I bought the entire previous expansion on each release day with only earned gold. Proud of that! Hope I can do it again.
I've got zero! With Naxx I started saving when they announced it and I always had enough gold to buy the next episode until the last episode, which took me an additional week.
I've spent just under $200.00 on hearthstone. That's more than I ever thought I would spend on a free game. I play so much Hearthstone that I don't have time play other games. Like say AAA titles that cost $59.99. If you figure that I used to buy about one AAA title per month, then Hearthstone is actually saving me money. Thank you, Blizzard! BTW, I will buy the next adventure with real money on day one. Gold=Cards=Dust=Legendaries and Epics. I wonder what the OP card in the next adventure will be. I'm convinced that Undertaker in its original form was intended to be an incentive to buy the Naxxramas adventure. Lightning may strike twice.
I don't know why you would want to restart. There is absolutely nothing to gain by doing that. If anything you stand to lose the small amount of gold and XP that you might have accumulated.
Buying BRM definitely has advantages this time around (vs. spending gold to unlock wings), the biggest being the pre-order card-back which isn't attainable otherwise. The new legendary unveiled at PAX so far is very underwhelming... I think it was a 8/4 with a battle cry to destroy any other Legendary on the board if you're holding a dragon in-hand. Very vulnerable to swipe, frostbolt+ping, hellfire/darkbomb+mortal coil, a lucky Implosion or so many other removal spells. Naxxramas was worth the price of admission for Loatheb itself... He's an auto-include in 95% of decks ranging from Aggro Mech Mages to any and all Control Decks. Haunted creeper is a fantastic sticky-minion, Shade is deadly without an early AOE board clear like Hellfire or Flamestrike, and Sludge Belcher is just a pain to deal with in any deck. Blizzard has definitely put themselves on a pedestal of high expectations and I hope they don't disappoint with their second adventure
One thing I've learned from the GvG previews is that you can't judge a card until you've put it in various decks and driven it around the block a few times. IMO, the ability to take out an enemy legendary sounds like an interesting mechanic. Possibly even meta changing.
What decks do you guys truly enjoy playing the most in this meta? I never would have thought my answer would be "Rogue" since I hated the Leeroy/Shadowstep Miracle build in the past, but I absolutely ADORE Oil Rogue and all its' mechanics to the core. The deck simply feels very sophisticated to play, and presents many different choices each turn on how to keep board control and when to hold your cards out till the burst. I used to enjoy playing Zoo / Mech Mage a while ago but neither give me the satisfaction that Oil Rogue does in this meta. How about you guys?
Best play ever... seriously ;O https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vEekbXepIa0 For anyone who can't afford Dr. Boom https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7PJRj6MINw
I agree. Oil Rogue is super fun. After clearing a quest I usually reward myself with some Oil Rogue. I also really enjoy playing a deck that I created. I call it HobHandLock (it needs a better name, I know). It's a hybrid of your classic handlock and the hobgoblin.
Adventure? Does anyone know when the new adventure is available for presale? I thought I saw somewhere it was today but didn't see it this morning. Thanks
New adventure time! For those who still care, it's an update through the app store and then it's available for purchase in the HS store albeit this is for PRE ORDER ONLY Enjoy
Anyone else hyped for BRM? All cards were revealed yesterday... some look absolutely INSANE (Emperor Thaurissan... i'm looking at you)!
I'm pretty worry about Emperor Thaurissan. He just seem so broken to me. All of the burst combo deck that run him will be a pain to deal with.