Yeah I'm hungry now! What's everyone doing about the packs now as well? What I mean is I think I have all of the common cards from GvG so now just working on getting rare and above, which is slow to say the least, not to mention legendaries (got one since GvG came out, Mogor the Ogre). I do like the new cards but I am still missing a load of staple cards from the original release (Blade Flurry for instance), so I don't know which way to go. Also I don't know if anyone can confirm, but, I think the pack you get after a arena run is determined by what pack type you have "selected" in the shop (certainly I got 2 x standard packs for the server maintenance and that is what was highlighted in the shop), can anyone confirm?
Does no one read my post ? The two packs is for EU player ONLY as compensation for their long server downtime last week.
Hmm. I thought you said everyone gets free enchiladas. I specifically remember you saying that and my memory never fails me.
Need some friends on Hearthstone. Been playing since beta. I play on NA and EU but my main account is on NA. Add me and gimme a message so i know you're from TA. Mintslap #1744
Pretty indifferent about the new skins. If they had offered a new hero power or some other in-game benefit to purchasers I'd have been put off, but as it stands they don't bother me at all. I won't be buying any, but they don't bother me.
I'm happy to have more options, although I would be happier if we could pay to unlock the ability to use our WoW characters as an avatar. (I know the game is HEROES of warcraft (as in notable characters from the lore), but judging from the quest text, our characters have become quite notable over the years. One thing I don't really like is that the paid avatars are already golden. I don't have a golden avatar in game yet, but I consider it to be a prestige reward that I look forward top having one day. I don't care about others being able to just buy into a golden avatar, or anything like that. I just like the idea that people will know I've hit that mark if 500 wins once I finally do. If I buy and use one of these avatars, then I wouldn't be able to show off that achievement. It's not a huge deal, by any means, but it's still something that makes me hesitant on the new avatars. I guess I'll just have to see when they actually arrive and make my judgement then.
I think it is a great idea. I mean I know there are more "pressing matters" at hand like more deck slots and whatnot but I'm not adverse to this type of exploitation. I have played League of Legends for many many years now and it's the same concept. You buy the skin if you like it or have the money to spend. If you don't have the means then don't buy it. There is no "tactical" advantage to skins in either game. They just look cooler I think NO matter what price Blizzard came out with there would be people bitching about it. This is the fickle nature of gamers nowadays sadly. It could've been .99 and people would have complained about having to pay at all. 4.99 would have been too much. 9.99 is an outrage to most people but they will drop that much on a pack of smokes and a drink, or on a trip to the fast food drive thru. Either way my point is that you don't HAVE to get it but you also DON'T HAVE to whine about it either. Enjoy the game and the new Tavern Brawl mode that is coming up with it. Looks like a blast!!
I don't see it either. Might have to break down and get the Druid one when it comes out or the warlock. Those are my two favorite classes. Excited about the Tavern Brawl though. That should be a blast!
So the tavern brawl mode is pretty fun. It seems to be easier to win with nefarion, but since you don't get to choose which boss to play, I guess a little imbalance can be forgiven, especially since these brawl scenarios are just a few days long. Is there any purpose to the win counter? To keep track of how many wins you've had, sure, but beyond that? It seems a bit pointless to have a win counter if it doesn't show out of how many games in total.
Maybe it won't reset and that's total wins, then they can do a reward system similar to leveling heroes. Get ten wins get this card.