Help with iPhone gaming website (tracking app prices)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Lounge' started by JohnnyB1981, Jul 7, 2010.

  1. JohnnyB1981

    JohnnyB1981 Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2010
    Hi guys, I'm wondering if anyone can help me out a little. I'm currently doing a 2-year college program called Website Administration, which is teaching me many different aspects of how to create and maintain websites.
    Right now, I'm on summer break after my first year, and I have a pet project in mind which would give me a little experience with Wordpress, and in running my own blog, since the program teaches nothing about blogs in particular.

    Basically, what I want to make is a simple blog where every day I could post an article with a few of my favorite games in a particular category, all for free or $0.99. I'm obviously not planning on competing with TA or anything even remotely similar (in fact, my mindset doesn't really involve competition at all), but I don't want the site to be crap either. So, this leads to my question...

    If I'm only going to be posting games with price-points of $0.00 or $0.99, I'll need to be able to keep track of games' prices so that if a game goes "off my radar", so to speak, it will be removed from the site. To do this, I'll obviously need to have some direct access to price changes in the app store. After googling a bit, the only way of doing this I could find was to be an Apple Affiliate (not sure if that's the right term or not atm), but I assume that any site would have to be established at least a little before Apple would accept it.

    Is becoming an Apple Affiliate the only way to get access to price changes in the App Store, or is there another, maybe "dirtier" way do it? And am I right that a brand new site wouldn't qualify?

    I'm sure you can see my dilemma... it's almost necessary to have price changes updated as soon as I start the site, or I'd end up with articles linking to games with the wrong prices.

    Again, this is just a pet project for myself to combine a couple of my biggest interests, and get some experience running a small site to throw on the resume. Anyone who's read this entire post, thanks, and anyone who can help, I'd greatly appreciate it. Cheers,


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