i just like to have the option to skip unlocking it in the game, maybe you already did it on someone else's ipad and you just want to go straight to it
I enjoy them a lot, and really appreciate what you do. And for the record, I wasn't suggesting you talk in the videos. I like the silence/sound of the games. I was saying that if you typed a quick sentence of how you liked or disliked it or rated it we would take more away from the posts. But again, I appreciate everything you do, and how you do it is excellent.
I'm confused. When I open the game it automatically goes to landscape in iPhone, and I don't see an option to change it. Are you just starting a game and playing it in portrait anyway even though it is a landscape game?
Love the design. The gameplay dynamic reminds me of the classic TRS-80 CoCo game Doubleback (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Tc8qt3y9n3w#t=0m46s) (yes, I am old), or the iOS' own Spirit. But the design evokes Patrick Buckland's early Mac games Crystal Quest or Sky Shadow (http://macintoshgarden.org/author/patrick-buckland). I wonder if the author was a fan of those. I was!
63 is my best so far. this game is great. Once you get a feel for the controls you can really swoop and weave around the playfield. I sorta wish there was some sort of combo system though...seems like the game is really built for one.
I second that big time! There seems to be no form of "bonus for style" (some sort of bonus for stylish reckless play).
I love the lack of a combo system. It's nice to have a simple scoring mechanic where one point = one enemy defeated. It's hard for me, as a simple player who thinks this is one of the absolute best games of 2014 on iOS (or any other gaming platform), to mention things that I think would make the game better, but I will try anyway. If there is one thing keeping this at a 9.5/10 instead of a perfect 10 it is the lack of variation in the different gameplay modes. The only real difference in the three modes is the rate the enemies appear, and which enemies appear when. I think that the gameplay could easily lend itself to other modes that were completely different in strategy, without actually being too much different from a coding perspective. One mode I would love is a survival mode where you are attempting to dodge enemies instead of defeat them, and the goal is to survive as long as possible. This could, in theory at least, be added without much extra work. Of course I could be the only guy who this would really appeal to, who knows.
I find it's far more difficult on my smaller iPhone screen than my iPad. Still my best is only around 30 or so. lol
The nice thing about a good combo system though is that it rewards you for getting better at the game in a more visceral way. It also allows you to play in a more strategic way. Do you go for combos or just individual enemies? It doesn't have to be very complex though. Even just a bonus for taking out 3 or more enemies in a given small window of time would be good. Fruit Ninja for instance has a great combo system. It's not complicated but it really gets the endorphins firing in your brain.
If anything, I'd like to see an extra point awarded for enemies which require multiple circles, faster enemies, or for defeating the egg and it's spawn (which I generally avoid).
Yeah, that too. As it is now, there's no reason really to go for some of the more difficult enemies. The circles that scoot across the screen for instance - mostly I just let them go unless there's no other enemies on screen. If they were worth more points there'd be some incentive to go for them...
I agree. I do the same with the eggs, and I almost feels like I should be punished for it. The eggs and the bugs which spawn from them give you 5 quick points or so, if you have enough room to defeat them quickly, but I've found it's almost always better for me to leave them alone. Another gameplay mode I would like is a 3 run total score mode, similar to Robot Unicorn Attack. I love the feeling of accomplishment when you put together three great runs in a row, and finally get a respectable score in RuA. I think that would transfer very well here. Sure, my high score is 47 now (which isn't even that great), but I'd be hard pressed to get a 100 total in three consecutive runs.
My best was 62, only playing landscape when the game came out. Gazillion games later, nope, could not improve it further. Thanks to you guys (lol, stupid me didn't even think about) i switched to portrait paired with my little mind trick coming from the snooker-billiard-effect. To sharpen my senses and reflexes, i always start with terror mode for ten minutes or so, then i switch to normal and chase my highscore. Today i made 118. You could have seen my smile from the moon Maybe this "trick" helps one or the other player, i hope so. Meanwhile, i'm totally happy with the score system. Pure, straight, fair.
A great trick I've tried in other games. It seems like you're slamming your head against the wall in futility in the much harder mode, but then once you drop back down to the normal mode you realize you've actually learned some pretty decent techniques in between dying.
Lol I thought I was some sort of genius and only I knew that trick. That's the only time I play the other two modes is before I chase my high score in Brog mode.