Universal Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft (by Blizzard)

Discussion in 'iPhone and iPad Games' started by killercow, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Forums are probably your best bet. Most people will be glad to help out. If you want a dedicated community then Hearthpwn is a good one, be aware though that a lot of what they say will seem like double dutch to a beginner. Also, the advice "learn all the cards" is good, but not easy, there are a lot of cards and v soon to be a lot more, I'd modify that advice and say just click to enlarge the cards you see whilst playing against people, these will tend to be the core or meta cards, certainly it'll trim down the amount you have to learn (I've been playing since Hearthstone started and still couldn't profess to know all the cards!).

    The other advice I would give is to play in ranked rather than casual, may seem odd but it will ensure you are put against people of a similar level, casual is a free for all and can be where a lot of good players will go to test decks out without risking their rank.

    Lastly, spend your gold on Arena rather than packs, it is 50 gold more for an entry but you'll get exposure to a lot more cards and because of the draft pick you will be playing a more "level" playing field, at the worst a pack has cost you 50 more, at best you can make a profit on each run (though in the spirit of honesty, do not expect to do well for quite some time, I still have never managed to make it to 12 wins) I think 3 wins is about the break even point.
  2. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    To be honest I have found that watching twitch.tv heartstone streamers are a great way to learn more. I was constantly ranked between 9-10 until I started watching streamers play and most of them will explain their logic behind the plays they do. That has helped me rethink things tremendously and since then I got to Rank 3 last season and I'm sitting at Rank 5 right now. To be fair I am not anywhere near a pro player but I try to learn anytime that I can.
  3. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Thanks for the insight, guys. Yes, I actually have StrifeCro's Twitch page open in my browser at home but I need to do a better job of actually watching! Anyone else on Twitch that you recommend?

    I'm not a newbie really but some of the shorthand they use on Twitch and Hearthpwn definitively goes over my head!
  4. Sojourn

    Sojourn Well-Known Member

    #1884 Sojourn, Aug 24, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2015
    Is anyone else having difficulty getting the game to work now that the new expansion is out? I was able to get the "It's been released!" message to pop up, but then none of the interface buttons were working except for the friends button in the bottom left. I restarted the game, and now it won't get past the loading screen. Thoughts? (I'm in an iPad)

    Edit: Checked their Twitter account, looks like the servers are struggling to keep up.
  5. grenadedodger

    grenadedodger Well-Known Member

    Jul 6, 2010
    Manchester, UK
    Yeah, waited for 3 weeks to open the 50 packs I bought and it now says a table should be open in about 21 minutes. I'm not overly surprised, yet still irritated.
  6. badmanj

    badmanj Well-Known Member

    Mar 16, 2009
    Software developer
    Reading, England
    Still no luck getting on, sadly. Been trying for about five hours now.

    They say they're aware of the issues and are trying to resolve but feels like they're just waiting for the problem to go away over time to be honest...
  7. ste86uk

    ste86uk Well-Known Member

    May 9, 2012
    Mine just loads the main screen and stays on that
  8. Fangbone

    Fangbone Well-Known Member

    Oct 30, 2012
    Michigan, USA
    21 packs opened - 0 legendaries
  9. Best75

    Best75 Well-Known Member

    Nov 3, 2012
    I opened 13 packs , I got Aviana from the packs.
  10. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    31, no legendaries. Sigh.
  11. houseofg

    houseofg Well-Known Member
    Patreon Bronze

    Oct 1, 2013
    Nice. I got her and a couple other legendary cards out of 60. She's definitely the legendary that interests me the most. May finally try a ramp druid. Gormok the Impaler and Bolf Ramshield were my other two which seem kind of meh. Plenty interesting epics too, but also way more bear traps, flame jugglers and others that led to a lot of dupes and dust.
  12. TotallyImba

    TotallyImba Well-Known Member

    Jan 14, 2010
    United Kingdom
    50 packs opened, 2 legendary, 1 golden epic, quite a few epics, golden rares and golden commons. Not to bad as I got the Shaman legendary which I plan to use.
  13. geno11233

    geno11233 Well-Known Member

    Nov 29, 2013
    Got a golden chillmaw and golden coldarra drake from the packs among other good cards :) I might have to make a dragonish deck

    A guy play a golden black knight against me.. It's not that good but it looked sooo badass. I was pretty jealous.
  14. Vovin

    Vovin 👮 Spam Police 🚓

    Nov 28, 2009

    Hm, I was lucky then.
    10 packs, 1 legendary, 2 epic, 11 rare, 2 gold (one epic).

    But is here anyone else not really impressed with the new expansion?
  15. smes3817

    smes3817 Well-Known Member

    Oct 15, 2009
    Massachusetts, USA
    So as someone who has been playing this game for less than a week and want to buy some packs to support the devs and strengthen my decks, should I buy a few from each expansion or focus all dollars on one type?
  16. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    I opened 100 packs and got 5 legendaries. KiranB I think opened 110 packs and got 11 hahaha lucky ducky.

    All that aside I made a shaman Totem deck that has gotten me to Rank 4!!!
  17. TheVimFuego

    TheVimFuego Well-Known Member

    Dec 7, 2014
    Check out Trump Teachings on YouTube. Trump is that rare combination of humble, educational, entertaining and just plain watchable.

    I like Kripp and StrifeCo too.

    As to what to get first, I'd recommend Goblins vs Gnomes, so much good stuff in there.

    Now, back to rocking Mech Mage ... :)
  18. aconfusedkender

    aconfusedkender Well-Known Member

    Sep 28, 2012
    Oil & Gas
    Kendermore, Ansalon
    As listed above Trump, Strifecro, Kripparian are all good to watch and very explanatory. I also like watching MaSSan, HotForm, and most of all Kibler!

    Kibler is a Hall of Fame Magic: The Gathering player and has a very impressive resume in card games. He even helped created SolForge on iOS! He is a very good watch and a very informative player!
  19. andysmash

    andysmash Well-Known Member

    Apr 6, 2011
    I dropped 7 ranks on the first day experimenting with decks (probably shouldn't have been playing Ranked, but #yolo). Then I made a Dragon Priest deck and I'm slaughtering my way back up. Maaaaaaaan, Dragon Priest is fun.

    Anyone having luck with Paladin Secret? I really want to have some fun with a horde of buffed Silver Hand Recruits.
  20. Fastbridge

    Fastbridge Well-Known Member

    Aug 20, 2009
    Service advisor for Honda
    NYC, New York. USA
    #1900 Fastbridge, Aug 26, 2015
    Last edited: Aug 26, 2015
    90 packs. 7 legendarys. 3 were gold ones. The inn keepers scream is priceless when you get a golden legendary. The gold ones were aviana, skylagg the pirate one which I disenchanted instantly and the Warriors 10 drop one was the other. The other 4 regular ones were all very good. Got lucky. Plus I already have a golden ysera, alexstrazza, ragnaros, black knight, sylvanas, hellscream, baron geddon and cairne bloodhoof and Harrison jones. I've gotten very lucky when opening packs. I have every card that I thing matters now and a lot are gold.

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