Mill Rogue is officially the most unfun deck to play against. It's so much worse than Face Cancer (hunter). And it's only been a thing for a couple of days. Blizzard should make a patch that makes that deck only go against another Mill Rogue.
Looks like the mobile version is right around the corner. Latest datamined patch info contains several new textures for the mobile version. Source:
Does quest "Win 2 games with Paladin or Warrior" mean that I must choose Paladin/Warrior and win 2 games to take this quest?
Yeah pretty much. You complete the quest if you win 2 matches with either one. Also if you don't like the quest you can click the little cross in the top right of the box and it will give you another random one (though you can only do this once a day)
I've never played this, but I liked MTG on pc years ago Is this similar but set in the WoW universe? I was a WoW player on pc for years, so know the art style and lore a little
As far as I can tell, just the 3. Basically the game presents you with 3 quests, you're free to reroll 1 each day, but then you are stuck with those 3. Once completed there will just be an empty space until the next day's quests are revealed (not sure if it is literally midnight, the start of the next day in your time zone, or just some arbitrary time the Blizzard crew reset all of the quests from their own servers).
I'm just wondering if a person plays mostly offline (I know it requires an Internet connection, I'm referring to playing primarily AI) is there a whole lot to do? Or is it pretty much vs people only?
Drastically simplified, but yes, a derivative of the MtG paradigm. It draws off the Warcraft lore and is set in Azeroth, and is probably a nice revisit for those who have positive connotations to this most bloated and incoherent of high fantasy settings. Hearthstone has no instant effects/interrupts and is devoid of the whole timing, countering and response subgame (though in their place is a nifty little Secrets mechanism, where hidden cards are triggered by conditions), there is a primary focus on summons and direct damage effects, card synergies are simpler to affect and require fewer cards to be used to great effect, mana is drawn from a pool that grows at a constant rate per turn, there is no tap mechanic, deck building requires fewer considerations, phases are simplified, and as a general rule, any given card or effect will be simpler in nature than any MtG equivalents. The results is a CCG where much of the tactical depth, variety, width and possibilities for unexpected synergy and creative deck building of MtG is stripped away. You will not be countering and millstoning and palinchronin' and keeping perfect terror control and bouncing spells between targets and keeping perfect tabs of your opponents hand and discarding all their most potent spells and ensuring you always have the perfect hand through card draw and search effects and swelling your initially innocent thallid army to obscene dimensions only to sacrifice half of it to bizarre effects and summoning five critters with haste, buff them, attack, untap them, use their abilities, and then sacrifice them to an ongoing enchantment in order to clear the opponent’s board and inflict 90% of her life in damage all in a single turn, or have the previous happen to you only for you to turn the whole game around with a combo you have been carefully building in your hand for 10 turns, or any of the thousands of other intricate, unexpected, extremely demanding and sometimes unhinged possibilities that MtG offers. But this is replaced by something very accessible, quick and streamlined, a perfect CCG on the go and on the run, for those without previous love of the genre, or for those who wish to bypass much of the complexity and requirements of a classic TCG. As a TCG buff, I find it hard to settle into Hearthstone's rhytm and mechanical focus, but it is a superb casual CCG, super-polished, extremely player-friendly, and distilled down to basic principles available to almost anyone.
The AI is pretty godawful, and there's not a whole lot to them, basically you have nine normal Ai, and nine expert. Expert might seem tough at first, but after a while, you realize that they aren't even that difficult. I can only recommend hearthstone if you plan to play online, honestly.
You can't boot the game up with an internet connection. And in terms of AI, no, there's nothing worth doing in this game if you don't want to play a real person. Don't even bother if you only want to play AI.
While I agree with your last 2 replies for the most part (other than a few early milestones, you can't even earn gold playing AI, almost all quests require you to play against random online opponents to fulfill them), one can't completely dimiss the 2 solo expansions/campaigns for the game. These 2 solo campaigns have you fighting against over the top AI bosses (insane class powers and extremely potent cards) who will usually, beyond simply being played by suboptimal AI, have their own Achilles' Heel you'll need to build a deck specifically to exploit. While I enjoy the unique challeges presented and cards these campaigns unlock, you'd be looking at paying upto $45 for a few days entertainment to gain some nifty cards you'll have little use for if not playing online.