I understand there are 8 factions and 7 campaigns. Can a player switch to any faction for all the campaigns?
Disappointed I read some background info on this game and downloaded it immediately because it totally seems up my alley. Never having played HOMM before, I knew nothing about it and decided to use the tutorial. I find the tutorial to be very uninformative, atleast thus far. What's worse is I can't even figure out how to attack. I wager I would absolutely love this game if I could just figure out how to play it
Can someone please teach me how to play this game? I can move "some" units however I cannot figure out how to do a melee attack to save my life. I have no idea what the hell is going on here. I know that units can move then attack but I can't figure it out for the life of me. How do I move a griffin? or and Arch Angel? How do I get either of them to attack? Gaahhhhhh!!!!!
Do a long tap on the enemy with a melee unit then click on the yellow tile anywhere around it you want to attack from Took me a couple fights to figure exactly out how that works hahaha
I've bought pretty much every turn based strategy game on iOS the last two years.. Was never into the genre until I bought an iPad.. But just looking at this hurts my eyes ( please don't chastise me guys ) .. Does the interface work well with touch? I could look past the graphics if the game plays well.. Thanks amigos
I would have been a bit confused on how to attack as well, but it's clearly shown in the brief tutorial twice.
I was a bit worried, but it plays beautifully. The interface rocks so far. My only complaint so far is that the achievements suck. They could have been much more creative there.
I might celebrate this release by playing tonight...on my PC...where I have all the expansions. Or maybe I'll finish the game of M&MVI I played most of last summer.