Holiday Cards are sooo 1900s; This Year Give a Custom iPhone App!

Discussion in 'Developer Services and Trade' started by sticktron, Nov 12, 2011.

  1. sticktron

    sticktron Well-Known Member

    #1 sticktron, Nov 12, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 12, 2011
    Hi everyone,

    I am an Apple licensed developer, and I would like to build you a Personalized Holiday Greetings App for your friends and family!

    I'll spend as much time working on it as you are willing to pay me for, within reason.
    Spend more and I'll add more functionality. The only limits are your wallet, and your imagination.
    And of course the content cannot violate Apple's App Store Terms of Service agreement (eg. porn will get rejected).

    Off the top of my head here are a few things that your App could have...

    - Christmas Carols
    - Candles you can light, wave around, and then blow out by blowing into the phone
    - Toy Organ, along with Holiday sheet music
    - a Wish List, including web service data (eg. Amazon)
    - Maps, Directions, RSVP functionality, etc. if you are hosting a party
    - a Gallery of the gifts you want to receive, complete with links to store websites-- so you ensure a satisfactory Holiday for yourself ;)
    So, basically your App could be anything from a simple Greeting Card style affair, with family photo(s) and/or videos, and music, to a feature-filled Holiday Extravaganza.

    Your app can be made available to you in a few ways:
    A) free for anyone to download on the App Store
    B) private, for you to share only with select friends

    If you do Contact me, please have at least a general idea of what you want to create, and how much you would like to spend. I will do simple Greeting Card Apps for $100 a pop, but that's negotiable if you seriously want to do it, but cannot afford it!

    ** Please note that this is a Holiday special only, and I'm only posting it on THIS forum, for my cool techie friends at Touch Arcade! **

    Happy Holidays,

    MICHAELSD Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2010
    Very cool idea. Fair price, too! Hoping you get a lot of interest.
  3. sofaking

    sofaking Well-Known Member

    Jul 28, 2011
    Do you do channukah stuff?
  4. Graz73

    Graz73 Well-Known Member

    Oct 5, 2010
    Web Design, Graphics & Illustration
    Mansfield, OH
    That is a great idea. If you'd like an artist to help w your custom apps, email me!
  5. J.R. Jalapeno

    J.R. Jalapeno Well-Known Member

    Oct 6, 2008
    Hi, my girlfriend and I are avid IOS game players and she is addicted to puzzle games on her iPod touch 4g. I'm getting ready to ask her to marry me soon and I was hoping to maybe pay a developer to add something to one of their games so when she finishes a certain level or reaches a certain score, a message would pop up asking her to marry me. I thought it would be incredibly cool and unique and I would compensate the dev for doing it. Someone could I guess give me an sdk of the game or something. Is this something anyone could help me with? Thanks in advance for any help! Joe.

    I posted this in a new thread. Is this something you can help me with?

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