Universal Hero Emblems II (by HeatPot Games Ltd.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jun 22, 2022.

  1. Brightsiderus

    Brightsiderus Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2017
    Heads up. Game is on discount
  2. Impossblgrl

    Impossblgrl New Member

    Dec 25, 2022
    Where do you get this key?
  3. Alex DeLargest

    Alex DeLargest Well-Known Member

    Dec 16, 2010
    On sale again.

    How have the updates gone? Localization fixed? Balance issues addressed?
  4. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    Whoa HE2 got a surprise update. It says they added a food consumption system, color schemes for hero outfits, added accessories, adjust monster stats, and other improvements.

    I haven't had time to try it but it seems like a pretty substantial update. Hopefully these are good additions.
    jkluk23 likes this.
  5. Silverkill

    Silverkill New Member

    Aug 16, 2024
    Hey mates!
    Hope you all doing well.

    I have a short question, I'm stuck finding last Sid Trait. Literally checked all dungeons and places. Found all chests. But can't get last trait.

    Currently he has:
    1. Black cat's claw
    2. Owl's inspiration
    3. Magic of the lion king
    4. That one is missing

    Any help or advice appreciated.
  6. RoaringKitty

    RoaringKitty Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2024
    The North
    #246 RoaringKitty, Aug 24, 2024
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2024
    My thoughts.

    what speaks to this game is the easy going approach and the nice graphics. It is in it’s core a well done match-3 game with RPG elements. You play as a team of four characters that you manage and can equip with various stuff that you find or buy along the way that buff you so you can tackle the enemies as they are growing stronger. You move along on a world overmap that constitutes of connecting dots that represent levels. Pretty normal stuff for mobile.

    The game is really fun in the beginning. You gonna have a good time with this in the first couple of hours. It’s set up in the mold of a Pay to Win where it feels like all the energy and effort have been poured into the beginning as to lure you in and hook you on it’s concept. But when you spend more time with the game the flaws shines through. It was the exact same thing with the previous game, only this time the game is a bit more refined.

    Hero Emblems 2 suffer from pretty bad engrish that took me out of the immersion fast. The RPG aspects and mechanics of the game is pretty weak to begin with and the bad translation don't really help to mitigate it. It’s not horrible, but it’s not very good either. I guess it’s a matter of what you can tolarate.

    This game improve over Hero Emblems in pretty much every way, but in the end it suffers from all the flaws that was precent then non the less. Overall it’s a fun game for the first couple of hours and feels balanced, but that all changes about middle way through. After that it’s just a downhill spiral Pay to Win feeling without being an actual Pay to Win for the rest of the ride. It will frustrate the hell out of you.

    I would recommend it if you can get it for really cheap, but not at its full price.

    TLDR: It’s a good match-3 RPG in its core. But it’s a unbalanced frustrating mess with bad translation and it feels like a Pay to Win in the later half. It will piss you off to the point where you uninstall it.
    Hulkino and stubbieoz like this.
  7. Delusionaltool

    Delusionaltool Well-Known Member

    Sep 24, 2009
    The dining system is really helpful!!! Enemies drop gems now you use the gems as currency to buy food in dungeons at diners, which are now also save checkpoints in the dungeon. The food you can buy offers buffs and protection for your team. You buy for each hero. This made the dark lands dungeon much easier as i could load the the last diner checkpoint from dying and then buy the proper food items for the buffs and protection i need for the tougher battle. Killer QoL change with this.

    Oh you can also at the diner access your equipment and change stuff around, add new consumables in before the next fight. You can swap your cards out for powers that actually hurt the boss you died at the last 10 times :>!!

    very happy with this update.

    Now maybe i can finally beat the left and right demon eye bosses!!! That damn boss has no weaknesses!!! As i found out going to the diner cp and switching the healer power to the one that shows enemy weakness only to get to said boss and I got murdered by his medua eye bs!!! But hey that is what the diner cp is for, am i rightttt!!!!
    sebgo likes this.
  8. L.Lawliet

    L.Lawliet Well-Known Member

    Jun 28, 2011
    The new app store update says they've made the enemies weaker. I wonder how much weaker they are. I haven't updated yet but I'm guessing the change will be better long term?
  9. RoaringKitty

    RoaringKitty Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2024
    The North
    The problem is the flaws doesn’t become obvious until you have played a pretty chunk of the game already, something like 10 hours or so.

    If I remember correct, the normal gameplay with regular enemies was fine. But the minibosses and main bosses later on was horribly unbalanced and messed you up. Don’t know how much this update will fix that.
  10. anthony78

    anthony78 Well-Known Member

    Nov 13, 2015
    I’m going to have to give this another try with the updates. Got sidetracked with other games and, yes, this was hard so hopefully I can get further!
  11. RoaringKitty

    RoaringKitty Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2024
    The North
    Do it and give us a report how it worked out. I’m pretty sure we are many that found this game fun. It would be awesome if they balanced it properly so we could see it through. :)

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