Anyone remember the resistances/weaknesses of the Star Gate boss? I've restarted the area like 15 times now, without even getting to the boss. Want to make sure when j do get there that I don't lose bc I have the wrong skills equipped.
Check AppUnwrappers guide it's pretty helpful. Yes you can redo dungeons and get chests you might have missed or go down a different path. I'd advise you to get the heist skill for Howard and steal from each boss. You can get emblems or spells before they're available sometimes.
Thanks. I'd rather avoid using a guide very much the first time through. Well, other than asking that question. So the bosses can be fought again too, right? ...I'd find out myself soon enough, but anyway...
Was also immune to stunning. I kept it on in hopes of another easy boss battle, but no go. Was a long battle, but managed to take him down.
Great... Well, now the question is: Which ones? Sorry. Might as well... *skims guide for answer* This part? Spoiler "Tier 6 Emblems: The two missions after saving the fairys on the 3rd island (the Cabe of Conch and Poseidons Relic) have two red chests that give Tier 6 emblems. HOWEVER if you use Heist ability on the bosses they drop a emblem each and youll own all tier 6 emblems. This may be the only way to get all four tier 6 emblems! (Thanks to Azi for this info.)"
Ouch that boss in the mystery tower was tough, I beat him but couldn't figure out how. He guarded everything and I think maybe only skills got through? Going to head to the second island now by the looks of it, but like I said I'm not rushing at all and 8 hours in so far.
A few tips for those close to the end of the game! 1. None of rooms (Sun, Moon or Star) provide Emblems (not 100% certain however I haven't read otherwise and I've gotten all chests and hit 2/3 bosses with heist), they do however provide a few skills - the most important one being in the Star Room, a S Ability for Howard (the best S skill for him IMO), you'll have to get it to find out what it is! 2. How to get the 100k emblems then? Grind the Sun room. I was earning several thousand gold each run. Get emblems in this order, SHIELD, HEALTH, SWORD AND STAFF. However if you find that too hard, grind the Ancient Mausoleum it's about 5k each run and easy if you have all Tier 8 emblems (Castle and Cave of Devil) and eventually you'll be able to grind the Sun room blind. I grinded the 300k I needed in 2 hours. 3. Lighting abilities got me though most of the game except for when an enemy had a clear resistance against it (Red Dragon Boss at the end of the sun room resists it). So if you don't have all the others, lighting is the way to go for general use. You can buy the powerful versions of it from the 3rd island. 4. Pay attention to how much health an enemy has + how many moves before you get attacked as sometimes it's better to kill them instead of focusing just shield or health. 5. I can't recall where I picked it up but you must get Angelic shield for Alston (300% shield as opposed to 150%). If you're getting all the chests you see, you won't miss it. 6. When you're up against those double heart spawning fairies, wait till the spawn it and then use an S tile + heart (assuming you have Trista's Superior Purification). They only sever spawn it once per battle.
At the end of the game it said The End Act 1, Spoiler it's obvious that the 2nd part of the game or some DLC will be to find out Elsa's Heritage. I wonder if it works off your save game because I saved; Rajal; Spoiler He follows you on your new adventures! The King; Spoiler gives you a letter (what could it be!!) All in all, a difficult but worthy journey! Can't wait for more content. Haven't been this engrossed in a Match 4 since Puzzle Quest 1 and it's expansions!
Hi, I'm lvl 22 already, though currently I'm stuck at tower of deity. These opponents are pretty tough, thus I'm already weakened before boss-fight. Pretty challenging game, guess I should do some leveling ?
Regarding the Tower of Diety boss.. Spoiler Alston's anti-debuff shield prevents the boss from petrifying you. So if you only have a few mega-buffs (whatever they're called) save them for that. Keeping the shield up and using lightning on him made him very easy to kill first time.
Has anyone noticed that this game ignores your mute switch settings? I either have to have my earbuds plugged in, or turn off all the game sounds to play quietly. Would be nice if it respected the mute switch on the side. That being said. I LOVE THIS GAME! It's super-tough, seems to require grinding, and kicks my butt. It's awesome.