On ipad it looks like watching wide screen movie on old tv with 4:3 resolution.. its like they force to fit on ipad...
Where are the steam and Facebook posts from the Devs responding to concerns from the players? I'd appreciate having a look before buying.
Not working on iPad mini 3, iPhone 6 or 6+ I created an account just to post this here. I bought the game upon release yesterday. Immediately crashes on "tap to start" screen. I contacted the developers who then blamed the bug on game maker and suggested I close all apps, restart, reinstall etc. there are multiple reports of this bug, yet the dev had this to say "Panic Art Studios We have tested on Iphone 6, Iphone 6s, iPad Air and iPad mini and all of those worked just fine with no problems. And buggy mess? None of that I've seen. Disable power saving mode, and close other apps from running in the background and It should run fine. I have contacted GM about various problems but they dont care nor have the resources to address most of the issues" -Taken from Facebook page in response to one of my inquiries. I am really bummed at both the game not working and the developers insistence on blaming the bug on Game Maker. I've been looking for a game like this on iOS for quite some time. I'm gonna try and reformat my iPad as the last thing they told me was that my iPad may be running out of memory, we will see.
Glad I read the thread but Billy's first post convinced me not to buy, the rest just solidified it. I will forever be avoiding panic art studios.
Bad business is bad business and it will come back to bite them at some point. Nobody likes to support people that tell them " well, what do you want us to do about it?" and just blame it on their software. At least tell people "I'm sorry you're having problems we will get on it right away" and then actually go do that. If you are taking people's money it's your job to make sure the customers are satisfied. If these guys gave a rats ass they would be in here telling us "sorry guys an emergency fix has been submitted to the App Store" but I wouldn't hold my breath
Thanks for the heads up Billy. I was planning to buy the game until i saw your warning, saved me 10 bucks!
I went ahead and did something I haven't done in years, literally, on the App Store. Requested and was granted a refund. What a shame. And for clarification, for those of you who are angry at my previous "shitting on developers" comment (that has since been deleted with the rest of the thread clean-up)...look, there are ways to carry ourselves without looking like an angry mob set out to burn the developers at the stake. I'm not saying Billy was wrong to post what he did, and ultimately I too am more than thankful he did, but if you guys saw what happened in the Get 'Em thread, you'll know why I posted what I did too. This forum is a wonderful place where we all can interact with developers and ultimately help them make their products better...but how's that supposed to happen if they're permanently scared to partake in discussions because of a handful of seriously pissed off people (who in most cases haven't even bought the games in question) who want their heads on spears?
Metal I totally respect your opinion as a member of this forum and I get your point. I think you would have to agree that neither I nor Billy are in the habit of trashing Devs on these forums. But in this case I think we both had concerns which ultimately turned out to be valid. I'm sorry you had the hassle but glad you got the refund.
I agree, but the depiction of ppl wanting devs' heads on spears is beyond an exaggeration. I followed the Get'Em thread and it was a complete debacle but no one made threats. It was and like it always is, nothing more than ppl expressing their dissatisfaction. So, I guess if expressing dissatisfaction in one's opinion equates to 'shitting' on someone and implies wanting heads on spears then my perception of reality must be far from realistic. If a premium game is developed and monetized disingenuously then I can't blame anyone for labeling it as rubbish and if the dev can refute any misappropriated comments then he or she should stand directly behind their creation. Games are art in motion and like art will always be compared and criticized for better or worse. The day opinions are disallowed here is the day TA stops being a forum and becomes merely a promotional mouthpiece. Cheers #
Yeah, if Billy is giving a dev hell, there's a 99.999% chance they deserve it. He's the most game dev supportive person I've ever seen.
If I remember correctly, the original Android version of this worked better than the iOS version (still buggy, but better). And I actually enjoyed it somewhat. That said, these devs certainly don't seem to give a rat's ass about mobile gamers and this "new" version is a huge slap in the face when they left the old one a mess.
Hey, I was all for the energy system/timer/IAP-related battle royale in the thread, but the finger-pointing, conspiracies and accusations were BEYOND unacceptable.
Not happy that I bought this once already and would have to pay for it again to play it. The first time it worked great for one of the many updates and for all the others it was totally broken... Then got pulled. No thanks, skipping this. It's really a shame because it's a great game... Just not trying to buy it twice to wind up with it getting pulled again.
Still trying to get my head around how a game that topped out at £2.29 when originally released can warrant a ~180% price increase for a bugged re-release. The sad thing is, there are so many people out there that will still buy this because they just don't know the history behind it. Has to be one of the more blatant 'screw you' attempts I've seen over the years.
Alright guys, let's keep this thread clean. I've taken the liberty to remove all the posts that really don't belong here and it's safe to say I've been very fair with what's remained. Please guys, please....you're free to discuss your concerns with this re-release, the bugs, the developers' apparent indifference to mobile, etc. but pointing fingers and calling the developers terrorists (for WHATEVER reason) and whatnot simply won't be tolerated.