90 seconds? Bah, check out this guy... http://hydra-media.cursecdn.com/hearthstone.gamepedia.com/d/da/Nozdormu%28285%29.png
No problem but I just caught an error in my explanation. While you can have up to 3 quests held simultaneously, and are free to complete all 3 in a single day, the quests are only added back at 1 a day. In addition to the quests you can earn 10 gold every 3 games won vs. random opponents online (beating up AI pr friends doesn't count) to a maximum of 30 gold this way per day. Put this all togther and, if willing to really spend some time at it, you can earn 100 gold (enough for a booster) every 2-3 days.
Not sure what you mean here. You cannot save missions, 3 stored at one time is your maximum and you get one more per day (as long as you have a free mission "slot"). If you mean gold then you can save as much as you want. Booster packs of 5 cards are 100 gold. However, I would advise you to not buy boosters but save up 150 gold and buy an arena ticket. You get a pack anyway and you also get experience and a chance to play with cards you won't have yet. Additionally if you do get a good run you can make quite a bit of gold.
It's a pretty level way of playing. You draft your deck of 30 out of random choices (choose one of 3 cards 30 times). You then have 3 "lives", once you have lost 3 times then you are out and you claim your reward. You always get a pack as minimum, and either some crafting dust, or gold, or cards etc. the more wins you have, the more you win. There is admittedly a large element of luck in the draft, but there are many websites that will help with this and let you know what is a good arena card and what are bad ones. Don't expect to get all the way to 12 wins for a while, but you will learn fast and get better and it shouldn't be too long until you are at minimum getting a few wins and the gold you get means the pack costs the same as buying one from the shop. Additionally, everything you do in the arena counts towards missions etc (apart from the 10 gold for 3 wins).
Anyone having trouble drafting in the Arena Mode here is a website that has helped me with drafting the "right" picks. Note: Just because you draft the best of the 3 cards everytime DOES NOT GAURANTEE a win at all. There is a lot more that goes into it such as mana curve, card synergies, combos (if applicable), etc...There is a skill level as well as a RNG or luck factor in it. I have been playing since beta and have only gotten 12 wins in the arena 1 time. I've had a few 7-9 wins but mostly fall short of 7. I am not a pro player but I do like to play, and as a huge fan of MTG back in the day, I feel that I had a slight advantage deck building...not always the case best advice I can give you is KNOW YOUR CARDS. As many as you can. Click crafting and scroll through the list so you can see what there is out there and it will help you vastly while you try to think of what your opponents can play against you. Ex. turn 4 against a Paladin they will Concecrate your ass if you have a board full of 2 health minions, Turn 5 Priest will Holy Nova your ass if you have a board full of 2 health minions, Turn 7 Mage they will Flamestrike your ass if you have a board full of 4 health minions. There are wipes for every class so just be aware of what you have on the board and what you can do in your hand if you do get your board wiped. If you went all Leeroy Jenkins and played out your hand and they wipe the board they will begin to control the board and you lose 90-95% of the time after that especially late game. Also don't get frustrated at this game all in all it's JUST A GAME! You win some and you will lose some <~~~more at the start than later. Either way check this out and hope it helps. http://www.icy-veins.com/hearthstone/arena-priest-tier-lists-blackrock-mountain Just click on link and each class is on the right click on whichever you want and it helps to get a general idea. You don't have to listen to it of course but it helped me in the beginning. I advise everyone to read the arena guide if you're new to it. Good info to help
To anyone who didn't receive your free card pack - you need to play one game (or one match) on your iPhone. Even practice mode works. Add me: horizoniki#2698