GameClub Hook Champ (by Rocketcat Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Slapshot, Oct 17, 2009.

  1. Zoot!

    Zoot! Member

    Jan 31, 2010
    Thanks :p

    I'm probably going to take a break for awhile until the new level set, because whenever I improve my scores it's only by 30-40 points, and at that rate, it'll take me an eternity to reach mikeg's and qpawn's all-time scores.
  2. Twiddle

    Twiddle Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Shop Lifter
    In your basement.
    Mikeg, my complaint wasn't directed toward you, it was direct toward the audience unhappy with the content updates. I just feel that Kepa has done an extremely good job of content updates, and I feel that everyone complaining about the quality of the Minigore levels and such are being unfair.

    I'm just trying to point out that it takes a lot of effort to create content updates. To be quite frank, I think that regardless of whether Kepa adds more content or not, this game was well worth it's asking price a long time ago.
  3. Kepa

    Kepa Well-Known Member

    May 16, 2009
    Real mature. And that would sadly be a huge feature. The biggest mistake we made with Hook Champ: We didn't make it nearly modular enough. Because of this, any feature we add is a ton of work. Even without changing the map screen, it looks like we can cram about 8, maybe 12 more levels in.

    The next game will be pretty modular. One thing we'll be able to do with the next game: Adding in more landscape types and level segments whenever we want. This will result in an endless, random level that gets more and more variety as time goes on.

    Eventually we'd want to make a game based around a level editor. I'm not sure if we could even do this for the platform, though. Unless we had a really dumbed down level editor, so people couldn't draw profanities. It's something we'd have to ask Apple directly.
  4. jar0d

    jar0d Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    Don't be too hard to youself! ;)

    It's an absolute awesome game you did and you can be proud of you and your work!

    Look what you did here in this forum. You have a solid fanbase and a great amount of people following your words and announcements!

    I am very looking forward to you work in the future! :)
  5. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    The purpose of this forum is to discuss games and share our opinions. If I don't like the new content, I'm not going to pretend I do, just in case I hurt Kepa's feelings. At no point did I say the game represented bad value for money. I'm pretty sure Kepa can deal with criticisms without you jumping to his defense every time.
  6. eev

    eev Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    it's so, there are always some people who will defend developer without actually reading and understanding that criticism was meant to be polite. Especially there is no need to defend really good game as hook champ.
  7. qpawn

    qpawn Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    Game Developer
    California, USA
    I find it disappointing when top players express their dislike of a well-designed levelset for speed running. Sure, there are some levels in Hook Champ that may be frustrating (I'm looking at you, Frog), but that's the challenge. Even the basic levels require some skilled hooking to rank amongst the hooker elite. Some take on the challenge with open arms and find it fun. Others just give up and run away with their hook between their legs. There's a fine line between criticism and complaining... or maybe they're both just a part of one big happy family.

    If you don't find a level fun, you have the freedom to tell the whole message board about it. Your criticism was missing any explanation which simply turns it into a negative opinion. I can accept that... but I don't have to like it. :rolleyes:
  8. zoo

    zoo Well-Known Member

    Mar 22, 2009
    I'd already stated why I disliked the Minigore levels in previous posts - I didn't realize I'd be chastised for not repeating it in every subsequent post. My issues with it aren't solely to do with speed running - I thought the addition of shooting was pointless, etc. I wasn't serious about the Frog levels, I think they're as fun to play as any of the others, albeit more frustrating.
  9. qpawn

    qpawn Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    Game Developer
    California, USA
    Shooting through blocks and dodging enemies adds a different dynamic entirely. You say that the levelset isn't fun for speed runners. I consider myself a speed runner and I've enjoyed the experience. :cool:

    Each new levelset is always going to met with a bunch of whiners. The hat levels are too hard. The Minigore levels aren't fun. The ice levels are too slippery. The hat levels are supposed to be hard, some people find the Minigore levels fun, and the ice levels are slippery, well, because ice is slippery. :eek:

    You can't please everybody. :rolleyes:
  10. eev

    eev Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    #3430 eev, Feb 18, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010
    personally i think best level sets are Whimpy and Monkey, they are short and simple but still have points where u have to be really tricky and precise in order to get good scores. and the best thing - all top scores on these levels can still be improved!

    not all opinions can please you too, take it easy.
  11. qpawn

    qpawn Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    Game Developer
    California, USA
    #3431 qpawn, Feb 18, 2010
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2010
    The beauty of this game is that you have to be tricky and precise on ALL the levels to get a top score. :)

    I was merely presenting a different opinion. People can love or hate anything and everything they wish. But when I see something I enjoy taking a beating, there comes a point when I'll step in and offer my support. :cool:
  12. eev

    eev Well-Known Member

    Oct 26, 2009
    i just wrote that combination of simplicity and tricks makes these levels more appealing to me. Sure other level sets are even more challenging.

    well u can defend whatever u want. take no offense, but Hook Champ does not really needs defense. game is popular, sells well and has good reviews. :D
  13. qpawn

    qpawn Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2009
    Game Developer
    California, USA
    Yeah, the larger levels just have more places to screw up, which I suppose is what makes them more challenging. :cool:

    Hook Champ is fine. I was tossing a thumbs up out there for the Minigore levels. They've received mixed reviews. :rolleyes:
  14. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    I consider myself a speed runner, but I'm with zoo on the new levels. Though I have come to appreciate them for the unique challenge presented. However, I can't say that I'd be sad if the new levels never existed. In no way does that mean that I don't respect Rocketcat, or appreciate what they have done with HC. I can say this is one of the best games I have ever played anywhere. And I am a devoted fan that will continue to support them. I understand why they created the new levels, and what they were trying to accomplish, and that's great. Job well done. But I still don't have to like or even enjoy the new levels. Just not my thing - compared to the other levels, etc.

    So my thumb is in the middle. How's that for ambiguous? =)

    Oh, the ice levels might be too slippery, but I already have my crampons and ice axe!
  15. Twiddle

    Twiddle Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Shop Lifter
    In your basement.
    You're entitled to your opinion, I'm entitled to mine.

    I find it ironic that you claim this forum is used to SHARE our opinions, and yet when I share my opinion of liking the Minigore levels and disagreeing with you, you claim that I'm JUMPING to Kepa's defense?

    There's no reason to react accusingly. I'm not defending Kepa in any way, I'm simply sharing my opinion, which is apposed to yours.
  16. SirDarkened

    SirDarkened Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2009
    Ha srsly?
    Where do I live?
    What ice levels?

    Also quick thing NEW DOWNLOAD LIMIT is 20MB so, Kepa, will we see tracks for each level set now, or just 1 track to cover them all? You now have 12MB more space, I think that's enough for 1 new track to cover all level sets...
  17. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    A future level set that Kepa said they'd like to do. I'm guessing we won't see those until after the new game arrives. But that is just speculation on my part.
  18. Kosikutioner

    Kosikutioner Well-Known Member

    Jan 6, 2009
    Meh, I don't love the Minigore levels myself either. I played one night for about an hour and haven't gone back to be honest. I still haven't beaten Silver Hat mind you, but that's because I'm not that good I guess. It's definitely not from lack of trying. I've probably spent almost 1/5th of my total Hook Champ time in that level.*

    I think part of what we're seeing here is both a bit of fanboy-ism, something that is even more present in smaller indie games, and also misunderstandings because of typing in a forum... I doubt if this discussion took place in person, it would sound nearly as venomous.

    I don't love the new levels, the minigore ones. I'm not saying Kepa is wrong to have made them, I'm not saying you guys are wrong to like them. I just felt, personally, it changed the play too much. There was never a reason, or even a way, to just stand around and be slow before, to just plod through a level.

    Maybe speedrunners still like going through the level and getting the timing on those furry fountain things right, but I just felt it harmed and distracted from the core, get through this level as smoothly as possible. It led to 'dirty' runs in my opinion. I found the shooting takes away from the momentum of Hook Champ, which is what makes me love it.

    People can disagree that's fine. That doesn't make mine, or zoo's, or anyways criticisms not legit. Just like my (hypothetically) saying you guys are wrong, THEY ARE BAD, would piss you off, the same is true in reverse.

    *While typing that I realized, one thing that would ROCK in the new game? Super extensive stats. Time spent in various regions, deaths per region, time running, time in air, time on a rope... All that stuff could be a lot of fun to check out.
  19. mikeg123

    mikeg123 Well-Known Member

    Sep 23, 2009
    I think you hit the nail on the head with that comment. :)
  20. Twiddle

    Twiddle Well-Known Member

    Dec 12, 2009
    Shop Lifter
    In your basement.
    Yeah, that's why I suggested auto-firing, so that it doesn't take away from the momentum of Hook Champ, as you put it.

    The extensive stats, I think is a nice idea, but I wouldn't put it top priority if it took a long time to script. Great idea, though. Kepa should think about that.

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