I would default him right now if it would finish the round, but we seem several days away from that, so why not give another day to explain that he was in Siberia for work, but will now play like a madman? I dont want to give more than that, because I'm afraid it would hold everyone else up which isnt fair. After all, even if he plays like a madman, its not really fair to ask you too play crazy speed. But we seem a minimum of 3-4 days away from Round 2, so I think tomorrow night if we havent heard from him. I need to check the rules. I think I said only 1 advances if a group ends up 3 players. Not very fair to you since Juice is crazy strong, but I think that is the rule I listed at the beginning. So you should actually hope he shows up... Edit: Wait! Forgot! If he made a single move, any move, than his default awards you a full point and you advance. He did make a move, or not?
Alright I remember you telling me that I would get a "win" if he gets defaulted, so it wouldn't really matter, would it? Edit: Yep, he played
Well, see the edit to my last post. If he made a move, you get the full point and advance. Kind of silly to turn it on a technicality, but that is the rule I articulated at the beginning. I'm feeling bad about it now, and maybe we can do something, but first tell me if he moved.
We are waiting on 12 games, 3 of which are likely to end in defaults. Its likely that not all the 9 will matter, but I cant tell yet. At this point, please post new results at the end of the thread.
I defeated Cydoval (already noted in upstream post some time ago). The game with T-NINE16 is moving pretty well and should be done pretty soon.
lelezi Vs thebeesknees still on going. close to end.. but thebeesknees is taking a while for his turns. i presume he's busy.
You advance. Updated. Gratz, 13 of 16 slots filled. 1 more likely to be filled by default tomorrow. Getting there...
@Siniom, gratz, your guaranteed to advance. Slot 15 of a likely 16 or 17 (18 is still theoretically possible).
We are up to 15 slots for Round 2! Group C, we have one 3-1 player that is in, and 2 players that are 2-1 both playing opponents that are 0-2. If they both win, we take all 3 3-1 players. It appears that all of the relevant folks are actively playing. Further updates would be appreciated! Group H, we have 2 players advancing already, but Drakeer can still advance if he wins his remaining 3 games. (He will have to defeat, among others, a 3-0 player.) Drakeer had a busy week, and lost some time, but is playing; I've requested an update. That is it. We are close.
well i'm one of the 2-1 guys the last game against vegan is in its last stretch.. he has one unit on field and 1 reinforcement left .. but it takes ages to make a move.. maybe for the future in general it would be nice if people participating in the tournament play such games moves with higher priority than other games they might run.. this should help speed up some games who get tediously long.. also if one does not see light at the end of the tunnel.. there is no harm to resign a game your guaranteed to loose anway.. saves both parties time.
You know, requiring only an average of one move a day didnt work out too badly. I mean, we are almost done with round 1 after only 1 week. I suppose one could demand an average of 2 moves a day, 3 on weekends . . . though even that would scare some folks away I think.
Some people play slower when they are losing. It's hard to do much about this---what can you do, threaten to disqualify them? Not much of a threat since they are losing anyway.