I...don't know. I hated it when I played. I deleted it within minutes. But then I thought "What the heck? I'll buy the full". Now I love it. I think it maybe the lack of upgrades, or I had no skill so I couldn't hook constantly. So I was walking around too much which is really slow. Also because before this update walking was really hard, I couldn't see the buttons and they felt reallly unresponsive.
A general "accessibility" thing, then. Just curious. The lite actually has a pretty amazing upgrade-to-full conversion rate. With the new game, we pretty much designed the whole early game to not have any barrier to entry. Your walk speed is actually a decent run, your hook/rope is fully upgraded (new hooks/ropes are just for cosmetic appeal), the physics are much more straightforward, you can swing back and forth on your rope and let go when you want to, etc. Sadly, we didn't have time to do a lite on the release of the game. We'll probably wait awhile so we can see if the numbers jump up at all after doing a late lite version. Then we'll know if doing a lite is worth it in the current state of the App Store.
Yo Kepa. I just want to say I hate you for beating my hatbox local highscores, and I wanna say I totally love what you've done and I'll be purchasing quickhook on day one. Hook champ is no doubt one of my favorite apps and the simplicity yet required technique make this an amazing game. And the new music? Haha when I heard one of the new tracks that had almost a 8 bit rock going on I got up and jammed to that. But I am expeirencing a glitch in this update. I want my gunny to look like a deranged psycho so I put on the slasher mask. But I had the long coat on, so it wasn't very deadly looking, so I wanted to just equip the regular gunny outfit. But when I select the outfit, when I start a game gunny will be wearing the long coat. I mean it's a cosmetic glitch, but still I would appreciate it if that was fixed. Besides that, keep up the good work, Bask in your glory, and good luck with QuickHook. Oh and the welder mask is the most badass accesory in the game. My opinion.
Yeh exactly. I heard about the game here months ago, tried the Lite and was like wow this is a POS. Then I tried it again a few days ago and was like wow this game is still a POS. Then for some reason I bought it, and was glad I did. It is fun as hell. And I am actually good at it now. I even got the number 4 Global Score in one of the Minigore temples (which are awesome). I just wonder why so many people have Minigore crossovers lol. I am waiting for a Doodlejump one soon. Would you ever consider making a hook game where you actually can use guns the whole time like the Minigore level? Maybe slow it down a little and make it an exploration game over a speed run game.
Glad you like the music! And the welder mask, which is a hat from Super QuickHook. We'll look into the glitch... could use more people reporting it so we can track it down faster, though. That's an odd testimonial. The lite isn't too different from the full... I think it's really just that there's an early learning curve you have to get over to like the game. Once you get used to the somewhat floaty physics, everything just clicks. Either that, or some sort of psychological thing where people are much more willing to give something a chance if they pay for it. Hell, I tolerated the 1 hour long tutorial in Red Dead Redemption because I paid 60 bucks for it. The lite still has an amazing conversion-to-paid rate by any game's standards, though. It would just be nice to understand this phenomenon. An exploration based hooking+shooting game, huh? I do believe we have considered that. Not confirming or denying anything, but Megaman X for the SNES was one of my favorite games. Coulda used a grappling hook, though.
I thought that the welders mask was straight up badass. I don't know why but I like putting welding masks on my characters like in Killing Floor or other games where you can wear welding masks. I just think it gives a rigid pyschosis to the character. Let's see more hats like that, Kepa. I think there should be a Sombrero..... And I want to point out that I thought the Lite version was perfectly balanced. It even shows what all the DLC characters look like so even if you own the full version you might just want to investigate the DLC sprites, Because I know that when I get even a picture of something I might want, It makes me want it more. Good work Kepa, the thing about the lite is that it SHOWS you some of the awesome features in the full. But yet it gives you so little to work with in the lite version, which makes you want it more! It's like giving a fat kid a freakin shred of the most delicious chocolate in the world. I mean that's horrible but it works....
I restored my iPod a while back... don't know if I want to put the time into getting everything back, as this would be about the third time EDIT2: If you read the first edit... I found a way to fix the problem. All I had to do was click the app to resume and then delete it after it finished downloading lol. *facepalm*
The coins are embossed with tiny skulls. There is a sombrero, I believe. It's an unlockable hat you get for getting the Local Celebrity achievements. It's called the Fiesta in-game, I think.
Haha yeh I know it is. I love the game though, dont get me wrong. Have been playing it nonstop since I got it. Just saying, I hated the Lite lol. Idk why. Cant wait for your new game. I will be there on day 1!!!
...oh sorry. I've only gotten local celebrity silver. But I see that I have gotten number 1 local score on the entire frog, bull, bat, wimpy, minigore, and monkey caves. And it still does not give me local celebrity gold, and I'm wondering do the minigore levels not count for that achievment? Because I mean 6 levels times 4 caves is 24 so I guess I expected that achievment.
That would be pretty cool! But I find that all the fun really does is just take up space. All I do is hold it down with my other thumb while I hook away! But it is still fun, yet so much harder!!
Do i miss? This genre is so amazing, the role is soaring like Tarzan(not when he/she drops into the water and become bones). Congrats. Good job!
I think exploding into bones is part of the fun of the genre. Thanks! Sounds like you're talking about the problem of just blind-shooting constantly. There's ways to discourage this/encourage other shooting strategies. As an example, the Megaman series encouraged that you "charged up" your shots, instead. Instead of firing constantly, which really requires no thought, the combat was about releasing your charged up shots at the right time. Just an example of how the hook and shoot combat could be improved.
The super hooks were a mistake in hindsight... in SQH, there's a lot more cosmetic hooks, and they're all cheaper. I think at most they're like 780 gold, as opposed to 3000. I'm not quite sure what to do about the Hook Champ super hook situation, if anything.
Maybe remove them... or make them either 99c or $1.99 because there's like NO WAY you can aquire 9000 coins! Edit: DO WHAT MEGA JUMP DID! Change all characters and powerups into coins you can earn in game or you can buy coins to get them faster! Like 9000 coins for 99c!