Universal Hero Emblems II (by HeatPot Games Ltd.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jun 22, 2022.

  1. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    That actually was probably where I was at as well! That's what prompted me to make that post in the first place ;) I think HE2 has much more equipment than HE1, so that's why I feel optimizing the interface would be important. It even looks like you might possibly run out of equipment space in your inventory. In HE1 there was only a handful of equipment so I tried collecting all of them.
    stubbieoz likes this.
  2. PBSNellie

    PBSNellie Well-Known Member

    Jul 7, 2013
    Southern CA
    Found it! Thank you.
  3. slewis7

    slewis7 Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    Houston, TX
    Can someone explain how to use the Skill/Magic Emblem screen. I a, not sure how to tell which card(s) is/are equipped. Most of the other screen are intuitive to me, but not this one.

    I am loving the game by the way!
  4. Brightsiderus

    Brightsiderus Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2017
    Uh…? Below is unequipped magic, upper half is for equipped magic.
    slewis7 likes this.
  5. davagorn

    davagorn Well-Known Member

    Feb 20, 2009
    Quality of Life improvement requests.

    1. Travel faster on the map between points.

    2. Stop changing the color on the battle background. (Unless there is some reason for this I'm missing?)

    Loving the game so far!
  6. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    Game of the year right here, I hope everyone here buys it, need to support this kind of quality.
    jkluk23 and slewis7 like this.
  7. guishark

    guishark New Member

    Dec 23, 2017
    Has anyone figured out how to complete the Treasure Hunter’s quest in Mezgothy Town? The bat creature keeps spawning again everytime I defeat it and the ? stays on it as well on the world map.
    Solarclipse likes this.
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    This is definitely the greatest match-3 game ever made. Hands down. I'm enjoying it so much. It was worth the wait.

    It sucks there's a bunch of 3 star and lower ratings already on the app store, most for poor translation. The translation needs fixing but it isn't as bad as HE1 and I don't think such a good game would lose 2 stars+ over that. Especially since I can understand it quite fine even with the rough translations. My guess is they did hire an English translator but they aren't fluent. Some people said that it sounded like machine translation, but as someone who uses translator apps a lot, this definitely is not nearly as bad as a machine translation.
    stubbieoz and aussiepaul like this.
  9. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    You need to attack with a specific element to damage the gem.
  10. guishark

    guishark New Member

    Dec 23, 2017
    #50 guishark, Jun 24, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
    Which one? I thought it was wind but that didn’t work?*edit* Found it, thanks for the tip!
  11. aussiepaul

    aussiepaul Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2013
    What would be good is if you could put a skip story button when the story dialog starts.
    Having to click through the story over and over when playing the same level is time consuming and not necessary.
    Still loving the game.
    Im in 5hrs and still working on the final battle in the first area.
    ThirdMoon and slewis7 like this.
  12. Gambler

    Gambler Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
    #52 Gambler, Jun 25, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
    I absolutely adore this game. It‘s an effing masterpiece!! And I‘m also saddened by the fact how few people will know about and/or buy it (Heatpot really should consider releasing Hero Emblems 2 for Switch as well):

    Juat to compare, the first HE in 2015 already had over a dozens of TA forum pages within 2 days. So sad how premium gaming has declined in favor of "free"2play cr@p ..- Alas, iOS premium gaming just is a hard sell these days.

    People prefer (essentially much more expensive and less fun) free2play crap like Pokemon GO, Candy Crush, Magic The Gathering, etcetc. If it hadn‘t come to that:

    1. TA‘s forum threads would be as big as in the old days (the first HE already didn’t only have over a dozen pages within the first two days, it now has 66). I‘d be surprised if the even superior HE2 would get much more than 8 - 10 forum pages in the end 7 years later … If at all :(

    2. There wouldn‘t be any need for anything like Apple Arcade

    3. None of the big games from the olden days like Plants vs. Zombies, Angry Birds, Asphalt etcetc would have switched to their terrible f2p models

    4. New big titles like Diablo, Fire Emblems, EA Sports titles etcetcetc wouldn’t have released under often terribly greedy free2play models (there are so many more titles but I‘m in the minority by don‘t touching as good as any "free2play" stuff … You guys probably know lots of those so called games I‘m talking about anyway … ) :/

    5. From the youth to everybody‘s grandma nobody shells out upfront for quality games on mobile anymore. That‘s why the App Store is littered with about 99,9% of (so called) "free2play" stuff, which is basically nearly always pay2win, pay2play, pay2enjoy4awhile and so on …

    6. Alas already 10 years ago there were too many people whining that the price of a starbucks coffee was TOOOOOO much for a quality hours after hours long game … Another reason mobile gaming is in the mess it‘s in today.

    Anyway to finish my point (or depressing rant), in today‘s mobile landscape it doesn‘t matter how well made, great, quality-laden a mobile game is. If it‘s pay upfront only the tiniest of minorities is going to buy it … With nearly no exceptions.

    Guess if they‘d release for the Switch as well, there‘d be a chance for HE3 as well. But with the sales figures from iOS alone I fear in 2022 there‘s no chance Heatpot even will receive its much deserved development costs (+ plenty of well-deserved winnings) back … Even though the game is nearly perfect and you don‘t need about 100k (hi Diablo Immortal and so many more greedy titles people unfortunately prefer) to max out a single character.

    It‘s so sad it has come to this … But alas, mobile gaming isn‘t the only area where the world has gone completely bonkers within the last 5, 10, 15 years :(
    stubbieoz likes this.
  13. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Can you explain to me the dungeons? When I get arrows am I supposed to be finding a way out ot just paths for fun to get as much loot and a boss?

  14. Solarclipse

    Solarclipse Well-Known Member

    Jul 30, 2012
    I’ve hit a difficulty spike with the spark-book boss. I backtracked to buy another purify card (so I have two) because it’s hard to keep up with the debuffs. Doubly hard because some of them cancel out the match—so you match 3 hearts but don’t get any heal, and then someone dies. Still, this one and the ogre are pretty touch and my characters are level 10 with the best gear in town. Any tips for either of these bosses? Thanks.

    One thing I did figure out—and it seems obvious in retrospect but hey—the number under enemies tells you how many turns until their next attack.

    @Gambler I feel you but I don’t think it’s the right place to talk about the systemic issues of the gaming industry here—I think we’ll have better conversation about this game if we have talk about this game
  15. Quoad

    Quoad Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2015
    I am finding this quite difficult going, and very poorly explained.

    I’m apparently four hours in. What are DP? What do the three choices of card do in “skills”? What’s the significance of their order (given the first two are interchangeable) and do they benefit from any active thought / management or are they basically drag, drop and leave?

    Most battles so far have essentially involved spamming sensible match 3 choices with half an eye towards health. I haven’t kept much of an eye on DP, which has no obviously observable impact, in no small part because the bloke / dog who restores DP is always the first to die (because of his “take damage for someone else” trait).

    Yes, translation is painful, and the slow and frankly confused story can’t be skipped. A lot of problems / difficulties seem to be solved by “grind a bit then come back and try again.”
    Hulkino likes this.
  16. Hulkino

    Hulkino Well-Known Member

    Feb 5, 2016
    #56 Hulkino, Jun 25, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022
    After a two-hour playing session i completely agree on a skip button in the scenes, it’s sooo boring goin’ through the dialogues everytime and maybe a faster cursor on the map maybe with a one button pressing only between point A and B on the map itself.
  17. aussiepaul

    aussiepaul Well-Known Member

    Aug 18, 2013
    HE2 is GOTW and deservedly so.
    Congratulations Devs
  18. Gambler

    Gambler Well-Known Member

    Mar 10, 2014
    #58 Gambler, Jun 25, 2022
    Last edited: Jun 25, 2022

    For me the game feels easier than the first one so far. Alas, back in 2015 too many people complained to the devs that Hero Emblems 1 was "too hard" for them. That‘s why they‘ve released an easy mode with one of the later updates and probably also why they‘ve toned down the difficulty in the sequel too.

    Tbh wasn‘t too fond of the move back then but normal mode has stayed the same as before so to each their own.

    As soon as I‘ve found the right strategies during my first playthrough HE1 even turned out a bit too easy for me. And most of those strategies seem to work in the sequel as well (if one or both games are too hard for anybody, hope these tips can help):
    a) first and foremost saving the powerful match 5 tiles and as many L/T/4 tiles for the harder (boss) fights later in the levels is vital for beating them - Combining those special match 5 tiles with L/T or match 4 tiles make for even more powerful spells (same in the sequel), saving up and combining two match 5 special tiles (as often as possible) in the end is the ultimate strategy.

    b) Also, you often can create the right circumstances for matching 5 tiles, just scan the board.

    c) for the defensive charcters: equipping the "correct" Emblems, especially the DP shield and the "healing + debuff cards (to get rid of poisoned, burning, chained etcetc. tiles easier)". That way I hardly ever need(ed) potions at all.

    d) for the offense characters equipping all elements so you can find out the element weakness(es) of harder foes and bosses easily.

    e) replaying levels to get to all the chests (and/or equipping the correct emblems for levels already played if you‘ve found out the harder foes/bosses weaknesses yet and couldn‘t beat him/her during the first run)

    f) equipping the steal emblem to get great and especially free potions (which you can sell quite often) from easier and sometimes special items from harder foes

    It already said quite a bit about the mobile gaming community back then that people had whined about the diffculty while 99% of the games in the app store were cakewalks already anyway and you only had to pay a little attention to strategy to - rather easily - beat nearly most of the first game …(And it still lasted as good as 30 hours anyway + another 5 hours for the latest update where they‘ve added additional levels … Which made the price of 5, 6 bucks even more of a steal …)

    For me HE2 being easier than part 1 is the main (and only) complaint so far (even the healer can deal damage now). Wish they‘d have introduced two difficulty modes again (like hard and normal) instead of toning the only one down. Game‘s still amazing though.

    One question for anybody in the know: Doesn‘t look like there‘s the same "trick" like in the first one, where you can skip the random fights from happening by hopping from single tile to single tile instead of just tapping on your target destination (where you - with "bad luck" can run into random fights every 2nd or 3rd tile)? Has anybody found another way to avoid the random encounters?
    aussiepaul likes this.
  19. Jstorm

    Jstorm Well-Known Member

    Feb 2, 2020
    The debuff removal skill for the healer helps quite a bit, and you should equip a ring that reduces the number of affected tiles.
    Bringing the herb that removes debuffs also help.

    If you get the gem by matching 5 tiles in a line, you should use it on the shield. It gives you extra time to remove debuffs.

    If the lack of healing is the issue, you can try equipping the elf with a heal skill.

    If all the above don’t work, then you probably need to work on improving the puzzle skill. The next area gets even harder.
    Solarclipse likes this.
  20. Anotherkellydown

    Anotherkellydown Moderator
    Staff Member Patreon Bronze

    Agreed! :)

    Here’s the Game of the Week article.
    aussiepaul likes this.

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