mikeg123, Jan 5, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 5, 2010
    Thanks, zoo! I'll check it out when I get the chance.

    EDIT: I screwed that one up. I didn't have ghost mode turned on, so I didn't see your ghost. Unfortunately, there is no way to restart the challenge, again. Could you send me another one when you get the chance. That's not to say that I'll even be able to keep up. :)
  2. efirmage

    efirmage Active Member

    Nov 25, 2009
    Hook Bot

    Hey Kepa (or anyone who can answer my question)
    Just listened to the podcast and am anxiously awaiting anything new from you guys. Hook Champ is such a great game.

    Got a question. I just bot Hook Bot for my little sister on my iPhone who was having trouble getting through the levels without dying, but when she tried to play it on her iPod touch (synched with the same computer) it never showed up. Is the DLC only available for the person who bought it?

  3. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Sent you another challenge, my 5th best so not too great. Saving up to get the shiny new hooks all over again isn't much fun.
  4. GodSon

    GodSon Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2009
    DLC is available for free if it is on the same account. You have to access it in-game. (need online connection.)
  5. jak56

    jak56 Well-Known Member

    whaddaya mean? john gore rules!

    why so hateful? and i really wanted the pointless voiceovers! they're awesome!
  6. BrushMyNoseOff

    BrushMyNoseOff Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    Coach / Photographer
    Not thrilled about the cross-over, but hey - I'm all for new gameplay elements and most importantly, this definitely will give Rocketcat games a fund boost that could be used in future development. Good business move, I say. Let's just hope it ends here and we won't be seeing a doodle or a pygmy swinging over lava next. :p
  7. Shumby

    Shumby Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2009

    I wouldn't mind QBert or Chuck Norris though. :)
  8. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    ... Really? To each his own but to me, they're irritating and weren't even funny the first time. Minigore is extremely shallow and undeserving of its success (in my opinion), even if it does look quite nice.

    Seconding this.. I don't mind cross overs, but to me Minigore and Hook Champ are completely unmatched and unrelated. A dinosaur from Dino Run would've been better, or even the guy from Canabalt. Oh well.
  9. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    I don't really mind John Gore, and I play Minigore occasionally too, I'm just not a fan of crossovers.
  10. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    I still don't see your ghost, which means that it isn't available in a high score challenge? I know a ghost will show in a speed challenge, but then there are no coins and gems together. Oh well, thanks for sending the challenges.
  11. RussFrushtick

    RussFrushtick New Member

    May 11, 2009
    mo' money gold

    Not to reiterate, but does anyone have any thoughts regarding my earlier post about not being able to unlock the mo' money gold achievement? I've gotten that line of 4 gems at the end of Gold Skull multiple times and it still won't unlock.

    It's my final achievement, is all :)
  12. Shumby

    Shumby Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2009
    Hey the Canabalt guy would be a cool idea. Give him great footspeed and jumps and weaken his hook abilities? His artstyle is similar...
  13. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    If they could get his animated flapping coat tails too... that'd look awesome.
  14. Kosikutioner

    Kosikutioner Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2009
    I don't have an answer for you, sorry... but do you happen to work at a certain blog?
  15. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Yeah, procedurally generated means endless, randomly generated, different each time. We want to do this in an unusually lavish and scenic way. More details on this way, way later.

    We'll probably have some references to Hook Champ, but it takes place in a different location so new main characters. Same "world" right now, though.

    About update 4: John Gore uses his machinegun. Combat is introduced: medium and large furries rush in to kill you, you blow them up with your gun. Big furries split into small ones. There's no voiceovers, because we handle all the dialogue through level intro text. The level's also unlocked before the Challenge Levels are, for easy access.

    There's also a grappling hook somewhere in there. It's really quite simple, except for some ambush style mechanics. If people like it, we could expand on the idea later.

    The hooks are all the same, except in appearance. If you have to just get one, get the one that goes with your favorite character.

    More levels yes, but probably not a random level generator. A level editor also looks more bleak as time goes on, to be honest. The reason for both: engine limitations. The biggest incentive to pick a Hook Champ spin-off for our next game was to fix a ton of engine limitations from the ground up.

    This is weird. We'll have to check this out. As an aside, I always confuse the Get a Lot of Loot Quick achievement's name with the Stockpile a Lot of Coins achievement's name.

    The podcast turned out better than I thought. I was sick during it and sleep deprived. It was comforting that almost everyone in the podcast was also coming down with something. I'll probably be quiet for a few days as I recuperate with the healing power of Totino's Brand Pizza Rolls.
  16. buddha420

    buddha420 Member

    Dec 30, 2009
    Hey i just bought the hookbot dlc a few days ago, but i ended up restoring my ipod back to factory settings and redownloaded the game. But when i try to redownload hookbot it says "This is not a Test User account. please create a new account in the Sandbox enviroment. [Enviroment Sandbox]" what am i suppose to do im using my same openfient account i used before. And everything else i use to own i had no problem reinstalling. So what am i supposed to do? It kinda sucks because i only got to use hookbot like twice.
  17. d1

    d1 Well-Known Member

    Sep 19, 2009
    Someone send me an easy challenge :D I'll repay the favor.
  18. psionic

    psionic Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2008
    Hey Kepa, I don't know if you've checked any of the videos of my game out yet (see my sig for details on the forum link) but I had a *lot* of success in implementing a low-memory, stunning lush landscape scenario with my engine. Basically the theme is to have a high res 1024x512 32 bit main layer for the "running on" area, and then using lower res versions scaled up into the background w/ a high quality powerVR full 1024x1024 texture in the background. Then I cheat and use the layers in 3d space to provide built-in parallax :p

    Essentially it's like you're applying a depth-of-field to the scene.. the eye takes it quite well and all your secondary in-the-back characters can be half their "native" texture size and appear acceptable.

    The system could be easily extendable to include various foreground objects like cave faces and such for the grappling action..

    Chris. <Sleek Games>
  19. dumbname

    dumbname Well-Known Member

    Oct 22, 2009
    what's a good way to get gold, cause i'm stuck on a level and i know i should buy some stuff.
  20. Roadblocked

    Roadblocked Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2010
    did I hear kepa on the podcast right when he said update three will be available this weekend??????!!!

    I am not sure because I was fantasizing so much over his super sexy voice.

    btw someone breathed into the microphone waaAy too much

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