Universal Hero Emblems (by HeatPot Games)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by ojtitus, Jan 8, 2015.

  1. carlskie

    carlskie Member

    Feb 15, 2015
    Yup it wont save after the final battle sad
  2. Spartyfan6262

    Spartyfan6262 Well-Known Member

    Jan 4, 2015
    Thank you for updating to include a casual mode. I'm not too excited to have to start over to use it, but I'm just glad we have that option now.
  3. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Is it possible to win the game doing a "no potion" run? Judging from the sheer difficulty of the game, even in casual mode, it seems like an impossible run.
  4. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    What exactly is casual mode? I've decided to have my original save and start my save 2 in casual mode. I'm not sure what the actual difference is? I'm assuming it is the same story mode but some how slightly easier?
  5. Intendro

    Intendro Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2013
    #1065 Intendro, Feb 15, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 15, 2015
    Gold/experience/items are not lost when you die (except for any earned in the current wave of enemies).

    (Some?) enemies have (slightly?) weaker stats.

    I can't quote it, there's some sort of false-positive security error. :eek:
    Here's the post:
  6. I think it's possible with planning and luck. I don't think I used many potions my second time around. But I wasn't specifically trying to avoid ever using them. I use them in a real pinch.
  7. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Thanks, AppUnwrapper. Some questions:

    1. How long did it take you to finish the campaign? First and second time.

    2. How much grinding did you have to do? Is it to get gold to buy all of the emblems?

    3. Did you write up a strategy guide on your site? Having finished the game yourself, in hindsight what do you think are the BEST strategies in terms of character leveling up? What should I prioritize? Emblems powers? Skills? etc.

    4. What should I prioritize in buying with gold I got? Is there a character that I should prioritize in maxing out first, such as the fighter?

  8. Hi!

    The first time I completed the game in 40 hours because I was kind of running around half blind and did a lot of backtracking for things I missed. My second time took 25 hours and almost no grinding at all. I did gain some gold/XP replaying dungeons to get the loot I missed out on, and grinded a tiny bit to buy the last emblem. But other than that, I just played straight through, making sure to collect every piece of loot. It made it a lot easier.

    Again, just follow the campaign. I do recommend reading my guide because I compiled my own tip as well as others. The emblem and skills guide will also help you make sure you don't miss anything, as some items are lost for good if you don't get them when you have the chance.

    I suggest focusing on the Alston first, since he both defends and attacks. A lot of skills can be looted, and even some emblems, so I suggest looking at my guide for those before buying any. It'll save you gold. I recommend focusing on emblems before skills, but the purification skills and Alson's force field skills should take priority -- most of those are looted, anyway.
  9. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Your guide is extremely helpful, AppUnwrapper, especially for a newbie like me.

    Tried to see if I can complete some of the earlier missions without using any consumables (including potions). Found that the game is very unforgiving for this style of play. While I was able to win a few boss battles early on, it is evident that such strategy is unlikely to be viable at all in later parts of the game. The emblems upgrade-only strategy is too slow (costing too many golds) to protect you from failing when doing a no-potion run.

  10. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    #1070 y2kmp3, Feb 16, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 16, 2015
    Some newbie questions:

    1. Why are you allowed to buy more than one of the SAME emblem? Shouldn't the game warn you against doing you since there is no benefit?

    2. Does each of the shops sell a different tier of emblems so that you need to backtrack to that shop looking for a specific tiered emblem?

    3. The buying prices for the different shops are different? But the selling prices are the same? Is this always true?

    4. In terms of arming emblems and skills, do you always just choose the "highest" emblems and skills?

    5. How is XP determined for each encounter? Does it depend on how many matches you made and how many 4- or 5-emblem match skills you used?
  11. Coldar

    Coldar Well-Known Member

    Dec 26, 2008
    Upstate NY/USA
    Yea, have be careful not buying a second emblem you've got already. I agree, should be a warning but you can tap on the emblem or skill and the character's below will move in anticipation of getting it and if you've got the emblem/skill they will remain still.

    I'd forgotten Mage's 4th emblem and had to go all the way back to the 2nd island and about died from the onslaught while at sea but it did get easier as I got closer to the island. So yea, each island has different emblems although the 6th emblems might have to be stolen, not real sure of this.

    Not sure on selling anything, haven't done it yet.

    Always have the highest emblem and I usually switch the skills around that takes advantage of the boss'es weakness.

    Not sure exactly how xp is determined just know my xp goes up with each match.:eek:

    I also suggest looking at AppWrapper's walkthough it's very beneficial to the game.
  12. imdakine1

    imdakine1 Well-Known Member

    Aug 23, 2011
    Another TA user mentioned that if you look at each character at the bottom when you select an emblem if they are very active with motion they don't have the emblem but if they are less animated they already have it... Still a bit confusing as we usually are rushing bit a very small detail that has helped me when deciding which emblem to buy!

    I still would love it to be marked obtained or greyed out.

  13. bilboa

    bilboa Well-Known Member

    May 23, 2013
    Boston, MA, USA
    There is no good reason for the game allowing this. It's just a design oversight in my opinion. As other pointed out, the workaround is to look at the character avatars when you select a skill or emblem, and if they don't already have it they'll dance around with an excited animation. If you do buy an extra one by mistake, at least you can sell it back for half price.

    As far as I've seen, yes each shop sells different emblems and skills.

    Emblems are strictly increasing in effectiveness, so you always want to equip the highest rated emblem for each character. Skills have more dimensions though than just weaker/stronger. Different skills have different abilities and elements, which will be stronger/weaker against different enemies. So you'll want to switch them around depending on which enemies you're fighting.
  14. dmpunks

    dmpunks Active Member

    Dec 3, 2012
    Awesome update. The new "Casual" difficulty feels more relaxed, making a fun game evem more so. Also, from what little I've played when I started a new game at Casual, it seems the dialogues have been improved. Particularly the "entering this stage" prompt; the "-ing" has been dropped.
  15. jpgold

    jpgold Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2012
    Online Ad Sales - Pandora
    New York, NY
    I had given up on this one, but the update has given it new life. Much more enjoyable....
  16. Tastyfish

    Tastyfish Well-Known Member

    Feb 26, 2011
    #1076 Tastyfish, Feb 17, 2015
    Last edited: Feb 17, 2015
    Same. Originally I enjoyed the higher difficulty but then got stuck about 20 hours in and stopped playing. After the update, I started a new casual game and it's amazing. I'm now 7.5 hours in and close to where I was in my original game.

    Edit: passed the point I was stuck in original game and it took me exactly half the time (10 hours)
  17. y2kmp3

    y2kmp3 Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2010
    Why is the Ancient Labyrinth dungeon so absurdly difficult?

    The level of difficulty is completely out of keeping with the previous dungeons or missions.

    The Guardian Beast appears to be resistance to all types of attack. Deals out massive damage. Then the traps goes off every 5 turns. The level is unwinnable without using (lots of) consumables, even if you are playing it with skillz. :mad:
  18. mojojojo82

    mojojojo82 Member

    Mar 1, 2014
    Just completed on hard - keep at it, it's doable. There are some tough levels, but some tips:
    - learn how to drop certain patterns to line up 5s, create them together, and try to save them for the big fight. For later bosses you'll need to start them with a couple of dual-5s with resurrect and shield to even have a chance.
    - you don't need to change skills too often, but sometimes you'll need to do a minimum of a special/super special with a particular element to do damage - doing 3s here are a waste, you need to line up those 4+
    - save the hearts for the right moment, particularly in later fights
    - try to clear a particular colour from bottom up, then move on to the next. This heightens the chance of cascades.
    - choose heal potions; there's only one level where you really need debuffs, and you'll know it when you hit it
    - don't waste heal potions if you can scrape by; take the risk, you can always restart
    - grinding a little bit in the middle portion helps; get an extra level and a perk or two.
    - there are some 'Easter egg' missions that provide extra perks. Visit unflagged medium size icons!
  19. It's funny. When I first started playing, I was really annoyed that I didn't get to keep anything from a dungeon when I lost. But now I appreciate the challenge and like the game the way it is.

    It's cool that the devs added a more casual mode for those who wanted it (and folks who don't have as much time to sink into the game). I've a feeling that some people will play the original version, though, after playing casual. The second time around is easier anyway. ;)
  20. Maybe my video will help? It's not impossible, but you need to go in prepared.
    Also, you can steal a skill from him.


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