I finally completed all the levels and got hooked up at the hat store. Looking to finally do a challenge and (hopefully) get the pimp lid. This might be a dumb question, but what is the order of the challenge? Do I select a level, challenge someone, then do my run? Or is there a way to select a run I've just completed and am happy with, then send someone a challenge? I should be able to figure this out on my own, but if anyone wants to advise it'd be much appreciated. Thanks. Also, Hook Champ rules.
To challenge someone you select the level like nornal then tap the challenge icon, select the type of challenge time or score based, they you do your run. Hope that helps.
Actually; he's correct. If I interpreted his post correctly. A 'beard' is a woman who a gay man goes out with to create the charade that he is straight.
Being a beta, I must say that this game is awesome, and once you beat every challenge, it feels great! Plus the hats, lol
First off amazing game, easily the best iphone game I've ever seen. I'm stuck on golden skull still but i got the #12th score on golden rat today which was cool. But how on earth do you get the hockey mask? I've done everything i could think of. Besides the high scores on the skull levels but including the rat levels I got the 24 local scores hat so it couldn't have been that achievement. Help please
also the pimp hat? I just saw it on a leaderboard it's the purple one with the feather. oh and do I have to rebeat every level for openfeint to recognize it or should it do it automatically because i have no achievments thus far but if it does recognize past achievments from preupdate its not working for me
How do you get the pimp hat? Isn't it for beating a challenge or something? Because then i could just ask someone to challenge me and i would win... xD (or they could purposly get a low time and it'd be easy to beat.) EDIT: How do you unlock the Secret Achievements? Is it like buying the Skull and Rat maps? (I was thinking of buying them, but i'd rather save up for upgraded items...any ideas?)
Lol, I got this game, beat it during school, never bothered to update. x) This new one is awesome, I already had everything, so it was easy to get the achievements.
Wow...the Rat and Skull Idol maps are craazy hard X( I cant even get past 20% on the Stone Rat, and got to 23% on Stone Skull first try...
Hey, one more question about challenges. I challenged a few people to a speed run on Silver Bull; had a couple folks reply (thanks!), one of whom I beat. However, still can't seem to find that pimp hat. So does someone have to challenge me, and then I win the challenge, for the hat to be available? Because I really want that hat. Thanks for any info/advice.
To get the pimp hat, someone has to send you a challenge, then you beat their ghost. To get the hockey mask, you just need to beat the Golden Skull level. Only Gunny gets to wear the hockey mask, though. Jake gets a skull mask instead. Looks like we're submitting update 2 this week!
That's great that you're already putting up the new update! I can't wait to start buying stuff. Any hints on the hidden unlocked thing in the OF board? It's all I have left, and it's worth like 60 points! Also, do you think that Gunny or the Robot would every be able to buy a cheesehead to wear? They're jealous of Jake....