Get the lite version, it's free. But do yourself another favor, and play a bit until you get the hang of it. Once you start upgrading your stuff, the game becomes much more fun. It's not hard to learn, just stick with it, and you'll have yourself a blast. Well worth the time and money.
Im so stuck on the last level! The Bull Idol, last level is SO hard! I have full hoof, full rope, full rocket boots.......ahhhhhh!!
A lot of people were getting stuck on Bull, so the first update includes an item that gives Jake ONE mulligan against dying to lava. We want people to have problems with Bull, but not get completely stuck. Getting completely stuck is what Bull and Rat are for!
The rat levels are a little more secretive and split. Not incredibly so, but still. The rat skull chasing you at light speeds helps, too. The next level we make, though that won't be until update 3, will have a new, unprecedentedly fancy system that will also benefit from a little secrecy.
Kinda. Maybe not. Hard to say. They're less precision-demanding than Skull, but the Chaser is the fastest ever. When the first update is released we'll have a 1 dollar off sale, for the weekend. We'll have 1 dollar off sales whenever we have a major update. We won't have a sale for patches that just add hats or something.
It took me about a week of tries to get through the last Bull level; but, with full everything, I made it. Give it time and memorize the difficult bits and you'll make it. Once you do... very satisfying.
I just went back to the Golden Bull (having moved on to the Skull levels) and beat it a few times over the past few days, and I have to say that it is a bit more difficult than I remembered. The good news (and part of the reason I had little specific memory of it) is that most of the coins are so obvious that you should get a top Local score just by beating it with a maxed out loot vacuum, provided that you move fast enough not to have to shotgun the ghost. The hot pants item described by Kepa in the next update should help, but until then I'd advise you to keep an itchy "trigger finger" on the rocket boots. There's only one point in the level where use of the boots is extremely helpful (although even there it isn't necessary given precise and artful use of a fully upgraded hook and rope) so you have three extras to burn through. Gameplay spoilers below; don't know how to redact them! Keep trying; it only gets harder from there in the Skull levels. In the Golden Skull level, you need to use Rocket Boots at three separate points just to survive, and if you want to get a high score you have to use it a fourth time as well, leaving no margin for error in the level.
I don't know about the rest of you guys, but I am finding it impossible to get a crown. I think that the people at the top have done such a good job getting high scores they seem unreachable. What about having a crown for top score of the day? Or something to keep a crown in reach....
Crowns should be easier to get in the first patch, if I understand correctly. There will be a weekly high score list, the highest of which will receive crowns, and an all-time high-score list, who already have crowns. Right?
This is one of the best games I have played in a long time. Ive managed to get a #7 global score a few days ago on bronze wimpy but I don't think I can do much better then that. The weekly scores are very welcome.
Just picked this game up yesterday, and have been having loads of fun playing thru it. Just finished the last level, the golden skull one, about an hour ago, I'm working on beating all the developer times now. Done most of them already, except the three last levels. Going to try and get that crown too, but I think that's a ways off. Any news on new content coming any time soon? The first update seemed to come out pretty fast, will they all be quick like this? =)
We're shooting for at least monthly updates. Though admittedly some updates will be bigger than others. Update 2 will be a smaller update compared to the first one, and update 3 will be huge, as examples. How quickly update 1 gets out depends entirely on Apple at this point. Lots of new content in that one. Answering above questions: The current crowns will be for #1 WEEKLY high scores instead of all-time (though I can't remember right now if that's in Update 1 or Update 2), to give people a chance to get them. Then we're going to wait an update or two to add an even fancier crown, possibly for #1 for all time scores only. Just to be huge jerks. We're taking a short break then starting update 2 stuff. Since some update 2 stuff (perfect, bug-free ghost races, for one thing) got moved to update 1, we now have to move some update 3 stuff to update 2. Update 3 is now practically just going to be the endless, procedurally generated survival mode now. Even if it just has that feature, that qualifies it for the "massive update" category. I mentioned this before, but update 2 is going to introduce an idea for one-dollar DLC that gives you a new character. Stay tuned for more information on this. I'm going to be making the new character very public before the next update, so I can get opinions on it. I want to make sure it's game setting appropriate, among other things.