Universal Highrise Heroes - The Towering Word Game (by Noodlecake Studios Inc)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Dec 10, 2014.

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  1. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I'm already in Chapter 4 and I didn't use even 1 gem. Every stage is unlocked when you finished previous one. I'm not sure if you need 3 stars or it unlocks anyway, I'm used to get all 3 stars before I move to the next stage. What I'm sure about is getting 1 gem for finishing the stage with 3 stars. As far as I understand the premium pack allows you to unlock all the stages at once so you don't need to finish previous ones to progress further...

    If it was up to me, I'd suggest the option similar to Mad Bullets (as I mentioned it before). For the premium game (mostly for the players whom bought and used e.g. remove adds IAP or so) there's option to revive one time for free when they lost all their lives. Next option is to revive for specific amount of gold coins. I believe it might work with your game as well. But as I said, I just made it to Chapter 4 and tried to use the revive option once (that's when I realized it's not working for me) so I believe with increasing difficulty I'd appreciate the revive option more often.

    I'm using two different connections and wifis in my house getting the same result on 3 different devices. I even tried to connect using 3G and LTE with the same result so it's (probably) not my connection issue anyway. I tried to reinstall the game, restart my devices, still no change. If there are no more reports of this strange issue, it has to be just me than. I guess you can't do much if it's the case. If there's any other idea I can try, just let me know and I will. Anyway, thanks a lot, I appreciate that you care.
  2. joemoulding

    joemoulding Member

    Jun 5, 2010
    We definitely want to fix this, and I'm sure you won't be the only one affected. It might take a bit of time though, just because we can't seem to recreate it.

    So with or without the premium pack, you still need to complete each level (with at least 1 star) to progress to the next one. The premium pack means you don't need gems or sufficient stars to unlock each chapter. But it sounds like you're 3-starring each level anyway! Nice work :)
  3. Qwertz555

    Qwertz555 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2010
    This was my last game i saved up for the freeze time of the app store.

    Many hours later, i finally reached the middle (level 45) of this gem. The last level 46 teached me to have patience...lots of. The barrier of my english knowledge is steady growing. While i usually quit wordgames at a 99% rate very fast, this is just too intriguing and special. The crazy story with all those even crazier characters keeps me going, and so does the fantasic atmospheric soundtrack !
    I really, really hope that i will be able to see the final plot, but i highly doubt it after this sweaty level 46. Longer words (than in the beginning) are needed to trigger a bomb-tile, and there might be another raise, right or wrong ?

    Since this great (and educational) experience is still so fresh, i put it into my 10th place of this years GOTY.

    Happy new year !
  4. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    I'd like to express thanks to Arlin from Noodlecake for his great effort, communication and solution to my crashing issue. I'm not experiencing any more crashes and I can finally enjoy the game as meant. I made it to chapter 5 so far and I'm enjoying every minute. Once again, thanks a lot for exemplar support, I really appreciate it.
  5. Wicked8146

    Wicked8146 Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Nov 17, 2009
    Dinosaur hunter
    Los Angeles
    #86 Wicked8146, Jan 3, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 3, 2015
    Love this game. I think I'm near the end. There is more content after Chapter 5.
  6. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    New update with a changed icon. I really like it :) I do wish the HH was straight aligned but that's a really minor nitpick. Good job!

    Btw I'm having fun reading through the story and I just encountered number stages. What a surprise! This game just keeps being more awesome than any word finding game I've played.

    I'm really hoping that a future update can add an option to replay the dialogue on the stage start screen. Sometimes I miss something while sometimes I just want to re-read the funny moments. I hope the dev hears me out on this one since the dialogue is half the fun of the game :)
  7. Qwertz555

    Qwertz555 Well-Known Member

    May 22, 2010
    #88 Qwertz555, Jan 7, 2015
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2015
    Great update with the Gamecenter rank shown after each level. Makes it a lot easier to see how "bad" i am. On the other hand, i'm damn proud that i reached level 5 for a not native word puzzle. Actually, i'm going for the achievements and bananas right now, because i don't want to end (IF i'm able) this brilliant game, yet. To answer my own question - no more letter raising for a bomb-tile to this point. For my part, i like the look of that new icon, must be the colors, because usually i don't want to see letters/words in it.

    Choose a level and top right you see the speak bubbles. Glad they exist, too.

    Btw, the only other word game i stick to is LEX. I might improve my score after this experience.
  8. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    So I finished the game, It was amazing experience. I really like the story,
    and the twist with multiple endings
    and now there are still a three or four achievements I want to get to beat the game for 100%, so my question is, what's the secret 4digit code?;)
  9. Jerutix

    Jerutix Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2009
    Just finished the game last night. This was fantastic! I couldn't put it down for the last 20 or so levels because the story was so engaging. Props to the devs for this great game!
  10. ShinHadoukin

    ShinHadoukin Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2015
    I was excited to see the new levels but it's been ages since there was new content. I redownloaded the game & have no game progress. That sucks when iCloud has been around for a while. Sucks. Oh well.

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