Universal Hero Emblems II (by HeatPot Games Ltd.)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by metalcasket, Jun 22, 2022.

  1. Roxton

    Roxton Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Jan 30, 2015
    The vine ones are dark thorn. Pretty sure the other is paralysis.
    Hot tip: Frog skill emblem can eliminate the eyes.
    Also, you can’t go wrong having debuff clearing items in every item slot.
    Havelcek likes this.
  2. rslowe

    rslowe Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2016

    Finally beat the game! I enjoyed it quite a lot, maybe a bit obsessively (~48 hours of gameplay...). Here are my tips for future players:

    1. The game really prioritizes gear over other things: when you're behind the gear curve, levels will be hard and drawn-out; gearing up will always give you an edge.

    2. The typical strategy for a dungeon is to hoard specials, trying to get them side by side. Two specials switched together gives you all four characters' special attacks! (Make sure your character isn't in their sub-in cooldown or they won't activate, oops.) Unleash them on bosses, mini-bosses, and the occasional time you're stuck fighting an uphill battle with two skeletons guarding one of those ice liches.

    3. As you get further in the game, I'd recommend making your attacker heroes align themselves into one straight elemental. I had ferrit/white mage as holy, frog as water, elf as wind, soldier as fire, rattie as lightning, cat as ice, demon as dark. Sadly, there are MORE elementals than heroes (boooo)! So I didn't have a poison or earth carrier, though this didn't cause any problems with blue bar bosses. The benefit is that when you know you're facing a wind-weak person, you'll have a go-to character whose every charged attack will hit weakness, greatly shortening the battle.

    4. Most battles, you'll want the Ferret tanker and white mage with two attackers. Cycle in your attackers, looking for which heroes have the right elemental weakness. Don't unleash your specials until you know that you have two attackers who are hitting weakness or at least doing straight damage.

    5. I had Roy (rattie) have his "mysterious key" move in the first slot attack for most dungeons. Getting treasure keys usually required me to match something under the key, then a 4-match glowing emblem for Roy to drop the key. Wasting his special attack on the "Miraculous Key" isn't necessary, except in the Ruins of the Gods where it is highly recommended.

    Debuffs are the main problem in this game, moreso than health or damage. A lot of debuffs keep you from racking up specials or even activating attacks in the first place. Here are some ways to deal with debuffs:

    6. I recommend that the white mage uses cleanse for her 1st and 2nd tier heals for the entire game; the mighty cleanse special is useful for her but I switched over to resurrection near the end of the game. When characters "die" and resurrect, they cleanse all their debuffs, anyway! Near the end of the game, having characters with 5 or 6 extra lives is a lifesaver (um).

    7. Ignore the stat up accessories; opt for debuff-blockers always. As you go through the game, you'll find increasingly powerful ones. Wind ring < mighty wind ring < "mighty wind ring of mirage" < end game rings like the Night Queen Ring, Dragon King Ring, etc. Ferret and White Mage get first dibs.

    8. Near the end game, the white mage gets a trait where she cleanses a lot of debuffs whenever she subs in. When you get something overwhelming (two dark thorns that are too layered, one or two petrification eyes that can't be cleared, etc.), swap out the white mage, wait 7 turns, and swap her back in. She'll eliminate a lot of the crap on your board.

    9. Ferret's special (especially Angelic Defense) will block most enemies from debuffing you. In some boss battles, you may want to burn a single special just to get a wall up sometimes.

    10. Some debuffs are not a big deal. =) The worst are dark thorn, petrification eye ball, non-timer lightning shocks, ice walls --> ice cubes, and ninja bombs (when summoned in large numbers). Focus on these when they show up. The sword fighter has a trait that does double damage when clearing bombs/ice wall/dark thorn sources, so switch him in if you have space. Many other debuffs look scary but aren't really -- the acid flasks aren't as scary as ninja bombs, the lightning shocker with a timer that runs out, one or two ninja bombs, etc. Sometimes you can just let those run their course.

    That's it! Good luck to future players! I enjoyed the game, though I hope it'll be rebalanced by the game developers to be a little faster.
  3. Havelcek

    Havelcek Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Apr 30, 2013
    I finally finished it as well - really fantastic game. Honestly its been a long time since I finished an IOS game.
    Pagan Fox and Roxton like this.
  4. CzarChasm

    CzarChasm New Member

    Jul 24, 2022
    So…I can’t seem to find Zack’s final trait. Any suggestions/locations?
  5. Alteran

    Alteran New Member

    Aug 7, 2022
    For healers like the white mage, you can set 2 skill cards for the 4-match or 5-match combos, for example "light" and "cleansing", but i cant work out under what conditions one or the other will trigger. If I generate a 4-matched glowing gem, then match that gem how do i know which of the two skills will trigger?
  6. rslowe

    rslowe Well-Known Member

    Apr 22, 2016
    For white mage and shield ferret, you will use the "healing" skill (bottom cards) if you match an empowered gem and anyone in your party needs HP/DP; if everyone is topped off on Hit Points or Defense Points, they'll attack an enemy (top cards).

    It can lead to some annoying moments, like when you really want them to hit weakness on an enemy but one character took a measly 15 HP damage the turn before, but that's just how it goes.

    I personally recommend the cleansing skill in the bottom layers, and placing holy attacks on both white mage and ferret since they only hit their elemental weakness 50% as often as other characters.
  7. Alteran

    Alteran New Member

    Aug 7, 2022
    Thank you! After playing for a while I assumed that it was something like you explained but sometimes things are happening so fast with these combos its hard to really know why each thing is happening. Slowly getting the hang of this amazing game.
  8. macplash

    macplash Well-Known Member

    Apr 17, 2014
    3D artist
    Munich, Germany
    Anyone noticed we finally got a fast forward button for cutscenes? :cool:
  9. Mynameisbernat

    Sep 1, 2022
    Where do you get the Ruins of God key???
    I’ve completed the game two times and haven’t been able to get it.
  10. Brightsiderus

    Brightsiderus Well-Known Member

    Feb 1, 2017
    I got it on the last continent. Can’t remember if it fell from boss or in a random fight
  11. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    Yes it is found the first dungeon of the last continent
  12. Mynameisbernat

    Sep 1, 2022
    I’ll try it again. Thanks!
  13. Mynameisbernat

    Sep 1, 2022
    I’ll do my best. Thanks!!

  14. Mynameisbernat

    Sep 1, 2022
    Just got the Ancient Key dropped by a dwarf at the Calamity Lands. Thanks again.
  15. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    #235 y2kmp3, Sep 4, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 4, 2022
    In the Ruins of Gods, how do you disable the electric and fire barriers? Help!!!
  16. Mynameisbernat

    Sep 1, 2022
    I have the same problem. Unable to pass through the electric barrier. No clue about that. Need HELP too.
    The fire barrier I think you could go through them if you have the Fantasy Snowboots, but I’m not sure about that.

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  17. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    #237 y2kmp3, Sep 5, 2022
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2022
    @Mynameisbernat Good thinking. I, too, wonder if I missed an artifact in an earlier quest. The game does not have a travel log to track missing quests... I have no idea how to proceed.

  18. ImLegend

    ImLegend Well-Known Member

    Jun 26, 2010
    You need to have special items to bypass them, they can be collected in different dungeons
  19. Cory Booth

    Cory Booth New Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    Picture for attention - all that work to find out none of your selected cards will impact the boss.

    Question: Aside from the Hero Shield in the bottom-right and the Elven Island - is there anywhere else to travel by airship (that we haven't already visited)?
    Is there any reason to backtrack by airship to an earlier area?

    I just finished the runes monument and made my way to the final stage - just looking if I may have missed something

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  20. Cory Booth

    Cory Booth New Member

    Sep 13, 2022
    In the spirit of this post... If you obtain the "Ancient Key" (I got mine after hammering some dwarfs with 5 star power hits), you can unlock the tower in the lower right corner of the map. It's worth the grind.

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