Really enjoying the new update. I noticed however that the frame rate dropped a little bit, specially in parts where there's tons of monsters and mirrors. Hope you guys can improve/optimize that for an upcoming update.
Anyone else having trouble with the achievements for completing the older campaigns not working? I restarted and completed each one on absurd after the GC integration, but only the north campaign achievements worked. Hope I don't have to re-do absurd again
The game does an intentional slow-motion effect when some of the new concepts are introduced; when the tonic first passes through a crystal or bounces off a mirror. This is just to show the moment-of-impact clearly. Later puzzles don't have the slow-mo effect. Is this the slowdown your'e talking about, or is there a general framerate drop when just moving the torch around or idling? A few others have mentioned this issue. The GC achievements are tied into the Crystal stuff, and I've asked the Crystal developers how this integration is supposed to get synced. Apparently, it should just work. When the game starts up, Crystal should automatically sync all of the earned achievements to GameCenter. One thing to try would be to force-quit the game (using the double-click home button, or by rebooting the device) and restarting it. When the game starts up, maybe the sync will work properly this time and all your previously-earned achievements will get posted to GC. If you try this, please let me know if it works. I've had a hard time testing this issue.
Sorry, I can't help you there with the Crystal syncing problem. I probably should have mentioned that I don't have a Crystal account. When GC was integrated I had 0 achievements, understandably. So I just reset all my campaigns and completed them all again to try and get the achievements from scratch. So I'm assuming this is a GC problem, unless Crystal is somehow linked to non-Crystal users when gaining achievements through GC.
Thanks to STYJ i recently bought this game, thank you very much! How could i skip this? The potion/light style puzzle is incredible well done, im at the forest now and im having a blast. From all games i have, this is the one i will finish first. Im hooked.
I just realised I never got around to mentioning how much I loved the new campaign. The mirrors and crystals were great additions to the core gameplay, and the dialogue was terrific as always. Are there any plans for more updates? Cheers.
Awesome. Thanks for the recommendation STYJ! Thank you for taking the time to come back and post this . Those mirrors were a bit of work to get right, and it's great to hear that people enjoy it. We don't have any immediate plans for another update. At the moment, we're hard at work on a game for the Playstation Network called "Rocketbirds: Reloaded". It's an action platformer in the mold of "Flashback". You can check out a short trailer here:
Here's my guess (without having the puzzle on my phone to actually test it): Wait until the toad is blue for the 2nd hit, and red for the 3rd. I think the primary "trick" to this one is avoiding the red/blue archer in the bottom right until step 3. If this doesn't work, PM me.
So... This game has been broken for a LONG time. I randomly started it up today and it works on an iPhone 5S with 8.3. No updates, no nothing. Just works. I am SO FRIGGING EXCITED. Edit: Oh, there was even a front page article. I missed it, apparently. STILL. THIS GAME IS AMAZING.
Iphone 5s, version 8.4.1 First five levels started out good, then i got an almost black screen, though i still saw (very roughly) the rats. Restarted the app and it worked again. This is a very rare and a "one out of 1000" game that i want to replay again, but i really want to wait for the update coming out. TA's article with this info was from Dec.2014. Any news about it? I'm also ready to pay again for this (my) all time classic puzzler, no doubt. And hey, i'm not even a big puzzler specialist nor a fan of this genre. PS: no response to my email, yet.
imo this is one of the best games of all time in the AppStore, i'm still playing it and stay strong on my device from day one
The answer to my email: Hi there, I don't have a solid release date, but Chillingo is currently (finally) testing a fixed build of Helsing's Fire. Hopefully it passes all the tests and they can release it soon. cheers, |_(_)( Lucas Pope Hmm...sounds relatively soon-ish. Yeah!
The update is out! It's been a long time, but it's final here. Just have to wait for my gamecenter to start working again. Damn iOS 9.