Universal Herodom (by Sander Frenken)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by Herodom, Jul 24, 2020.

  1. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    #21 Jstorm, Aug 2, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2020
    Well, I’ve beaten the map. Jeez that was tough. All of my infantry units were dead and I was down to catapults.

    While I am enjoying the challenge, I think you should add an easy mode or something, because there will be a good number of people that complain about the difficulty.

    Or, allow maps that are already beaten to provide resources so that army can be upgraded to lower the relative difficulty. You will still need to lower the difficulty of the 2nd map on desert though, since the map unlocks non-linear town upgrades.

    Also, I think Cleopatra was a woman unless a new evidence was discovered. The character model looks nothing but a guy.

    About the purchase button, the repeatable purchase prompt occurred when I was asked to purchase. The store screen is shown correctly as purchased.
    Herodom likes this.
  2. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Thanks for your kind words again! But please don't feel guilty, I am so happy you are playing and enjoying Herodom already!
  3. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Sorry it turned out to be that hard. Did it in the end give a satisfactory feeling? I wanted to make Herodom challenging enough, but this is too much. You are not the only one with this feedback.

    I just created a new build which I am now uploading to Apple as we speak to tune down the difficulty a bit. I think I need to do this more often the coming days/ weeks. I tested with about 100 persons. But now with the larger group of players I have a lot more information for proper balancing. It's a challenging task, so apologies already if you run into too difficult levels again later!

    "Or, allow maps that are already beaten to provide resources so that army can be upgraded to lower the relative difficulty. You will still need to lower the difficulty of the 2nd map on desert though, since the map unlocks non-linear town upgrades."
    This I might do, but it needs some thought. Because otherwise someone can just play for example play level 1 100 times, get all the resources and updates, and run through the game easily. What do you think?

    Also, I think Cleopatra was a woman unless a new evidence was discovered. The character model looks nothing but a guy.
    Hahahahha yes you are right! Let me have a look at the character model soon, I will make her a tad more female ;)
  4. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    That is great to hear, thanks a lot for your support! Considering the wardrobe, I am almost finished with allowing for female character creation as well. I hope to release it coming week!
  5. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Haha smart thinking, thanks a lot for your support!

    And great feedback, it sounds like a good idea. I can add something like that during each wave preparation phase. Needs some work, but I will put it on my backlog:) If you have any other idea or feedback, please let me know!
    Thanks again:)
  6. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    Well, it was indeed satisfactory for me. Adding the second catapult made quite a difference.

    Regarding the repeatable resources, while allowing so may not make players experience the intended difficulty, it will also broaden how players approach the game. I think the benefit is greater than the drawbacks.

    You can prompt a message that the game is balanced without resource grind, but provided the functionality for the player’s sake. This will remove the responsibility of balancing the game with resource grinding in mind from you, while providing additional replayability and more choices for players.

    If you are concerned with someone grinding too much, you can add a limit to the number of times a map can provide resources, or the amount of resources gained decrease after each replays.
    Herodom likes this.
  7. freeworld

    freeworld Active Member

    Jun 8, 2020
    Game Developer
    I'm super impressed by the amount of content in Herodom, great job! Just saw on your website that it took you three years to make this, congratulations on finishing it! Also hats off to you for addressing feedback immediately, like the small text size. Especially after these three years of grind.
    Looking forward to digging more into your game! :)
    Sidenote: I really love the villagers breaking the 4th wall: talking about the device name and how they were 'born less than a minute ago' :D Perfection.
    Jstorm and Herodom like this.
  8. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    I unlocked something that should increase the number of heroes I can deploy on the battle, but it doesn’t seem to increase the hero slot from 3. Am I misunderstanding it’s effect?

    Also, I unlocked the farm upgrade that gives me access to 8 legged venomous monster, which unlocked the beetle. Wut!?
    Herodom likes this.
  9. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Thanks for thinking along, it really helps a lot! I will put this on my backlog for one of the next releases, you convinced me:) Thanks!!
    Jstorm likes this.
  10. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    That is so kind of you! It means lot to me reading your message, and I am super happy you enjoy these tiny little villager's thoughts. There are some other hidden things in the village, maybe you will spot them one day!
    Let me know if you have any feedback, and thanks again for your support :)
    freeworld likes this.
  11. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Hmm no when you upgrade the citadel, you should indeed have room voor 5 heroes. But you do need to set them your selves in the heroes menu (pause in the village scene to see it). Did you try this already?

    Hahahaha oewwwww yes my biology failed me here... I will update the text, thanks for pointing this out!:oops:
  12. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    Well, it turned out I thought I unlocked the hero slot upgrade but I haven’t. My bad.

    Regarding the beetle, the farm in town indeed has spiders in it, so I think that needs update too.
    Herodom likes this.
  13. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Ahh that makes more sense indeed! Thanks for letting me know, your help is incredibly valuable to me :)!
  14. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    #34 Jstorm, Aug 3, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
    One sad thing is that new heroes generally have much higher stats even at level 1, compared to heroes that have gained some level.

    So unless I absolutely love William Tell, who for some reason uses a bow in this game, there is no reason not to replace him with say, Artemis.

    While I see some deferences in defensive stats, I think it’s better if each character has some dominating strength in offensive side as well. For example William Tell don’t get much firing speed, but has the highest damage amongst archers since he is supposed to be using crossbow.

    I have one QoL request. It would be great if I can select an entire column of soldiers to be moved. As waves progresses, the number of soldiers increase, and its somewhat time consuming to move each soldier so that I can add another ranged soldiers between melee/ranged column.

    I noticed one bug? when melee soldiers are on hold. While not consistent, when I have about 5 columns of melee soldiers on hold, enemies can just ignore and walk through them. This happened when I was using spearman and enemy being spearman.

    Also, friendly melee soldiers on hold sometimes strike back when attacked and sometimes don’t.
    Herodom likes this.
  15. mgambino

    mgambino Well-Known Member

    Aug 13, 2014
    I like this game, want to love it, but I am getting my ass handed to me in the third battle.
    Herodom likes this.
  16. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    Are you using hold command and war hounds? If you make your melee units charge in, they will just get overwhelmed because they get attacked by both enemy’s melee and ranged units. I find them better to be acting as meat shields for ranged.

    War hounds will help you preserve units, but you need to consider when to call them.
  17. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Hi there, thanks a lot, that is great to hear:) Now, I want you to love it as well! Jstorm's tips are spot on. But in addition, I just released a new version to the AppStore where the difficulty is slightly decreased for the first levels, so that should also help:)
    Thanks again!
  18. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Thanks again for your feedback and suggestions! Awesome that you are doing this. Do you mind if I name you in the credits section under special thanks?

    I have the balancing of heroes on my backlog, I will pay attention to all your points mentioned! As a sidenote, I am also working on a crossbow and William will get one for sure!

    Good suggestion on the moving columns as well, note taken :)

    Yes that sounds like a bug, actually I think both issues you describe with on hold units refer to the same bug. Bug report made, on the backlog it goes!

    I am btw just finishing the creation of female characters as well. Will ship that soon!

    stubbieoz and Jstorm like this.
  19. Herodom

    Herodom Active Member

    Ohh and BTW maybe you know the answer to a question I have. I see some reviews here on TouchArcade as well. Do you by any chance know how I could ask if there is interest in for example reviewing Herodom?
  20. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    #40 Jstorm, Aug 3, 2020
    Last edited: Aug 3, 2020
    I don’t have the answer to that, but you should ask an admin or one of moderators. They’ve been around nearly a decade, so I think they can direct you with that.

    Don’t hesitate to deny my ideas. I love finding alternative solutions.
    Herodom likes this.

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