Despite it not working for who knows how long, I've never been able to get myself to delete this game. So glad to be able to play through it again!
never deleted from my devices... too beautiful! and now Bounties are working again (didn't work for a while)!!!
Does anyone know if the HD version has retina support? I know that the iPhone version does, but don't see that HD was updated with one.
Just for you, i downloaded the new version - i cant tell if its retina or not, but i see no jaggies of any kind. Looks great.
Thank you, pluto6 for taking the bullet. I doubt if it is a proper retina like the iPhone version but because it was initially designed for an original iPad it is probably pretty sharp still. Will get when I get home.
I finally took the time to play through the entire campaign of Helsing’s Fire, and I’m glad I did. Only on ‘Normal’ difficulty, mind. There’s also ‘Hard’ and ‘absurd’, but I’m alright. Brilliant game, really. One of the App Store’s true early classics. I’m sure there are probably many puzzle games now that share Helsing’s Fire’s illumination-based gameplay (off the top of my head I can only think of Lums, which is not currently available), but few would have the style and personality of this game. If you’re into puzzle games and you’ve never heard of this one, you’re in for a treat. If like me you bought this game way back when but never really gave it the attention it deserved (how many iOS games can we say that about, I wonder), now’s the time to remedy the situation.
Weirdly enough I also took the time last weekend and this week to properly finish it and was about to say the exact same thing! Given how I bought it in 2011, it's about time but it's also great to see such an early gem of the App Store still playable on modern devices. What a great puzzle game indeed!
Given that I’ve been playing this game on-and-off for over four years (bounties!) and it never leaves my devices, I wholeheartedly agree. Easily one of my favourite games ever! Now if only Dungeon Raid would make a comeback...
and talking about forgotten beauties, i would like to see a Sword of Fargoal comeback... what a game! imo still one of the best roguelike ever made (included Vic20 and C64 versions). i miss it a lot!