Maybe. I dimly remember this being a horribly difficult to fix bug... I think I'm going to start posting to this thread when Hook Champ scoreboards are about to be cleared. As a warning. We do it so sporadically anymore, anyway.
@kepa: no worries. If you find the time, or if it isnt too difficult, awesome. If not, this game is so good as it is Im still happy. Plus I have quickhook to burn loads of time on. The boards seem more competitive near the top end already. @Piasintein: I use hook champ controls on quickhook to each his own and such
That would be great! Especially implementing some of the Super QuickHook physics. Also, sadly, completely impossible. We checked. The effort required to do this is so big that it doesn't make any sense for us to do. It would basically require us to do the entire game over. Still, I'd love to do some sort of best-of-both-worlds SQH + Hook Champ mix game some day... maybe one designed around a level editor???
OMG, I can see it now... Super QuickHook Champ Infinity I'd buy that for a dollar! (actually I'd pay much more, but Robocop reference ftw!)
That'd rule! Even 500 is more than every other item in the store! (I think...) But anyway, do the megahooks even do anything special? Maybe make it a dollar for 1, all 4 for three dollars if you don't want freemium!!!
Sorry for dp (double post, for you gutter minds ) but a level editor would rock! How bout Super QuickHook Champ: Jake and Jakob Want YOU! with an Uncle Sam-esque poster with the cousins doing the Uncle Sam point! @_@
Just finished the game, and unlocking Gunny (yea not really finished but meh). Bought Hookbot and the other chick to support the devs! Thanks for this game, it's AWESOME. Got brought here by SQH, will be supporting your future games!
Can you restore your old Hookchamp data? I did a clean wipe and I forgot that I had my beloved Hookchamp's save data to save.
I'm not usually one to cite the rules and regulations of TA forums, but this is like the third board where I've noticed you asking/wheedling for a promo code. This is both illegal and untoward. Good luck with the wait.
YESSS!! Finally beat All of the Forbidden Hats, but I still don't have Hookbots Super Top Hat, anyone know how to get it? Also, can u save ur data and hats onto openfeint?
Quick question Since Super Quickhook is up and running, that that mean there won't be anymore content added to Hook Champ?
Hook Champ is already jam-packed with content, one of the best deals on the AppStore. BTW, I picked up Super Quickhook last night and am 100% pleased with my purchase
I'd like to do this, but there's a lot of barriers to making a game with a (good) level editor. The most iphone-centric one is that I'm worried that if our level editor was too good, then it would irritate Apple's policies. Here's a real world example: The very first Hook Champ level ever was a small decorated room. In the front of the room, in 30 foot tall letters made out of burning lava, was the word ANUS. I'm sure that if we gave a level editor to the players, they could come up with more profane things to spell or draw with lava/vines/rocks/whatever. Making a level editor public would be the easy part, the hard part would be a way to flag inappropriate levels, rate good levels, and easily share levels people make, in general. We'll keep doing the occasional Hook Champ update, but no major content updates are planned for Hook Champ. Just stuff like new hats, bugfixes, very small feature requests.
When do you rocketcat guys reset the leaderboards? Its almost impossible for me to get into the global leaderboards, i think the highest I've ever gotten is like #42