So I just got this game and I'm a complete newbie. I was wondering which class I should pick or should I use all classes? Also I noticed I get a 2 second delay whenever I attack. Is anybody else experiencing this problem?
Forgot I started playing on my account months ago. Never played much tho. Only have defeated 3 classes in Practice Mode. That is about to change thanks to this universal update FINALLY hitting!
Id advise you to play through practice(ALL PRACTICE) before you decide who you like. Depends on your play style of course. Whatever you do new people. DONT GO TO PLAY AGAINST OTHER YET! It will only depress you and make you wanna rage because you don't have said legendaries and what not. Get familiar with ALL cards when you're able to better understand the mechanics and the gameplay. Go back a page I wrote something that might help might not (; Also add me Tasslehoff#1736 you can chat with me in game if you have questions. I'm on a bit
Anybody playing hearthstone right now and willing to let me spectate their match? Ill get a free pack! Add me, MookMonster, or give me your id and ill add you, thx!
Is there a way to keep this from crashing? I am totally new playing on a 4s, which I fear is why this is happening, but it's crashed twice now without getting through the first five matches. Runs fine really, only slightly stutters occasionally. But it heats up a wee bit and after more than about ten twenty min it crashed. Any solutions? Or is it a bug that could be fixed or is it cuz I have an old device? Need my taxes back... Lol
Could you guys please post high quality screenshots of Hearthstone running on different iPhone models? No pressure, you can play it whenever you can. Even you can play one game on the iPhone, then the next on a computer (Mac or PC)
Thanks, I had a really good run today in Play mode after reading the guide, and Im now motivated to get more into the game again!
Exactly what I was about to ask because I just played an entire arena thinking I might lose my entry. Great to hear, and thanks. SO happy to have this on my phone And I don't feel like it compromises much at all versus playing on my Mac, which I had just started doing in anticipation of this launch.
Question. So I just downloaded this game for iPhone today. I have played on iPad before. Is it just me, or when I use a command to attack or really anything there is a bit of a pause to the game? Sometimes after I cast a spell or play a card it won't register for maybe 5 seconds. Just wondering as its kinda annoying
Blizzard seriously missed the boat on this one, way way way too late of a release. I don't understand why couldn't they have done this a year ago when games with far lower budget like Shadow Era have no problem with multiple screen sizes. I sincerely hope they can at least beat Heroes Charge (which milks off Blizzard characters and game mechanisms) on the top grossing charts, but the golden window of opportunity already closed as Hearthstone is not even top 25 on iPad, forget about competing with the top freemium games on iPhone.
I'm sure Blizzard doesn't have any complaints about the financial success of Hearthstone. And considering the multi-platform nature of the game, Apple's Grossing charts don't begin to measure it's success. Plus, Top Grossing doesn't mean Top Quality, which is undeniably what Hearthstone is. In fact, hearthstone's so good, it makes Freemium a tolerable word.