Chrono Trigger is AWESOME, but iOS version is not very nice from what I've heard. I don't even know if it still works.
Transistor is pretty sweet! I have Chrono but never tried it, like Dank said, I've heard mixed reviews. I don't have DQ6 but Transistor is my vote.
I'd go for Transistor, but that's because I love the theme and gameplay, but I think it's quite a different game from CT or DQ (all 3 are RPGs, but in the case of Transistor it's a different type of gameplay) so I would recommend Transistor for a fairly more linear and story focused experience but probably choose DQ or CT for a more traditional experience.
Works on my 6 plus running iOS 9.0. I love RPGs so my vote is Chrono Trigger or DQ6. DQ 5 is probably a better game than 6 but 6 is still pretty fun. I have it on DS so i cant say how it plays on iOS, but if it is like the other DQ games 5 and 8 the controls are ok.
7lilwhitewolf7 spots an interesting thread in the TouchArcade Zone. He enters likeing what the new read is by Heboi456. Hopeing he can help his fellow gamer out he thinks hard on what his suggestion will be. Been thinking awhile now. As the sun sets it looks like he'll be thinking a whole while longer
I do nt want to flame, but do you live in Oregon or Colorado? That whole post seems to be somewhat drug induced. Otherwise apologies if your oist was lucid and thoughtful.
Definitely go for Transistor, and pick up Bastion from the same devs as well, if you don't have it already. The voiceacting on both is one of the best I know, and used really well to tell the stories.
I'd say go for Chrono Trigger. If you havent played that yet, you should. It's one of the best things to happen to gaming that you have to experience it. Transistor is fantastic too, but it can wait. I dont have DQ6 on iOS so i cant comment on that one, but i did play it a few years ago and it didnt really take me in enough for me to finish it at least.
I vote Chrono Trigger too. I haven't played DQ6 but I have played other DQ games and I prefer Chrono Trigger. It is an absolute classic and I've played through it a couple times on my old iphone 5 with no problems. I played Transistor and while the story was great, I just couldn't get into the gameplay. Like Papa said, if you want a traditional RPG, go with DQ or Chrono Trigger. If you want a new experience, go with Transistor.
2nded 7 3rded. 7lilwhitewolf7 is one of my all-time favourites at TA. We've lost the cat - we cannot lose the wolf!
It'z a beautiful rainy morning here in Tatooine, Georgia. How iz the weather where you dwell? Apologies accepted Yo! No drugs at all. I'm just a knightowl that mistakenly grabed a game controller out of the sea instead of a fish
This. Why m'Lord when the decision iz revealed all i can hear iz applause? From the Bastion Narrator mo super stoked than i imagined