GameClub Hook Champ (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Slapshot, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. SimonWitton

    SimonWitton Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2009
    #1101 SimonWitton, Jan 1, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 1, 2010
    you took the words right out of my mouth, agree with you entirely here, and i understand about the experiment kepa i was just stating my opinion. :)

    part of what games i buy is the game and the other part is what dev it is. For example you guys have added loads of free content to your game, and listen heavily to your community so i will biy any game of yours in the future because i know youll listen. I think thats whats so good about iphone games and indie devs, it allows for direct feedback from your customers which just improves games for us.

    Ive added some of your on OF and will be happy to accept any challenges, and i will be sending out some of my own :)
  2. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Grr, I had to restore my iPhone and update to 3.1.2 firmware, resulting in all my Hook Champ progress being lost. Kepa, since I've already paid for the DLC, if I try to re-install it will it still charge me?
  3. MidianGTX

    MidianGTX Well-Known Member

    Jun 16, 2009
    There should be an option to restore your DLC inside the game itself.
  4. Igoo

    Igoo Well-Known Member

    Dec 14, 2008
    Mother-F'in DITTO!
  5. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Thanks, it looked a lot like it was going to charge me again, but eventually let me re-download for free. Not that spending another $.99 is a particularly heinous prospect.
  6. diffusion8r

    diffusion8r Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    Kepa, two things:

    1. Hookbot is AWESOME! This new bounty Hunter enemy that is 'purely cosmetic' is a bit disappointing though, so how would a character that swings faster but moves slower on the ground be? A functional change, however small would be cool.

    2. Your next game, METROIDVANIA IS A MUST! :D :D You've done an amazing job on Hook Champ and if one developer can tackle the challenge it would be you. Just if you do do it, retro graphics and a full game if you're doing DLC so not half a game + DLC are musts. Good luck, I'm supporting you.
  7. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Officially requesting an option to use these character select icons with the next update.


  8. diffusion8r

    diffusion8r Well-Known Member

    Dec 21, 2008
    I join the petition for a moose hat.
  9. SimonWitton

    SimonWitton Well-Known Member

    May 17, 2009
    There should be an option to change between the one youve shown and the one that is available now, just to please everyone :)
  10. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    Exactly what I meant. I know it's all personal opinion but the current icons make me cringe every time I see them.
  11. Morenar

    Morenar Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2009
    Hey. Haven't been on here in a while, but after seeing the new update and getting the dlc I decided to check what was up on the forums. Just wanted to say, as far as dlc is concerned, I am usually not a fan. Some companies(I'm looking at you EA) have extra gameplay they purposefully withhold at game launch. Auditorium and Red Alert come to mind. But I got this game when it came out. I played it for a while, got distracted for a while, and have only now come back to playing it thanks to the new gameplay. So buying dlc in this scenario is something I am more than happy to do. It got me back into the game, interested in high scores(just hit 5th on Silver Frog) , and giving me literally hours more of fun. I've played more on this repeat than I have spent time total on some other games I've bought. I would be happy to buy any dlc that comes out, and because of this would be more than happy to buy at launch any other games you come out with. Keep up the good work, and feel free to hit me up with a challenge on OF. Name on theres the same as on TA.
  12. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    It remembers that you bought it, according to a couple people that have had to do the same thing. We really need to get in that "OpenFeint 2.4 savedata" thing.

    Next character's cosmetic only, so we can compare any negative feedback for it with the negative feedback we got for Hookbot. We can try SLIGHTLY FUNCTIONAL, MOSTLY COSMETIC DLC sometime in the future, maybe? This (the cosmetic-only bounty hunter) will probably be the last DLC for Hook Champ, though, at least anytime soon.

    Metroidvania: Not our next game, because we'd want to do it *perfectly*. It is something we're going to tackle, though. Concrete info on our next game in the next week or two.

    You know, we could probably do this.
  13. Kosikutioner

    Kosikutioner Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2009
    Click here to vote for Hook Champ as the Best Retro Reborn Game on, click here to vote for it as the Best Use of Social Gaming Platform Game.

    Click here and here to see their competition prior to voting.
  14. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    #1114 zoo, Jan 2, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2010
    Shame, a character that appealed to those of us obsessively trying to set high scores would've been fantastic. The devoted players would be happy to pay to get a superior character, the less committed would be happy playing with the existing characters and not being that half a second quicker through the levels.

    Yes please.

    Edit: and if you wanted to do this too, that'd be great.

  15. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Someone sure does love the shopkeep.

    We could maybe do a new character in update... 5, I think? If we did, it would be a free character. I'm leaning towards a character that would help out struggling players, like Hookbot, except free.
  16. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    I find him amusing for some reason. He reminds me of Freddie Mercury.

    So, no chance of a character to appeal to those of us endlessly pursuing high scores? I think having another character for beginners would be disappointing since Hookbot is already there. I guess it's too late to make him free, though. I liked whoever's idea it was to have a faster character with a less powerful Loot Vacuum. Hopefully we can persuade you somehow, I'd certainly throw a dollar at it.

  17. Negamaki

    Negamaki Well-Known Member

    Feb 3, 2009
    Lol you're right! .... R.I.P Freddy :(
  18. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    I'm all for a new character focused on speed runs, but if something like that were ever added, what about adding separate leaderboards for the different characters? I guess I'm a purist in the sense that I like the high scores to reflect the work that people have put into playing the game. I know I have put in countless hours. However, the addition of a new character essentially nullifies those old scores, because it makes it easier to beat them. Whose to say that I sit back, and don't play the game for awhile, and then a new character comes out, I buy it, and go through beating all of the high scores that everyone else put time into acheiving.

    I guess that is kind of how I felt with the addition of Gunny. I primarily use her, and have set scores that I don't think I would have reached with Jake. I really only use Jake for Golden Skull and Golden Rat these days.

    Just my $0.02.
  19. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    That was the original idea for the update 3 character. I don't think it'll happen. When we do DLC in the future, it'll probably be to appeal solely to the crowd of people that just want to throw money at us regardless of what they get, to help us make future games a little faster. My original plan was to make functional DLC rather than cosmetic, but there's apparently too much of a stigma over DLC in any non-cosmetic form.

    I'm not sure if I agree with it completely, but I think I'll have to do it that way. It also pretty much derails expansion packs (think as many levels as the game itself with new characters and story), rather than just doing sequels in a seperate app. The first one has stigma associated with it because it's DLC, but the second one doesn't somehow. It's too bad, because I had some interesting ideas for future games based on that.
  20. BrushMyNoseOff

    BrushMyNoseOff Well-Known Member

    Jan 3, 2009
    Coach / Photographer
    I'm a little disappointed, can't lie about it. Really, because the next character you guys had in mind sounded really cool. So from now, if there are any new characters released - they will be purely cosmetic due to people complaining? I mean, anyone complaining about that lacks any sort of logic because you guys added so much free stuff to the game - aside from the paid Hookbot - that was never promised at time of purchase.

    Don't want to sound like an asshole, but it just seems like you guys want to keep those complainers happy and/or quiet. How about the other side? The side that loves Hookbot and would love to see more characters via DLC. Characters that actually have an effect on the gameplay in some way as opposed to something purely cosmetic. It's not that big of a deal, just a bit disappointing knowing that we won't be getting something cool because of a few people bitching.

    If you guys don't want to leave anyone out in your plans or decision, how about releasing two characters - one free purely cosmetic and one via DLC that adds something different to the gameplay (ie. Hookbot)

    No matter what you decide... just remember who your true hook-ers are, no pun intended!

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