For those of you more experienced, how do you decide which hero or few heroes to concentrate on? I mainly play mage still and like mage, I like priest too but it is a pain when you buff chsrachters and then they are just gone with 1 spell. Also have enjoyed Druid and Rogue but can't decide who to focus on. I didn't really enjoy the warrior play style and wasn't keen on shaman overdrive cards.
^ LOL... I hate the overload mechanics with a passion that i've never made a shaman deck after the initial to unlock their basic cards. Mech Mage is a beast right now. Very consistent, and still sports the overpowered Unstable Portal. GvG gave her access to Snowchugger which is key to defeating Warrior (most especially control), and is decent against another deck as well. With Flamecannons, Frostbolts, and Duplicates together with the new mech line, Mech Mage has the early aggro strategy backed up by either making way for your minions to plow through or face casting spells for some kill reach. Plus, it's pretty cheap to make if you have a decent amount of GvG packs opened, most especially if you have saved gold for the expansion. Pretty fun to play too
Touch Arcade forums' Game of the Year 2014 Candidate Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft was successfully nominated for voting in the Touch Arcade forums' Game of the Year 2014 poll; voting will occur over the next 7 days (through January 7). Developers are asked not to vote for their own game or recruit votes outside of Touch Arcade.
Been playing this daily since I got my iPad and even have my fiancée playing as she was interested watching me. Still could use so many better cards though as I am always coming up against people with many legendaries while I only have one from Nax. Also are there any good ways around the Lord Jaxuus card? Really irritating when I get a warlock to 1 health and they use that.
Silly rabbit. I personally love the Shaman more than ever right now in the current meta. I've outpaced the fastest Zoo decks, and outlasted the heaviest Warrior decks with the various options the Shaman has to remove threats + populate the board. Lightning bolt and Rockbiter for early game threats, Crackle for cheap midrange removal, Earth Shock to cripple taunt minions and 2x Lightning Storm for mass murder Paces the way very well for 6 and 7 drops - Fire Elementals, Piloted Sky Golems and Nep/Al'Akir. Neptulon is down-right AMAZING and is a welcome addition in any Shaman deck alongside Al'Akir. My hardest matchups with the deck I run are Handlock and Control Paladin. Priests are 50/50. You should give Shamans a try again; the Overload mechanism isn't good enough reason to give up on the class at all, trust me
'Sacrificial Pact' (which can kill any Demon) will kill Lord Jaraxxus and you instantly win the game, since Jaraxxus is a demon. Problem is that you won't encounter Jaraxxus or demons every game, so the card then becomes less useful.
I do respect the shaman decks and nowhere in my post did i degrade the shaman. It's just that i hate the mana management that overload brings to the table. What i like about the shamans is the versatility of each of their decks that provide utility, speed and aoe. Shamans just arent my class in hearthstone. I do have al akir though, but im not dusting him in case shamans become meta-dominant. Right now im really enjoying playing with an aggro paladin deck. A bit slower than zoo or huntard generally, but they got tricks and combos that can keep up with them and eventually overtake them. My general problem with hearthstone in general is not having time to play the game much because of its online nature. Im usually online, but i also move in and out of the house regularly and that kills my hearthstone sessions easily.
How do you all decide what hero to play? I just keep playing different ones rather than focusing on one to build up because I can't decide. I think I've narrowed it down to Mage, Rouge and Priest. But I do kind of like hunter and shaman but I'm not keen on the overdrive with Shaman.
I've been playing Colma's tempo warrior and secret mage, both are loads of fun. Colma has a youtube channel if you want to find the deck list.
Does anyone know when the iPhone version is supposed to be released? Thought it was supposed to be about now. Got back into this recently, loving the new cards, seem to be a much greater variety of decks now which is nice.
Supposedly 1st quarter. Ill probably do a backflip when they announce it. Would anyone hate the idea of async being an option for the phone version?? If it's even possible
Undertaker is going to get a nerf in the next patch. Death rattle minions will only increase its attack by 1. This is good.
Yeah. The upcoming undertaker nerf is going to hit rush decks, most significantly Huntard decks. No way you can buff it to unmanageable levels. At least he's easily killable now.
This is much needed! I will play hearthstone quite a bit while testing and cant stand those decks. The other night I ran up against like 3 hunter undertaker decks around rank 12. I think I got very lucky and won 1.
It would be easier to kill though, which means traditional minion trading will slow the undertaker decks down now. This also means Undertaker is easily killable with AOE damage now. Consecration, blizzard, explosive trap, etc will now be effective even if the undertaker has been pumped a few times already. The problem with the undertaker is that when you get an answer for it, it may not be effective anymore coz his health may have surpassed your AOE or the attack of your board threats.
Hunters have unfortunately always found ways to remain 'cancer', no matter what the meta is or no matter what nerfs have hit in the past I've been loving Priests more than ever over the past month, and Paladins have switched from a slow, turtle-class to a more formidable mid-range threat with the addition of Shielded Minibot / Quartermaster / Muster for Arms. Very fun Exact - if you're up for some games, lay out your ID and i'll add you (I don't remember mine off hand, and i'm at work right now). (I assume you play on the US server)?
So how do I get this new card back? I've just downloaded the update, but I achieved rank 20 back in January. Should I still get it or am I too late? What's the point of releasing a January bonus on the 29th?