Universal Heatos - Logic Puzzle about Temperatures/ Energy

Discussion in 'Upcoming iOS Games' started by sirnik, Oct 29, 2015.

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  1. sirnik

    sirnik Well-Known Member

    Dec 20, 2011

    my name is Sirnic, maybe you know me from my other puzzle game 'Atomas'.
    I've made a new one called Heatos, which is coming out next week.

    It's main rules are as follows:
    - You can mix two adjacent tiles to add up their Energy / Temperature
    - While you can't mix two cold (blue) tiles
    - You can move tiles on empty field but then they lose 1 energy
    - You win the game when you eliminate all cold tiles

    It sounds simple and it is for the first few levels, but as soon as you reach new tile types like stones, multipliers, shifters, bombs, police sirens and droppers things get more tricky.

    It's a challenging puzzle game that is simultaneously quite relaxing. Hope you like it :)


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