@RPGGuy It looks like you have an excellent game here (and gorgeous too)! I'll have to agree with what IOSgamer1980 said, though. If you added in some simple upgrades that the gold could unlock (say in between each level), that would definitely give players reason to stick around. People LOVE unlocking things! I think it registers on some kind of primitive level in our brains. LOL! I also think it would make people more exited if there were other swords to unlock (maybe even different types of weapons too). I mean, it's already got a great DOOM vibe, so why not embrace it further? Anyway, thanks for posting up, and good luck with your new game!
There were plans for more weapons and more spells but I had to limit things to make it out in time for the Apple TV launch. It was submitted 1 day before it came out I will say that Heavy Blade 2 is already in development and will further build on what we have. I will start a new thread in the Upcoming Games area for that at some point and you will be able to make suggestions there.
Ah gotcha. Well, it's a great game nonetheless. I'll definitely be on the lookout for HB2, though. I think, if the things I mentioned above go into it, you'll have a modern day DOOM on your hands. There's DEFINITELY a market for that her in the iOS community.
Can you add various difficulties I for one think I need a wuss mode cause I can't get past level 2 the dungeon environments and enemies look amazing yes the sword animation is a little meh but I am more let down by the lack of upgrades/variety as others have mentioned.
Just to clarify, I hope I didn't come across as too negative in my previous post. Those were just things that I look for in games that look like the one you've put in front of me. Having not played it, maybe the atmosphere, the challenge, and/or the satisfaction of finding the game's secret areas will be enough on their own to justify the modest price-tag.
I wish there could be a way to add a way we can heal ourselves. I hate having to rely on random potions. It is a beautiful game. Billy
Well here's a tip. Potions restore 25 health so don't pick them up if your health is over 75 or you are wasting it. I thought about having a fountain where you could run back to restore your health if you needed to, but that would create a lot of backtracking and opted for putting enough potions in the level. There is some strategy involved, when choosing to use fireballs or your sword depending on what potions are nearby.
Are there certain enemies not as affected by fireballs as others? The big troll/ Orc like guy for example it doesn't even slow him down which brings me to the fact that there is no enemy damage counter which would be useful cause if you could see you didn't have a fighting chance you could run off to try find a potion or whatever
Fireballs cause the same amount of damage on every monster. The bigger ones have more HP. I think putting HP bars over the monsters would ruin the immersiveness.
I agree... and i even daresay a must on every game. Battles feel more intense without seeing the enemy HP
Yeah I can see where you guys are coming from this game is a challenge and I love that. it's good there is no hand holding and now that I have played it for awhile I know how to handle different enemies and when to go for the potions etc
I'm so tempted on this after reading that some compare it to Doom/Hexen/Heritic, my biggest concern though is the one weapon and spell, the fun of those games was the weapon variety and sense of progression they gave.
Heavy Blade is getting some press "5 beautiful iOS games that show what Apple hardware can do" http://www.phonearena.com/news/5-beautiful-iOS-games-that-show-what-Apple-hardware-can-do_id75709
Version 1.3 has been submitted and adds leaderboards. It also fixes a bug with the main menu and intro/ending fading to black if you tap on empty space.
WOOO i was gonna unleash my wraith upon this thread of this game about yet another GREAT game without game cents achievements / leaderboard support without it its just feel something is missing so normal would just skip on one games that don't have GC Support ... same for those Mac app store games that don't support OSX Game center can't wait for your upcoming update for this game! also will there be optimise for the iPad pro????
Version 1.3 is now available on both iOS and Apple TV which has leaderboards for your gold and other minor bug fixes. Sounds like everyone likes the game but wants more stuff. There is so much that I could add to this game. A few ideas: - Exploding barrels - Gibs - Secret Walls that close instead of open, trapping you in an area - More weapons (axe, mace, flaming/ice swords etc) - More spells (ice, gas) - Blocking with a shield I was thinking instead of using the second button to shoot fireballs, make it block with a shield instead and then the fireball or spells would be a separate staff weapon. Weapons could be cycled using swipe left/right on the siri remote or buttons on ios. Or if I don't put in a shield each weapon could have a different secondary spell attack associated with it. I would like to add some of these things to the game over the next few months. If you have other suggestions let me know!
A lite version of the game that has the first 3 levels is now available. Heavy Blade Lite Chris Egerter Heavy Blade is a fast paced 3D hack and slash dungeon crawler with gorgeous visuals and a heavy rock soundtrack. Remi… Free Buy Now Watch Media DetailsHeavy Blade is a fast paced 3D hack and slash dungeon crawler with gorgeous visuals and a heavy rock soundtrack. Reminiscent of games like Doom and Heretic, Heavy Blade combines old school gameplay with a new graphics engine. Run and slash your way through dungeons filled with horrifying monsters and defeat the wizard! Choose when to use ranged or close attacks depending on what vials are nearby to refill. Dodge enemy attacks, or force them into a small hallway to take them on one at a time instead of getting surrounded. Or simply grind and improve your character until you can overpower them. The choice is yours. Being aggressive is the name of the game here. You are always vulnerable but don't worry about getting hurt! There are plenty of vials to restore your health scattered around the levels. GAMEPLAY FEATURES - 30 dungeons filled with monsters to explore with 8-10 hours of gameplay to complete - 16 unique enemies - 5 collectible weapons each with a unique spell, including fireballs, magic missile, electricity, and ice shards - On screen map for navigation - Listen for whispers to locate secret doors and hidden areas - Gather loot from dead enemies or barrels and replenish health and mana with potions. - Unlock the next level by reaching the exit. - Playable with the touch screen or third party game controller (recommended). UPGRADE WEAPONS AND YOUR STATS - Spend your gold to upgrade your hero's armor, stats and weapons from the quest selection menu ENGINE FEATURES - State of the art graphics with unified lighting and shadows - Per pixel lighting with specular and bump mapping - 4 dynamic lights with shadow maps MORE VERSIONS Heavy Blade is available on iOS, TV OS, and now PC on Steam! For more videos and images visit www.HeavyBlade.com Information Seller:Chris Egerter Genre:Action, Role Playing Release:Dec 10, 2015 Updated:Sep 26, 2019 Version:8 Size:219.8 MB TouchArcade Rating:Unrated User Rating:Unrated Your Rating:unrated Compatibility:HD Universal
The first major update for Heavy Blade is in development and will add at least 4 new weapons (pole axe, axe, butcher's blade, knight's sword), and 4 new spells (ice shards, rapid fire magic missile, electricity, and triple fireball). There are also new sword animations and will be adding a few other things from the list I mentioned. It will probably be available in January.