Hey, BTW, can you please precise some point ? 1- Do you have create and/or share level in Makermall ? 2-Do you have unistall the application ? 3- Your version is on iphone, or ipad ? 4- Do you have open te door for Hoggy 1 level ? 5- Do you have "killed" the Hoggy app ? You can add all pertinent information for help us.
So, I didn't play the original (adored Solomon's Boneyard, though!), but I'm having a few issues with the controls -- mainly the left slider. I sometimes mean to go left and go right instead. Wondering if maybe just dragging left/right anywhere on the left side of the screen might have worked better and then tap to jump on the right side? Not a big fan of buttons. I keep having to look to find them. Also, encountering a bug where the camera doesn't move with me so I can't do anything. It seems to fix itself after a bit, but not sure what triggers it. It happened on Jar 7. You can see in the video below. Also seen in the video below is that the only ad I've been seeing is for guns. Is that intentional? Never seen gun ads in a game before, and this one's very kid-friendly, which makes it even stranger. Subscribe to the TouchArcade YouTube channel
I think that if one buys the ad removal IAP (which I did), the bonus door with the Hoggy 1 levels should unlock without the need to re-tweet (I don't have a Tweeter account). It would also add another incentive to buy the IAP and seems more fair to me.
Yep, I'll put this in, you're right, it's fair enough. It was just my blind spot, I was like, well, Hoggy 1 is out there, so anyone who wants Hoggy 1 levels will just play it... so yeah, I'll get this into the first update.
After 30 hours I finally got every key and star, just missing the trophy level. I was curious, what is the H@xxor stuff that appears on Settings?
I also encountered this bug in level 7, and the same kind of thing in level 9 too. It seems if I go somewhere other than where the correct route is expecting me to go, it can sometimes focus on where it thinks I should be, rather than where I actually am.
I'm on iPhone. After I filled up my phone's space to trigger the phone's cache cleanup, my save data was gone. I tested it again. My save disappeared again. Is the save data stored in temporary files? It's not supposed to be temporary.
Sorry, not got that far yet. Currently stuck on this boss. Any hints would be most appreciated. I think I can ignore the right hand side, but I'm out of ideas. EDIT: tried to upload a screenshot by mobile safari but it failed. Guess I'm on my own. EDIT2:
Can anyone help me figure out jar 26? I am banging my head against the wall. Cant get away from that boxing glove! I also can't figure out the significance of the acorn in the room. Any hints are appreciated. Edit: nevermind, I figured it out. It's just early...
kick First bomb to left, second to right, when bomb explode, break quickly the glass, after that, kick 3th to left, 4th, to right, iin the break glass emplacement, 5th to left, 6th to left, but when you kick the 6th to left, go quickly in the pit and push the block to left. Push the 7th bomb to left, and wait for 8th bomb, push to right, and go quich to left for press the switch. Do you understand ?
How do you finish Jar 48 while being Hoggy Acorn? It's impossible! Edit: never mind! Had to leave the highest fruit in the column until the end. Tricky!