I was thinking about it being a bug as well. I have legendary one (over 100dmg and some AP) and I love it. Just add AP from armor and rune (60AP in my case) and you have a very badass weapon. Engineer skill tree is awesome in my opinion, so I guess it fits my playstyle
I think the range on the snipers are fine because if it was the same as elven snipers then the game would just turn into one of those lame hunting games on the AppStore.
On the subject of Rifles, I should also say that the Gunpower Proficiency and Dwarven Optics skills are probably the best ones you should never leave out. I remember my dwarf using a 75 damage rare Rifle with 30 AP and full GP... It was just pierce after pierce after pierce. Also, I should mention that using a Blunderbuss isn't as bad as it seems. Yes, it's mainly used to force your enemies back, but, I mean... It's just so fun to actually kill with a Blunder, and punt everything across the entire field as well.
Runic curse takes care of things after the initial hit, but yes, I do mention those two as being the only important skills in the tree. Heavy shot is mandatory too as an active. Everything else is wholly meh. Well it would still be lower. Elven snipers have 5000 range, a 2000 range sniper with 75% bonus is still only 3500. What were the stats on it? I'm using a 90 damage 10 AP 8% crit epic atm, seeing what I should aim for.
Have you tried firing the Sniper Rifles Heavy and normal shots in alternate succession? It cuts down the cooldown by a significant amount. And yeah, the engineering tree are 90% crappy.
Was just mentioned at the beginning of this page. I'm wondering if this was intended. If so, it's a pretty big hit to repeaters. If it's a bug, then sniper rifles don't seem practical once it's fixed. WHAT'S YOUR NEXT MOVE FM?
I have a 116dmg/10ap sniper rifle I've been half excited to use. Mainly for all the reasons mentioned. The weapons themselves are kinda meh, and the ranged options for elves just seemed far superior. I'll try one out after the balance patch. I'd like to see blunder have some bigger numbers to go with its kick. Oh, speaking of kick, another reason to hate hammers. Hammer dwarf with adrenaline rush is an exercise in trying to pop the enemies before you blast them back with minor injuries. Killing mummies feels like playing croquet... You mallet them in the face and chase them across the field.
Blunderbuss is already a great weapon, depending on your play style... not everything in the game is meant to deal raw dps. In the case of a blunderbuss it has awesome knockback and a wide AoE - its in the same class as a mace. In instances where you use its AoE to its fullest, it can potentially have MUCH higher damage output than either of the other guns. It also has an awesome heavy attack, which people seem to really overlook for a lot of weapons. Weapons do in fact have different HA properties - melee staffs for ex have a massive 360 AoE with some pretty good damage, but will cost some mana, while blunderbusses have a much faster reload on their heavy attack then the other guns (5s vs 10s). As for repeater vs rifle, the alternating heavy attack doesn't change the balance between the two at all, considering the repeater also has a HA that is almost as powerful as the rifles. In fact (though its a HUGE mistake to judge weapons purely on dps), they both have almost identical dps values (repeater has slightly higher, rifle has AP and longer range), and they both have about the same HA with the same 10s cooldown - meaning in 10s of constant firing, the repeater will still beat out the rifle in raw damage output, even taking into account pausing to prevent overheating.
Thing is, alternating Heavy attack and Normal Attack with the Rifle cuts the 10s cooldown to about 2 seconds in between the Heavy shots. It seems the Normal shot in between the Heavy shot resets the Heavy Shot cooldown, and vice versa, which sounds like a glitch coz it doesnt coincide with what you have posted.
Actually, come to think of it I think I'm dealing with changed numbers from the release version. I can't remember what I've tweaked anymore since its been so long since this freaking update was submitted >_<
^ I was going to point out that the behavior you describe is not exactly what we're seeing.. In any case, since you guys have addressed the issue with STA on legendary weapons, are there any thoughts of changing weapons with "unnecessary" stats? That's to say, ARM or AP attributes greater than 99. I've rolled a 149 AP crossbow, perfect for giving me 99% chance to hit the 150 armor enemies, but sadly there are none. I'd love if these stats that "spilled over" go somewhere else, unless you guys have plants for this! I know there are 10000 armor enemies, but even 149 AP hardly makes a dent in that! Likewise, I've seen 100+ ARM items. Edit: Seems like with the new change, it's back to repeaters. The issue is, the damage aspect is addressable using perks from armor/rune, but the fire rate drawback of rifles is not. Are there any plans of an attack speed perk? Can't believe this was never brought up before.
You really should contact Apple about that. A lot of games have been updated within about four days since submission. That shouldn't be happening and then have some games, like this one, backshelved into submission hell. Also, since you are, in all essence and technicality, a development team, you do have the right to do that. Also, regarding Wave 30, I quite like it as it stands now. Don't get me wrong, it's not supposed to be a Siege Troll zerg rush, but... It's just so fun to watch your guys kill what I can call Sauron's Graug army. Seriously, it is! Shame that I can't record doing that wave... Kinda violates your content copyrights in a way, one, and two, I (technically) don't have a 'legal' way of obtaining a recorder. Speaking of recording, have you guys ever looked into Everyplay? It's a random subject, yes, but I have a pretty good reason to pop this thing.
Sounds quite promising. I've always wanted to do recording. Will this also allow player commentary or no? I might actually do a walkthrough series regarding the main waves, stats, enemy info, and whatnot. Maybe even do some lore reading, like VaatiVidya does with Dark Souls and Bloodborne (If you're not familiar with VaatiVidya, I highly recommend that you check him out on YouTube. He's fantastic.) If player commentary isn't allowed, then there go my dreams, crushed by Noter Kah. Actually, speaking of him, I kinda hate to say this, but I'm a little disappointed by his model, being just an upscaled Necromancer model. Though, on the other hand, I can very well understand it being so. Lorewise, Noter Kah WAS an ancient mage who had gone mad from the dark magics of the Fel Crystals, and technics wise, probably not enough asset memory to assign a unique model to him.
Does anybody know whether the "longer" weapons have more "reach"? It seems to be, but it could be in my head. If it is, is it based on the visual model? Or is it just based on the weapon type?
They do. Spears in particular have about 2.5 to 3 times the reach of one-hand swords. I cant tell if 2 handed swords and hammers have the reach modifier though. I dont think it's got anything to do with the visual model, coz back then i used a very long looking spear, then crafted it to look shorter, and the range is still there. Enemies still get hit just a bit outside the spear tip.
They do have a reach modifier. It's 1.75-2x as far as a onehander as far as I'm aware. Melee Staves do as well, but I can't tell if it's the same, or if it's shorter than that.
I'm noticing it going from 2 hand swords to 2 hand axes on my dwarf. I do more damage, but I swear I gotta get in closer or something... not sure if it's even worth it.