Universal Heroes and Castles 2 (by Foursaken Media)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by PeteOzzy, May 13, 2015.

  1. Dr_joey

    Dr_joey Member

    Jun 1, 2013
    Railroad president
    Spokane wa
    Still playin

    I would love to play some. Hit me up if anyone wants to play some coop. Kik me stanlee2006
  2. G-money

    G-money Active Member

    May 15, 2016
    I know this place is pretty much abondoned, but is anyone beaten all the new game+ stages yet? I'm on +4 right now. The only hero I use anymore is my dwarf at this point due to his defense. If literally anything hits my elf it's game over, and even with dodge sometimes a ranged unit will gun him down. My knight is a little better, but can still be one shotted if he's in the wrong place at the wrong time. Anyone else have this problem?
  3. IAmMaxPower

    IAmMaxPower Member

    Nov 4, 2014

    Msg me on here if anyone wants to coop. Useast
  4. IAmMaxPower

    IAmMaxPower Member

    Nov 4, 2014

    have had lots of good coop matches lately.
  5. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    My level 75 Dwarf has 95 armour.
    When I put a skill point in the Engineer Resolve skill for +4 armour , my armour stays at 95.
    Should it not go to 99? It is the same for the skill that gives +5 if a shield is equipped. No change.
    Can someone explain why this happens? Is it a waste to put points into these areas?

  6. Exact-Psience

    Exact-Psience Well-Known Member

    Jan 12, 2012
    The Work-At-Home Guy
    I believe there is a cap to certain stats. Else you can go beyond 100 and be unkillable.
  7. gemineye62

    gemineye62 Well-Known Member

    Feb 16, 2010
    Thanks for the info.
    I better not waste points in those areas then.
  8. Mjolnir

    Mjolnir Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    3 Max level heroes searching for players....
  9. Mjolnir

    Mjolnir Member

    Jul 20, 2015
    #3649 Mjolnir, Sep 1, 2017
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2017

    Anyone who stumbles upon this, just wanna lay out a few pointers if your new and just getting into the game.

    Once your troops you like and walls/turrets are upgraded spend your gems to get a decent shield and sword, then STOP SPENDING.
    Play the campaign till wave 49, VERY IMPORTANT, DON'T go past(beat) wave 49 or the final stage. SURRENDER each time your forced to fight.
    Upgrade your catapults if you haven't already and just spam them on wave 48. Over and over again. You'll get a massive amount of xp each time probably a level and a half each run. This diminishes somewhat as you reach 80+, but still worth it.
    Get to level 70+, preferably 100 off the wave 48 replays.
    Note: have you captured all the lands? If you haven't, make sure you do. (Scarwood keep/final castle should stay under undead control.)

    Now, you should have a decent hero and gear at this point (epic quality is alright). Now this is the important part**
    With all the lands captured, spam the button that triggers the next wave (should be 49/50). Immediately surrender. Trigger the next wave. Immediately surrender. Repeat 10-15 times. Now open the map. WOW you made like 40+ gems in like a minute!

    Now you have to recapture your lands, and what do you know, they're mostly sieges. Easy, just spam some captains and some foot men or whatever is fastest for you and gg. Yes there's that occasional annoying skirmish, but your hero should be ready by now, if not, spam some more catapults on wave 48 and get some better perks. Surrender whenever the announcer forces you back into wave 49. Be sure to snatch all that treasure too, and sell whatever junk is inside.

    Repeat this process till you have a gem stockpile. Now, you really need legendary gear if you want to kick some rear and show off those 200 damage hits in coop. So the arena is your best bet. Legendary drops are guaranteed at wave 13, so fight your way to it. Upload your data to the ICloud At the start. Then surrender. If the legendary gear is junk (If it doesn't have +25/20dmg and bonus health/armor; (preferably the health)). Then download your iCloud data, talk to the arena guy, and try your luck again.

    Once you got legendary in every gear slot. Keep on mass surrendering once all the lands are conquered. Build your gem stockpile, shoot for 500-600. It's tedious but doable. If your not level 70+ by now, you'll want to keep playing 48, or repeating the aforementioned gem stockpiling process.

    Now your ready for new game +, you know what works and what really doesn't now, so upgrade your units accordingly, don't spend excessively.
    Your going to be doing the exact same thing you did in the regular mode, except now forget about the arena farming part. Build up that gem stockpile as high as you can stand it, preferably 650-850.

    Now wave 48 should give tremendously more xp. So level up a couple extra heroes, you may get bored of just playing your one guy.
    New game + gives access to godly gear, a significant step above legendary. Upload to Icloud once your gem stockpile is high and just craft away. Preferred gear stats should be health and melee/ranged damage (both stats on a single gear piece). The rune should be damage and something else up to you(just not poison, heavy blows, wide attack angle, and other stats you know are garbage). Up to your build (in general I take hp over armor). Don't spend over 100-120 gems on any single gear piece (godly) unless it's really, really rare.

    Look to sword and shield for men. Scythes with attack speed, or high dmg bow with a little crit for elves. And high damage repeaters, or a high dmg melee weapon and melee staff with crit on dwarf (for wraiths).

    Congrats, your officially a pro at this game, and can now actually hold your own in coop. ��

    Also, don't bother going to another new game + beyond the first. Trust me, you'll probably regret it. No new tier of gear, enemies get bullcrap level of hp and damage. Your hero get's one shotted pretty easily (sometimes at the very start of the game). Ranged enemies have sniper like range, and I'm talking modern sniper. Your outposts will be hard to defend. Skirmishes will become nigh near impossible for anything besides a high level dwarf hero. With higher lvl cap, your hero summons take up more unit space, soo less epic battles, (plus they get destroyed anyways). And the list goes on and on. Don't do it.

    That being said, that rapid gem stockpiling method won't work once you beat the ng+ fully, so stockpile your reserves accordingly... you won't have access to single player endless. So be sure your comfortable with the amount of gems your at before you take the final step and beat wave 50, and capture scarwood.
  10. G-money

    G-money Active Member

    May 15, 2016
    Good advice. There really is no benefit to moving on past new game +1. I'm stuck on +4 right now and wish I could go back. The benefits from getting 15 more levels are outweighed by the massive gains the enemy gets. Every hero can be one shotted except a human with juggernaut or a dwarf running forge.
  11. G-money

    G-money Active Member

    May 15, 2016
    Think I ran into you a few times in versus mode. And I mainly got destroyed. I really didn’t get into multiplayer right away so it’s nice there a still a few people left that still play it. If that was you, those were some fun matches.
  12. zyfi

    zyfi New Member

    Oct 29, 2017
    Hi, hopefully someone can help me out. I have the free version of H&C2, and I'm somewhat interested in getting the regular version. But if I lose the progress I already have, I'm not sure. Will I be able to continue with the heroes and units I've already leveled up?

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