A bit of both but it's definitely entertaining. The game has quite of heroes and it quite fun give it a shot
Great! Next update will be 1.0.1 - which includes fixing things - . And then, It'll be the update for contents itself. Let say 1.1.0. By the way, I'll put these 2 tasks into my next week job. Unfortunately, App Store submit will be blocked 22th ~ 29th DEC. I can submit updated version after 30th of this month. It takes longer time like "Take a month" i guess. Wish me "Good Luck".
Guys, 1.0.1 will be updated very soon - passed App Store review -. It's fixed below. - Fixed texts of dialogs, menu scripts, descriptions and etc.. - Fixed some tutorial texts. - Fixed out of memory issue. (Reduced memory usage) Next release will be included more contents and fun.
Awesome I just maxed out my first 4 heroes by doing the arena mode to wave 432 until dying. I hope your games gets more attention it's pretty fun
Wow! wave 432 is the highest number I ever seen. My effort paid off. I'll do my best for making good game.
Guys, Heroes Paradox is on Holiday Discount. (33% off) Meet my game with lower price. I wish you have a fun time with Heroes Paradox. Happy Holidays and Happy new year! Get Heroes Paradox for 33% off the regular price. Period: 19th Dec. ~ 4th Jan.
Yeah I had the knight paladin fire sorceress and cleric just kept healing and doing special when I can.
Quite impressive combination! I can imagine how it works. I thought cleric was not the best member for Arena, but i misjudged her.
I've tested on game play speed. Decreasing 15% of speed is also nice to play game. I think it good to provide the option of game play speed both current game speed and the slower game speed.
why making different upgrades for the same skills? for example, the ice mage at level 2, Perfect Spell and Magic Study. both also give the same upgrade to skill effect, one at 4% and another at 5%. why?! why not other effects like slow or chain lightning passive effect or whatever, just make it different
Good question. What I intended is first 2 passive skills are advantage skill for it's characteristic. So. It gives higher percentage than normal skills. edit: You can find same class heroes has same normal passive skills but first 2 passive skills are different.
So do you have any control over which active skills are cast and when. I ask because after watching some gameplay there doesn't seem to be any way of actually casting a spell, Is it all done automatically.
Yes, you can control main active skill by clicking portrait button in battle. Other 2 active skills are being fired automatically.
Guys. Plz, equip accessory item when you get/buy it even if you just unequipped it after. (because, due to a bug, it has to be equipped once. if not, it will be deleted at loading save file) I'm submitting a quick fix (ver. 1.0.2) for it. It's fixing a bug to delete accessory items - Only Accessory items which are never equipped - at loading save file. Plz, equip accessory item when you get it. Once equipped, It's never deleted until you sell it.
How long did that take you? I guess 2-3 hours at least? Bought the game yesterday, and having fun so far. Well done, Winterbleu Started with the group nkx uses, then decided to switch for variety: Going with Cleric (she's a must-have), Deathknight, Evil Sorcerer, and Icemage now, bringing them up to speed. As usual, I have a few nitpicks: 1) No class names: I didn't find class names anywhere in the character descriptions. While they are pretty obvious, it's still nice to have an "official" term for each, so players know who they are talking about. 2) Descriptions cut off: The 2 line item descriptions cut off the item effect, it doesn't show on the screen. Example item: Mysterious Claw. 3) No screen rotation: That's so standard, I'm surprised your game doesn't rotate. I like to play with the iPad propped up on the cover; but can't with Paradox due to this. 4) Cannot unequip items: If I want to swap equipment, I need to keep spares to change it. Could you add an unequip option? 5) Hero roster: the scrolling through the roster gets annoying pretty fast. Is it possible to auto-adjust the roster so the 4 Heroes in your party are always on top? And totally seconding an option to reduce gameplay speed. I'm getting too old for this