Movement: virtual, floating joystick on left side Action/talk: button on right Attack: button on right
Insta-bought. Loving the dual character addition. At first I thought everything was too dark, but realized you can control brightness in settings. Fantastic evolution.
Thanks, the bit about magic I got but it's the bit that says: "Quests - The dungeon is full of problems, let's call them quests. These problems range from simple "find a key" to "use magic powers to light all magic candles and open the magical gate". Different types of quests require different solutions. Use the skills of the characters in your party to complete these quests." That makes me think it's a fairly simple 'daily challenges' kind of affair rather than a story with 'beginning, middle and end' and the quests build to achieve this. And is there more depth to each characters progression - like a skill tree to evolve through or is it just level up=stronger/faster etc? Actually, re-reading the description for the third time(!), I get the impression there's no character levelling at all - just loot that temporarily improves your character but wears off over time? Is that correct?
As far as the perma-items thing goes, if I get 2 out of 4 of a revive spell and my character gets killed will I retain those 2 parts or do I have to find all four of them at once before getting killed in order for it to be a perma-item?
This, in a nutshell. It's basically still the same chaotic arcade action oriented dungeon crawler and more.
To be honest I didn't like first one. Was kinda like hold attack and walk in a room this one has some more depth. As far was who to use and dodging enemies and all that good stuff, loving this one
Great game that I've just download,but to answer your question no MFI support, controls fine with on screen control on my 5s not tried it on my 6s+ or ipad mini 3 yet
This is everything I could have hoped for in a successor to Heroes of Loot. Knowing Pascal's development tactics, there'll be even more, as I really have just scratched the surface.
The quests;:; there's a few of these, but so far, I've seen things like - we hid the key in a barrel, go find it to unlock the door, or... go back to that room and kill that fire guy (mini-boss)... or... the trigger to this door is surrounded by flames - then you have to go and find it and then push something heavy onto it... and random 'fetch' quests throughout the levels that are kind of like shops - if you have enough of x currency at the time, you'll be able to purchase whatever they have (20 blue gems for a magic pickup). Then, there was once I ran by a statue and it dropped off an item that I was holding, and it said I completed a quest there. I was paying more attention to the hoard around me, so I didn't really catch it, or really see if anything was unlocked when I did it... no clue ATM, sorry... But they are not 'daily challenges'. Just little 'side-quests' you'll do, usually in the same level you're on and usually in order to progress through a door or unlock a portal. As for character progression, it's like it was in the last game; it increases your attack and I think it gives you a little more life every time you level up. However, these level-ups do not carry between games. There is no skill tree. However, there is a set experience bar on the title screen, I THINK that when you play enough, you'll hit level 2, and then your characters will then start at level 2 from then on? I'm not sure though, as I'm only at about 25% of the way to lv.2. There are pick-ups in-game that will give you certain power-ups. These last either until they are broken (shields) or you die. There are a few that are timed, and only last a few seconds, others you'll carry with you throughout (runes, maybe special weapons? I don't know how these are done yet - ATM, 3 of my characters have a special weapon that they start with - I don't know if it's upgraded with the pieces you pick up and it stays upgraded or what... not yet anyway, sorry). But the special items you pick up (perks - there's 8 of them, I'd list them, but I haven't fully unlocked any yet, so I can't read their descriptions - it tells you what they do when you pick them up in-game though). ... Sorry I couldn't fully answer your questions, but I hope what I do know helps. =o) **edit** ah, nevermind about the multi-level quests... the thing for the statue was in the same-level and it just unlocked a door. Sorry. I've been more focused on killing things than anything else. =oP
I added the experience I got with Space Grunts into HoL2. So there is more to the game than the original one, and for me this is the game the original one should have been, but I simply wasn't capable of making 3 years ago. Obviously it still has HoL1 in it's DNA.. it just adds more changes to the pace with quests/challenges and the progression of things in general.
@syntheticvoid - thanks for the feedback mate, that's really useful and I really appreciate it. Along with Pascal's comment below, I think I'm ready to give it a go - I've got Dungeons of Chaos to dip in to if I need a bit more depth, so this might balance it out nicely! Thanks Pascal, sold! #
Each part is permanent. It would be close to impossible to find a complete magic spell in a single game unless you are the luckiest person a live you can also unlock each magic spell a few times, so finding all 4 shards can be done 3 times to increase the strength of the magic
Liked the first for a while, but I got bored after a few hours, no sense of progression. I hope this one corrects it, I know it's not important to everyone but I like making progress. I played two times, one with the slow guys, the other with the fast, it's nice, liking the ability to switch, even if I tend to concentrate on one, as experience isn't shared between the two. Don't know why, brightness was at minimum at the beginning, couldn't see a thing, even with my screen brightness pushed to the max, happy I read here that there was a slider in the settings.