Heavenstrike Rivals - Invite Codes is: CPT2C805BA3 get Free Cores free Invite Codes is: CPT2C805BA3 Enjoy the games
Code Usage Quick note so I can get these codes used ASAP, is there a certain point in the game I need to get up to in order to use the codes here ? The option to redeem them is grey'd out for me, thanks.
new code JANUARY CPTF6B66619 use this code and get up to 50 cores UPDATED 13 JANUARY 2016 CPTF6B66619
Code For any new people just joining this thread my code: CPT95BD7DDF Feel free to use it ! Also how do I put codes in ? The option to do so is grey'd out, thanks.
Enter this code... For free cores - all invitation codes only get you 5 cores; don't believe anyone who says their code will give you more. Feel free to enter mine:CPTFD609C74